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Posts posted by Tristan12

  1. I think Tolle's work has its place and can definitely be valuable in some ways, but I wouldn't say that it has much use for emotional healing or creating any kind of balance or harmony between parts within the psyche, like what IFS is for. What Tolle talks about just ends up being spiritual bypassing if you were to try to use it for those issues. Because of this i'm not surprised to hear that someone like Richard Schwartz doesn't think highly of him.

  2. @aurum The noise isn't that loud, and it would probably be fine if I recorded with it, so I’m guessing its just how that camera is, but I want my audio to be perfect especially considering that the audio from my phone with a lav mic is better and doesn't have that noise at all.

    The mic I have is directional, and i've tried it with and without the mic and there is still the same problem.

  3. So far I have been using my phone with a $30 lav mic for my youtube channel, and I’m happy with the audio, but now I want to upgrade to a proper camera for better image quality. I bought a Canon EOS M50 mark 2 and also a new external mic for it (rode videomic go), but the problem I am having is that there is a hissing noise, like white noise, in the background of the audio. This happens with or without an external mic. I have messed around with the settings, researched solutions, called Canon and even returned the camera and bought a new one in case it was a dud but I still get the same hissing noise. The audio from my phone with a $30 lav mic sounds better than this $1000 camera with a $120 mic.

    Yes I could just record my audio externally, but i'd rather not have to if I didn't need to. It just surprises me that this camera is so popular among YouTubers, yet it has these issues with the audio. I'm pretty sure a lot of cheaper cameras have this actually.

    I want to know if anyone knows of any solutions for this, if there is a camera under $1000 that wouldn't have audio issues like this. I'm not sure if I would just need a more expensive camera for better audio quality if I’m going to be recording audio into the camera, and that with a cheaper camera like this maybe I would just have to record my audio externally? I'm interested to hear from other people who have experience with cameras to see what you think.

    When I watch Leo's videos, (and a lot of other people's videos) his audio is great, and there is no white noise in the background, but maybe he has a more expensive camera or records audio externally or something (?)

  4. The thing about your family making you stay in that building to overcome your anxiety but actually its making it worse but they won't listen gives me the impression that you feel like your family doesn't care about your emotions and is never willing to deal with them, and you feel like you have to deal with your emotions on your own, and there is no hope of getting any kind of love or support from your family when you feel a negative emotion, making you feel completely trapped and alone in your suffering.

    Not sure if that resonates with you but that's what that dream makes me think.

  5. I've always wondered, how could God allow life to be so painful? Why is there so much suffering? I live my life in a living hell, suffering day after day. I am constantly in pain. I don't even remember what its like to feel good. If God is infinitely powerful, and can do whatever it wants, why would it choose to incarnate into a life like this? How could anything be worth going through this much pain?

    Then it hit me. I reached a love so deep, that I finally understood. The Love of God is just so unfathomably deep, so unbelievable, that if you were to feel it, it would all make sense. The love is so deep that it even makes the deepest and most brutal levels of suffering worth it. This depth of love isn't something you can imagine in a normal state of consciousness, or through me writing about it, so it might not seem like love could be this good, but when you discover love at this depth, it will all make sense. The love is just so ridiculously strong that all the suffering in the world couldn't phase it. Love will always be worth it.


  6. It all comes down to self-awareness. You need to closely and very honestly assess yourself and your behaviour. Everything @soos_mite_ah said is good, and I would say just be very careful not to deceive yourself when you are assessing yourself. Honesty is key.

    Look at how you react to situations and people, and look at how they respond to you. Look at if you generally act in a fair and considerate way towards others, or if you are constantly blaming, backstabbing, manipulating, lying, etc. Think about if you would like to be treated the way you treat other people. As long as you are very very honest, this should be a good test of if you are acting in a toxic way or not.