Mystic Seeker

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About Mystic Seeker

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  1. I can relate to these types of images and scenarios, they play out in some of my dreams as well. What I have come to understand or am trying to understand recently is that even though this can be quite disturbing, even confusing as to why this is what the subconscious is revealing in the dream state, there is a reason. Whatever it may be. If its past lives or trauma or even just our brains and inner being somehow healing itself in this way. I am not certain at this point, but I do feel better when I allow it, reflect on it, pray about it and contemplate it. In this way of approaching this darkness it has stopped the dreams for now. Hopefully this would help you to not hate it but to put some love into it and contemplate it. Peace and Love!
  2. I had an experience like this in the past in a home where someone who lived there prior to me had died inside the home. The spirit didn’t seem to want to do harm, however I had very bad dreams and just odd feelings. I had someone come and anoint the home with oil and cast out or ask the spirit to leave. It worked. Maybe if there is someone you know or could find who has some good knowledge of the proper way to do this, I believe that is important.
  3. I think your bowing down to love and creativity and communication and greatness is beautiful. A humble heart is a heart trying to come out of ego. Ego is what makes one feel that they should not bow down to anything. Yes we are all in the likeness of each other, all one, but to appreciate each human for what they bring to this world and the work they do to help others to come to higher consciousness is beautiful. ITS LOVE. Loving this forum, loving Leo for his work, all the time and energy he put into this is beautifully done. I bow down to you as well. You create and we create and Leo creates and that is the flow. Keep creating and keep bowing to what your heart tells you to.
  5. Thats really good advice, I especially like the part about adventures in nature-great idea!
  6. I'm not trying to change them, they are great, Just guide them. But I get what your trying to say. thx
  7. I am struggling to find the words or actions that will effectively relay the importance of this path to my children. They are young adults and this is a crucial time in their lives to start in the right direction. Aside from the basics of being good, successful, etc... I want to tell them what I know about God and the Universe and enlightenment. But the world we live in today is far from that and young people (aside from the small percentage) are not interested in this stuff. If I tell my kids to watch Leo's videos, they won't. So If anyone has any advice on how to relay this crucial information I'd appreciate it. Maybe I should just be direct and no bs just tell them they are God and give them all the information I have. But I'm sure their eyes will glaze over with boredom and also they will think Mom is crazy. I know you can't give someone the desire to become enlightened beings but I want to try.
  8. @Schizophonia Just recently a muscle relaxer for back pain, I am aware that could have an impact. This has happened without any medication in my life as well though.
  9. @Osaid by working on lucid dreaming I just mean I meditate before sleep with the intention to lucid dream. You are probably correct that the simplest way would be to analyze the dream from the waking state. It’s just odd that the stuff I’m dreaming is so far from how I think/live/be in my waking state. So I don’t know what the root cause is. I was maybe 3 years old when this started and the dreams then were crazy, reoccurring and nothing my 3 year old mind would even know how to analyze. Maybe I’m reaching but I just feel there’s something more to it. obviously now as an adult I can say maybe feelings from waking state, suppressed or playing out…it’s just not clear to me where it’s coming from.
  10. @Osaid interestingly I do sleep well and pretty sound throughout the night. The nightmares do not wake me up, they continue with quite a long story, which when I do wake up in the morning I write down as much as I can remember. Curiously, these dreams have seemed to surface again at this time in my life when I have been working on lucid dreaming. I want to realize I am dreaming and confront these traumas or suppressed feelings that are surfacing in my sleep state. I started trying lucid dreaming however just before the nightmares started and I’m thinking maybe this is happening for a reason. So that I can confront the issues. I still have not awoken in these nightmares to know that it is a dream while I’m in the dream.
  11. @Tomek6 see hojo post with some advice from the Quran, states not to disclose the dream to anyone, I feel that is good advice. Jesus as well with some of his work would say ''Tell No one". Of course people did listen and told everyone.
  12. @Hojo thank you for your perspective. I appreciate all perspectives even though I do not know much about the Quran, I am open to all opinions.
  13. @Buck Edwards Thank you, I will check out your journals. Leo talks a lot about God wanting to experience everything and that we as God need to realize there is no such thing as good or bad. But these dreams feel bad and if it is memories from my past life, the idea of working through that or closing that karma is daunting. I wouldn't know where to begin to accept this, its hard enough for me to try to accept the idea that everything in this life/reality is love and God, even the murderers and rapist and Hitler.
  14. Are nightmares the shadow self? or could they be memories of past lives from our subconscious mind? I have had nightmares my entire life off and on since a very small child up to the present day. Some are very reoccurring, some are random, all are violent and very disturbing. I've done some dream interpretation and its always very metaphoric symbols and just certain things in the dream represent something else. As I continue my spiritual growth I want to work on my shadow and I'm curious if anyone has any information other than Jung and Freud regarding this topic.