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Posts posted by NorthNow

  1. My thoughts, 

    Free will and determinism and thoughts/concepts. They come after reality. The same as meaning. 


    So there is existence, the oneness of the whole, and then there are thoughts and concepts we attach to that. 

    The concept of free will and determinism are rooted in an individual identity being pushed around by outside forces. 

    However this is misleading, because there can possibly only ever be ... it ... Nothing more nothing less. Determinism? Free will? What weird concepts. There is only the dao. The way. 

  2. These are just thoughts about the feelings that I have. I can be wrong


    I feel like the motion that nature permeates the same way at all levels. Every level is an imitation/mirroring of the level above it. Layers upon layers. 

    We will, as a species, simulate the way of existence and eventually merge into a singularity and be an ultimately hedonistic being. I think this might be what DMT entities are. 

    Or I'm just too cooked

  3. Why would I need to shed the illusion? I have had moments of awakenings, in many facets. My "enlightenment" is patchy. I understand many concepts, and some concepts I only partially understand/haven't experienced. 

    I'm at the point where my ego is unstable even thought I haven't done any substances in almost a year. It's quite mentally stressing. I am at the point where I either dive into awakening completely or I lock it away and welcome my ordinary life. I seem to be under the impression a full understanding is necessary, that something must be understood. Does it matter?