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Posts posted by no_name

  1. I had a very strong DejaVu today. I had a conversation with a coworker today, which I remember already having with this same coworker about this same topic, word by word, in a dream or elsewhere. The only difference is that I replied to him differently as I couldn’t remember what my initial response was.

    I usually get more DejaVu’s if I am tired/haven’t had much sleep.

    Is there any explanation of DejaVus in spirituality? 

  2. 14 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

     Taking Ayahuasca alone is a bad idea.  I have been to a lot of ceremonies and have seen many purges and how extreme it can get.   Even a trip sitter is not going to know what to do if you freak out.  You want a real healer who knows what to do and how to process the experience.  The goal is to be healed, not retraumatized.

    Since you have been to a lot of ceremonies, would you recommend it to a newbie? Also, have you been to any ceremonies in North America? Are they safe? Is it possible to ask them for a micro dose? 

  3. 20 minutes ago, Vincent S said:

    Ultimately, Everything is Imaginary. That is kinda the toughest pill to swallow (IMO) and its not a one time thing, where we swallow it and it's done forever. It's just tied in with Change and Transformation (changing form, identity, patterns and programmings)

    Yes and when we realize that our problems were precisely imaginary and just our fear of change; we kind of feel like idiots, and blame ourselves for not being able to see this before. But its important not to stay stuck there, just to see it as growth and a learning process, and pick yourself up and keep going. Similarly how a kid learns to walk, it will rise up and fall many times. Hurts its knees and cry of the pain. But at some point it will click and the kid will know how its done.

    But this state and realization can be achieved in other ways. Like meditation + visualization. I think meditation is a lot safer too. DMT can be addictive, and I don’t think it’s good to depend on something external like this, like a crutch. Plus I wouldn’t even know where to find DMT in my city. Do people who are truly enlightened/at peace use regular psychedelics to achieve this state? Like Sadghuru? 

  4. @Carl-Richard I feel that if it only lasts a few hours at most, I will easily forget this. I’ve had some profound moments in life where I thought “this is it, life is changed forever”, but nope, a few days if not hours after I would forget this and go back to my usual self. Unless a trip lasts a month or more I don’t think it will have profound effects.

  5. @Vincent S won’t all these realizations be temporary though? The moment the trip ends, wouldn’t you come back to your normal self?

    The reason why negative thinking occurs is because that is what you are used to, so they say in order to stop the negative thinking, you have to replace it with positive thinking and do it until you become used to that and reprogram yourself. 

    So technically, if you are consistently are trying to actively visualize love, being fearless, reasoning out with yourself how problems are imaginary, shouldn’t that achieve the same result, and also, long lasting? 

  6. How do I know whether my obsession of what people think about me is too much? I just accidentally added someone on Facebook whom I don’t like very much, and had some drama with in the past, and cancelled the request right away. Then I ended up obsessing and worrying about it for 2-3 hours, crying and thinking about how my life sucks, how stupid and worthless I am to have been stalking their fb, etc. 

    Anyone here who absolutely doesn’t care about what people think about them? Who purely lives life for themselves and their own enjoyment? How did you get to this point? 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Lise said:

    Yeah, but is it really working to just ban them from everything? What does it do to achieve the goals of getting them to a more democratic place? In a region my country (Svalbard) they also decided to not support russian businesses. I don't know the details of this, but I feel really uncomfortable if a russian family business is just boycotted because they are russians.

    The alternative to boycotting Russia is to bomb Russia. Boycotting Russian business is a peaceful way to try and stop Russia from bombing and destroying Ukrainian cities.

  8. It is very easy for some people to get along with everybody. Some people can have a conversation even with a banana if they wanted to and they would find it interesting and exciting.

    I tend to find most people, like 95%, quite uninteresting. The 5% that I do find interesting though, I could talk to them for hours and I tend to cling to them. 

    Same thing with intimate relationships. I remember my INTP friend telling me he could date even girls that bag groceries if they are cute and he likes them. I feel that most men are like this, they don’t really care about deep connections or how smart the girl is, as long as she is pretty, that is why they have so much more options and choices. 

    Vs I need a deep connection, also a person that has an interesting job and is passionate about it, is an intellectual, very smart, and best at what he does. The problem is that there aren’t too many guys like this.

    Same thing with friendships, I don’t get along well with people at work, for example, because they are “too orange” or some of them are “too blue” coming from other cultures, and I don’t find it interesting. Some of them are “too green”, but I think they are just faking it because it’s “trendy” in a corporate culture. 

    I’ve been reading that a lot of INFJs have this problem with connecting with people.

    How do I start seeing people as more interesting? How do I become more easy going? 

    As for dating, I don’t think this quality of mine is very attractive. I think guys like extroverted, confident girls who are more bubbly. Not as emotional and sensitive, not so touchy feely, and not with so much depth. Honestly, sometimes I feel guys just want someone dumb next to them, to always agree with them, not cause too much problems, and be easy.

  9. 1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

    I know you're going to address this at the bottom of your post, but I'll just repeat it:

    These are intuitions about correlations of behavior. If they make intuitive sense, that means they should be tested to see if the intuitions don't contradict the empirical "reality".

    I will address it on top.

    You are misusing terms again. Correlation measures relation between two variables. I am talking about proportions. 

    1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

    Yes, generally speaking, psychology is a fluffy science, but we still choose the least fluffy models when we can.

    1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

    I'm not saying absense of evidence is necessarily evidence of absense, but maybe it is in this case? ?

    I think the problem is that there are not enough statisticians and data scientists involved in the field of psychology. Running these kind of experiments is a piece of cake for a data scientists, but psychology researches lack knowledge in these areas, so it requires more effort. Data scientists would also need the input of psychologists to understand the terminologies and to be able to design the experiment properly. There should be more inter-weaving of the two fields.

    Also, no offence, but talking to you feels a bit like this right now:

    You: This wouldn’t work because the grass is purple, the experiments show that the grass is purple.

    Me: The grass is green, it’s just that when you add certain chemical to the fertilizer the grass turns purple. 

    You: Yea, the grass is purple and it’s the best what we’ve got so far, I see all this purple grass so I can verify that the grass is purple.

    Me: Again, the grass is not purple, the reason why you are seeing samples of purple grass is because it’s been modified, original grass is green.

    You: Psychologists need to work with what they see, right now we see empirical evidence of purple grass that we can reproduce, so grass is purple ?



  10. 3 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:


    Going to work is definitely against my, and the majority of peoples will.

    There are different ways to force someone to work.

    Pointing a gun is only one way to do the forcing.

    If you are going the route that we aren't forced to work.. okay in that case not even the real slaves before were forced to work. Because they could simply have refused to work. The price for that would have been getting beaten or killed.

    And the price today for refusing to work would be homelessness, immense suffering, illness, malnutrition, possibly death, etc.  That's also a very high price to pay for not being a slave.

    You have much more choices nowadays than just dying of malnutrition, it’s hard to imagine a psychologically healthy person consciously deciding to become a bum.

    Also, given how you yourself said that you don’t want to work and you don’t have any interests, what is the point of your living? What would you be doing with your time if you weren’t working? You’re just a vegetable at that point. How are you different from a bum on the street?