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Posts posted by Karmadhi

  1. 9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Hippies qualify as woke. It just not commonly applied to them because woke is a new term and hippie is an old term so they are from different cultural generations.

    But when a hippe says "love one another and world peace", right-wingers would consider that woke.

    Where I live people link wokeness with lgbt, trans people, hardcore feminism, gender neutrality, identifying as animals, choosing not to have childreen, white shaming etc. So with the excesses of stage green. I consider myself mostly green but people I notice tend to associate wokeness with those hardcore green people, not moderate greens like people on this forum. 

    So even though wokeness would be considered in principle stage green, people associate wokeness with TOXIC green rather than green in itself.

    Especially those that love to demonize it.

    I wonder how we can stop allocating all green with only toxic green.

  2. 1 hour ago, Vrubel said:

    Don't you have some hardcore spiritual energy that women sense and fall for, Rasputin style? 

    I have a friend who is very spiritual, also fan of Leo. He has this thing he calls presence or awarness where if you lock eyes with him you basically "get lost in them", time freezes and you feel this weird sensation which I do not know how to properly describe in words. I had the same sensation but 100x stronger under magic truffles. I am a straight guy but even still that charms me. I can only imagine being a girl what it must be like.

    And he is normal looking guy. It is pure awareness and spiritual magic he does.

    I can replicate it to a smaller extent with certain people I have chemistry with (gay guys or girls) but it is not as in command or as strong as he has it.

    I think it is a trainable skill. Basically being present in the moment and using ur energy.

    Out of all the people that do daygame he has arguably the highest conversation ratio I have ever seen. It is rare for him to be blown out and usually a conversations ends with a number or at least a good 5-10 minute talk. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Owen is a worldclass bullshitter. Owen does not get many girls. He struggles to get them. Because of his looks.

    I dont think he looks as bad as people make him. Especially on his early days. He looks super normal to me. Neither good nor bad.

    You have PUAs like Tom Torrero for example which look worse. 

    5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    You can deny this all you want but in the end it's the truth.

    I dont think people deny good genetics matter. However, also most peope do not want to be this sex god that can fuck 10/10 in large quantities. Most people want a decent looking kind loyal girl. And you can get someone like that with average or even bit below average looks. If you are obese and smell like shit, well that is on you. I doubt most males in this forum are looking to have 250 laycount full of models or a harem with 8 girls.

    Issue we have with men these days is that they struggle to get girls in general, not struggle to get models in huge quantities.

    "I cannot get a decent girl because I do not look like a Chad"  or "I cannot get a girl more physically attractive than myself" is a far more common belief these days which game can help to fix. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Alexop said:

    How would you guys describe "good" genetics?

    Logically it would be anything related to physical capability. So being tall, wide shoulders etc. Also things related to high testosterone.

    I think strong jawline is linked with it which is why girls like it. Also it shows you have low body fat which also is related with physical capability. Hard to run and stuff if you are fat. 



  5. 12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    You proved my point.

    I dont think most guys would say that looks do not matter. It is quite obvious they do matter and they do help. You have also admitted this in the past, so I do not see you changing your opinion much on this matter.

    Now, how MUCH they matter is up for debate. But saying they are irrelevant and only game matters is just silly.

    However I do strongly believe that taking care of yourself helps a lot with it. Also I noticed that for most girls, looks can be quite subjective. I am always baffled by how subjective they are. 

    Also game is more important than looks from what I have observed. The biggest thing with game is that you need to be quite active about it and most guys are lazy and they want girls to do all the work for them.

  6. 2 hours ago, Nivsch said:

    An exercise question: would you react the same if Portugal murdered 1500 spanish people and Spain in response would act similarly to Israel (which is very likely)?

    Yes I would. Especially if Portugal had oppressed and murdered the Spanish for decades beforehand. Even without that background I still would. Genocide on live tv will always get that response. Israelis  are not immune to it.

    I do not think they would act the same way. I have never seen this amount of hatred and desire to make others suffer in my life. Both sides here have hatred which is unseen anywhere else in the world. Armenia and Azerbajan come close but this is far worse. When USA was hit on 9/11 did the public support genocide and starving millions of kids? I don't think so. And that was in 2001. Few days ago one of your lovely ministers made a speech where she felt proud about Gaza being destroyed. I never saw any such speech from a US minister. 

  7. 14 hours ago, Heaven said:

    For your own sanity, you should do something else rather then talking shit about Israel.

    3 others just posted here calling out their atrocities.

    If I stop the criticism will not stop.

    I will just post this here and stop posting on this thread. You are right, it is a waste of time at this point.

    This is my last post on this thread. I found this randomly on Tik Tok.


    @Nivsch @Heaven @Vrubel This is the type of commentary I would have expected from Israelis on this forum. Being able to put themselves in the other person shoes and empathizing with the other rather than just continuing the violence. Watch it and reflect on yourselves. As long as Israelis do not think like this, the conflict will never end.

    And to think the Israeli on the clip actually had family members affected by Hamas rockets. Insane maturity from hil.


  8. 30 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    You are conspiring whatever you want out of your hat 🪄

    Yeah well seeing every day dozens of dead/horribly injured kids, footage of civilians being bombed with missiles, snipers killing people trying to get food, ambulances bombed, hospitals without supplies full of people screaming from pain and soldiers proudly taking selfies with hand tied blindfolded people or destroyed buildings does not help much with that.

    And this has been going on for 4 months now.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    The US should not dominate anyone. If Russia and China don't want democracy, let them not have it.

    In real life they do though (USA dominating people). Especially in the Middle East these days. In the past they were heavily involved in Latin and South America and South east Asia. I have seen they were heavily involved in the Arab spring and I have yet to meet someone from there that says their countries are better now then they were before. 

    I heard of this case in Tunisia where they wanted a military base there and when the old Tunisian leader said no, few months after out of the blue "democracy, repression etc" started appearing and then the regime was overthrown. So it was somewhat provoked by the USA probably. Of course people had also frustrations but I am not sure it would have happened without the US. Also I heard US was encouraging the military there to open fire on protestors to spark a proper revolution but they refused. However there is no concrete proof for this, just rumors. To me all this is devilry.

    That is why I am critical of them.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    The problem is that corrupt actors want to call democracy and human rights an oppressive monopoly.

    It's the worst kind of gaslighting.

    Thing is you have 1 democratic superpower which is the USA. Thats it. The EU tends to follow USA for the most part so I cannot call them an independent actor with a different agenda. I know because I live in the EU. For example, the country I reside has openly called out Israel atrocities (but they are too small and weak to matter) yet EU as a whole still supports it financially. And the EU is too divided to have a universal foreign policy and rules. So when it comes to democracies they still fall on the USA monopoly. Can you name me some powerful democracy that has openly went against USA in the past that has also a strong capabe army?

    Most huge economies  with big armies are not democratic if you exclude the US. 

    I would have loved if countries like Germany or the UK had superpower status and created a multipolar world but they tend to be USA lap dogs for the most part.

    Hence, countries like China or Russia have to fill up the multipolar role.

    The question that I would like to bring up here is: Will 1 democratic monopoly dominating the world (USA) will lead to less or more devilry than a multipolar world where the other actors are not democracies (China Russia). 


  11. On 21/02/2024 at 4:33 AM, Leo Gura said:

    ronically, there is no multipolarity allowed inside Russia. Only the Putin pole. Hence the bullshit of Duginism.

    I meant in the world, not in Russia.

    The point is I think that the West and especially USA should not dictate alone the rest what to do.

    If a country does not want an American base on their territory they have other places to run to to get protection or economic alliances.

    For example currently Russia and China are supporting Palestine while USA is supporting Israel s genocide in Gaza.

    So in this case a multipolar world could have put more pressure on Israel.

    Then when Russia or China do their own devilry, USA can put pressure on them like they do for Ukraine.

    I dont know if this system would work but this is what I had in mind.

    Monopolies are always bad I think.

    What happens internally is up for the countries to decide. Russians and Chinese tend to like their dictatorship governments and historically they have never been democracies. Being huge countries in territory in Russia s case of in population in China s case dont help. So if the people are happy and their leaders have immense support then so be it. We have seen countless times overthrowing dictators by international intervation does not work and just leads to anarchy, civil war and chaos.  They should be overthrown by their people for true democracy to emerge. Until that happens this is what we get.

  12. I think it would have been a good idea for Tucker to do the interview online.

    It is not as authentic, sure but it would have allowed him to press Putin far harder without fearing for his life.

    Even Putin said, he was expecting harder questions. 

    Considering his reputation, I am not suprised Tucker was so soft on him.

    Perhaps online interview would have allowed him to have way less fear of him.

    What you guys think?

  13. 2 hours ago, Nivsch said:

    You have to site accurately. She said "... what the Jews did, that their families have been murdered, that have been raped and their civilians were kidnapped".

    Can you see the trauma and difficult emotions behind Israeli public speakers talks, or that you only capable too see them as "bad" or "rude"?

    How would you react if only 12 people in your village were murdered and kidnapped?

    If the people doing the killings have not been personally affected it does not justify atrocities. The reason I am more lineant towards Hamas atrocities is because they have been personally affected by Israel bombings. Most of those that did the atrocities were orphans or people that lost family. The people that keep killing kids in Gaza, did they also loose family members like that? If they did then I can understand it. If not, unacceptable.

    2 hours ago, Nivsch said:

    Do you think you would not react militantly?

    Military reaction and genocide are different things you know. That is like saying: "Hamas is doing resistance".

    You will rightfully say: "That is not resistance, its just massacring civilians".

    Well same here: This is not self defense, it is massacring civilians on a 30x larger scale.

    Two wrongs dont make a right.

    Also, if you say "a military response is needed when you are attacked", by that logic alone Hamas should have attacked Isarel considering all the attacks Israel did beforehand. You Israelis ignore that in 2014 for example close to 2000 civilians in Gaza were killed, 500 childreen meanwhile Israel lost like no civilians.

    That was in 2014. Now those orphans grow up and make it their life mission to wipe you out.

    Have you ever tried to put yourself in the shoes of people in Gaza? Look at the wars between Israel and Gaza since 2006 and the ridiculous amount of civilians Israel killed compared to their looses. 

    Cant you realize that when you kill someone's family they will basically become a monster that wants to wipe you out? 

    Unfortunately that is most humans. It is what it is.

    Why you think Hamas is so brutal?

  14. 2 hours ago, Azote said:

    he was the last one with enough political weight to represent an alternative to putin

    Russians love Putin so he is not going away anytime soon as much as the West wishes to see that.

    The world should get used to having multipolarity instead of 1 party dominating everything.

    I do not like Putin methods but to me he seems quite competent and patriotic so perhaps he is the best Russia has to offer at the moment.

    His successor hopefully will be more democratic and less harsh.

  15. Can someone please explain to me why is this on all news and such a big deal?

    I thought it was long time established fact that Putin kills journalists and political opponents.

    He has done it many times before.

    Was this guy super important or special or something?

    Or is just that media hates Putin so all he does get 10x the attention.

    I remember when Kim Jong Un purged like half his staff and it was barely on the news.

    It is not like Putin is not a dictator himself.

    I am just asking here by the way.

  16. 14 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    Also, everything your mind touches gets mushed into your narrow narrative so why should I even bother?

    You were lastly praising me over "correct analysis or toxic green", now you criticize me again :( 

    14 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    The Middle Eastern Jews were kicked out by the Arabs and lived in refugee camps before being absorbed and fully integrated into Israeli society.

    I saw this happened after Israel was founded as response to the Nakba. Or are you referring about previous stuff?

    14 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    Israel is the motherland and old country. There is no second Israel. That's why Israelis are so motivated and uncompromising in the defense of their land that they genuinely and deeply love.

    When was the last time Jews dominated the land? Stuff from thousands of years ago is irrelevant. Lets say in 1800s until 1930s. Who dominated the land in terms of population? If it was Jews then sure. Otherwise, it can be a problem. Usually whoever dominates the land tends to have the rights to it. By Jews I am talking Arab Jews too.

    Also you may speak like this but many politicals including Bennet say that Israel is their "holy land" and basically make it about religion. And I think in 2024 religion is a stupid argument on why X people should be in Y place.

    14 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    Do the Palestinians have the right to their land? absolutely, simply because they live there. But did they also start wars that made them lose out on more of the land: Absolutely. 

    I think declaring war on Israel was wrong. But also Israel atrocities and ethnic cleansing during the war was also wrong. So it is messy. From what I saw their motivation was that Jews which were a minority were given too much land and too good land. Also the whole Jerusalem issue.

    Dont forget that many Palestinians took Jewish refugees that Europe did not want so that is also something. I read reports of families taking in Jews only for those Jews to kick them out later. Bitting the hand that feeds you kind of stuff. I do not know how common it was. 

    I just saw it on some places so I cannot verify if it is propaganda or not so please do not start accusing me again.

    14 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    Jews are native to the land. As opposed to Palestinians, Jews actually held sovereignty in the land before being kicked out after the 'Great Jewish Revolt' into the Diaspora and coming back 2000 years later. But even all the historical knowledge aside (so you won't accuse me of using Putin tactics, though I am being 100% truthful). There are two truths side by side: The Palestinians have the right to the land and so do the Jews. For different but equally legitimate reasons. 

    It is not that I do not believe you. It is just that to me, what happened 2000 years ago is irrelevant now. By that logic the whole world map should change since humans move all the time. Also it is not that I am against an Israeli state in general but to me it should be a fair split. 50/50 or something for the land with Jerusalem being a neutral place. Not this crazy 90/10 split which we have now.

    14 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    Cut your losses and make peace.

    Easy to say when you are in the winning end. When your house gets stolen from you it is hard to be so rational.

    Also if Israel gives Palestinians equal rights I think it would be easier for them to do so.

    You are acting as there was a change of management only when there is also tons of oppression.

    And these are not my words but of international organizations. So I think they know better than me or you.

    14 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    Like-wise I think Jewish settlers can also take comfort in simply living on their biblical heartland even though it might fall under Palestinian sovereignty under any future peace deal.

    Sure, they can live like foreigns and then become Palestinians if they want. Same way someone from Morocco goes to France then becomes a french citizen after some years. 

    14 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    Palestinians can take comfort in that Arabs still live in Israel and partake in the democratic system.

    Issue is that many organizations claim Israel misstreats them, is an apartheid and racist place. I know people that went there and told me this but when international organizations say so I think it is telling a lot. Unless Israel fixes this it will not be solved this issue.

    Also many Israeli intellectuals like Yuan Havari have said similar stuff. I can find sources if you want.

    So this need to be sorted out.

  17. 17 hours ago, Nivsch said:

    Seems like you can invent anything at this point

    Actually Israel is the one inventing things like 40 beheaded babies. When I speak I talk about actual footage and reports from credible international organizations not individual countries. If you trust Israel government which are proven liars more than WHO, UN, Amnesty International etc then it says more about you then me.

  18. 4 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    Ignorant and irrelevant. 

    An explanation would be appreciated. You really Jewish culture is better than Muslim culture? Same shit to me to be honest. Culture is culture.

    Having preferences is one thing but I can sense you see Jews as superior which is indeed a big problem. All humans have equal value.

    4 hours ago, Vrubel said:

    "Wait... Israelis are actually very respectable people with the legitimate and deep human right to live on their land and defend it from those that want to harm them as the potential for barbarity of their enemies is so great

    Most Palestinians are also respectable people but they are blamed as terrorists. So it goes both ways.

    Also you keep ignoring the fact that Israel is seen as a colonialist entity.

    You say it here: "Their land". According to liberals it is NOT their land. It is STOLEN land. Land STOLEN by EUROPEANS.

    I need to use caps because you keep ignoring this. From a liberal perspective they see white people from USA and Europe , going in and taking the land of Arabs which are obviously from that area. So they will think "Theft, colonialism, white supremacy" etc etc.

    Now my question is, why is this argument not true? Personally I am unsure whether Israel is indeed colonialism, Jews may have originated from there thousands of years ago then migrated and merged with other ethnicities. 

    But to me it is a bullshit logic that people go and kick off those that lived there for so long because 5000 years ago perhaps they were from there.

    It is similar to Putin logic that Ukraine is not a real country because at 900 AD they were 1 entitity. 

    So my question is: Why should Jews in order to feel safe, kick out others. Why this zero sum logic? Sure, Jews now have a homeland and are "safe" but at the expense of others. Is this really acceptable? Why didnt they get the homeland they deserve somewhere where they were indeed wanted. 


  19. 2 hours ago, Nivsch said:

    To rape and then murder, to burn babies and to kill your own (PLO) people and hang your people on electric polls is indeed a freedom fighting. 

    Like IDF is any better. There are now every day reports and cases of similar things being done by the IDF. Rape, torture, murder etc.

    If you think IDF is any less bloodthirsty and vengeful than Hamas at the moment you need some research to do.

    The evidence is there if you search for it.