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About Insightful27

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  • Birthday 02/27/2005

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  1. how to transcend sex and the desire for a pretty girl?
    how to transcend sex and the desire for a pretty girl?
    @Peo Sit down and don't have sex for 6 months. And suffer through the hell of not getting what you want.
    There is no shortcut here. You're gonna have to suffer until that ego finally gives up and dies. The ego will not just give up its most important desires without massive struggle.
    To achieve this you're basically talking about giving up your entire life. It's harder than suicide. Which is why virtually no body does it.
    The solution is the very thing you've been avoiding your whole life: death.

  2. How come there is no Difference between Pain and Pleasure?
    How come there is no Difference between Pain and Pleasure?
    Yeah, I know, it's my everyday experience too. But, I've also experienced states where that distinction collapsed.
    From what I've gleaned so far, this is how it works:
    You imagine that pain and pleasure are different. (Conditioning/belief). You can't imagine that pain and pleasure are the same. (Not enough open-mindedness). You want to imagine that they are different. (Survival/Self-bias). You don't want to imagine that they are the same. (Comfort zone/resistance to change). So, not only you can't imagine that possibility, but also deep down, you don't have the desire to accept it in the first place. Because for you to imagine that possibility, you'd have to imagine a different possibility than the one you currently know and identify with, which is the whole problem in a nutshell.
    Reality is made of differences. You survive as a self by emphasizing the differences that survive you the most, and by ignoring the differences that don't really affect you, at least at face value.
    Take a look at the image below:

    If you're a computer, you will know that no two pixels inside that image are the same. Every pixel has its own coordinates and properties. But to you as a human, and since it doesn't make much of a difference to your survival, you will say it's just a black image.
    At the same time, to a computer, all of what I'm writing here is just zeros and ones (transistor pulses). I could type anything, and it won't make a difference to a computer. When to you, there's a meaning to every letter to the point where I can possibly hurt your emotions with these innocent characters if I decide to arrange them in a certain way.

  3. Peter Ralston NEW statement about psychedelics
    Peter Ralston NEW statement about psychedelics
    Leo's debate arguments these days:
    1) you're wrong
    2) you're not as concious as I am
    3) you don't even exist, bruh.

  4. Peter Ralston NEW statement about psychedelics
    Peter Ralston NEW statement about psychedelics
    Do you see how utterly childish and egoic this is? It’s actually profound and a great teaching for those who can see with wisdom. 

  5. Peter Ralston NEW statement about psychedelics
    Peter Ralston NEW statement about psychedelics
    Yes. But you're not conscious of all that you could be.
    I don't need to take 5-MeO to access God. I am God. Now and forever.
    I could turn this around on you: in 10 years you'll still be having to meditate to access God. Silly logic.

  6. Noticing Low Integrity Pickup Tactics from Leo and other "High Value Men"
    Noticing Low Integrity Pickup Tactics from Leo and other "High Value Men"
    I talk about screening a lot. To screen effectively one must have sexual options first.
    Dude, people go to bars and clubs to get drunk and horny. What do you think a club is??
    The reason to go to bars and clubs is because that's where the hot single people are found.
    I have no problem with integrity in this domain. The lack integrity is your judgment.
    To me, whether a girls drinks or not has no effect on my game. I can run game at a girl in the grocery store. It makes no difference. You are the one hung up on this drinking stuff. I don't even think about it. Meanwhile you are obsessed with it.

  7. Noticing Low Integrity Pickup Tactics from Leo and other "High Value Men"
    Noticing Low Integrity Pickup Tactics from Leo and other "High Value Men"
    You simply don't understand how socialization works.
    When people socialize and party, they drink. I don't. If it was up to me, I would ban all alcohol, but people enjoy it. I'm not there to tell them what to do. Girls drink in clubs and bars. Pickup works regardless of drinking or not.
    Does alcohol make women (and men) looser? Of course. That's the point of alcohol in social settings. No one is forcing it on the women.
    It has nothing to do with rape. Most sex in the world happens thanks to alcohol. That is not the same thing as fucking someone who has passed out drunk.
    I prefer not to sleep with drunk women. But if she wants to have a few drinks, that's her choice. If she asks me whether she should have a drink, I would tell her no. And I'm certainly not buying her any drinks.
    FYI, most dates involve a few drinks. Welcome to human mating 101.
    There is also a big distinction between a few drinks and being pass-out drunk, vomiting all over yourself. Girls who are near the pass-out drunk stage are actually not easy to sleep with because they are too sick to have sex and are just a pain in the ass to deal with. It's also not good sex.
    A) You misunderstand what pickup entails and is.
    B) Yes, pursing sex requires that one behave differently than sitting in a meditation retreat. Sex is survival, and it is a game.
    Ironically it is you who is being unspiritual here in that: 1) you judge all this social activity and think of it as unspiritual, creating a shadow out of it, and 2) you have the desire to control people by telling them how to behave and what not to drink.
    Consider the crazy possibility that a spiritual person can go to a party and enjoy it and sleep with someone from the party. And there is no contradiction in that.
    Doesn't sound like you've ever been to a party or enjoyed a party.
    Is pickup some high integrity activity? No. It's socialization and horsing around. It's not serious. The integrity of partying is letting loose and allowing yourself to party. Try it sometime. You might even get laid. Girls don't like guys who have a stick up their ass and judge them.

  8. Being Vulnerable About My Intensely Negative Experience from Owen Cook
    Being Vulnerable About My Intensely Negative Experience from Owen Cook
    I think the answer here is simply that you misunderstand Owen.
    If I had to criticize Owen, I would criticize him for being too attached to physical, material success. He cannot get himself to stop chasing girls, money, clients, customers, sales, and business success. He's very materialistic for a spiritual guy.
    I don't understand how you got the idea from Owen that pursuing material things is bad or demonic. Owen has never taught that. Owen has always encouraged people to be grounded and realistic about handling their materialistic needs, whether that be sex, fitness, money, business, travel, nutrition, etc.
    Somewhere in listening to him your mind got twisted up on itself.
    Of course a guy like Owen is not going to have much time to answer your questions one-on-one. I'm surprised you got to talk to him one-on-one at all.
    Look, man...
    The solution here is very simple: Go work hard on dating, fitness, and making money.
    These things have a place. Especially during the first 10 years of your development journey. Eventually you will outgrow them, but that's like after 10-20 years of hard work on them.
    There is nothing wrong with material pursuits. Go make your money, get your 6-pack, buy yourself a Lambo, and then see how all that makes you feel.
    Both Owen and myself pursue material things. How is this not obvious to you? Owen's whole message is how to turn the pursuit of material things into a spiritual journey.
    I think you know this deep down, you're just looking for someone to blame for not taking action.
    What more on this topic do you need answered? There is not going to be any answer which allows you to skip the part of taking action. What you need now is not more theory, you need action on those material goals. So get to work.
    Remember, don't make things to complicated. Write out your material goals and then start working towards them every week.

  9. The downside of semen retention no ones talks about. 
    The downside of semen retention no ones talks about. 
    If you guys spent as much time self-inquiring as you do trying to suppress and battle your sexuality, you'd be awake by now

  10. Life Purpose or Enlightenment?
    Life Purpose or Enlightenment?
    @Yarco Many young people think enlightenment is about them. They're trying to shoehorn it into their desire to be someone, or to feel safe; lower level desires in disguise. So they will either get stuck in that game of spiritual ego and spiritual bypassing, or they will have to backtrack and re-establish that foundation which they deeply desire.

  11. Life Purpose or Enlightenment?
    Life Purpose or Enlightenment?
    Don't make it a black and white thing. Everything is interconnected in some way. You're like saying should I do something and be mindless or should I be mindful and do nothing. What you listed above, in my opinion aren't so separate. Pick the ones that you can handle. Some things will require all of your energy and others maybe the half of it. Try it out and eventually you will know what to do and how much time you should spend on it. But, also, expect that all of your previous opinions on it might change overtime.
    Embrace not-knowing.

  12. Deconstructing the Mind
    Deconstructing the Mind
    You have to realize what enlightenment means. It means to give up your life as a person (not physical death, but from your point of view, there is no difference experientially speaking). In a sense, all of life is a distraction, but you don't actually believe that, because you want to live your life as an enlightened person. This is impossible. There is no such thing as an enlightened person. When somebody gets enlightened, the person is gone. When you look into their eyes, you're seeing somebody who is completely dead inside. There is literally nobody home. If you can accept "living" like that from the current point of your life, then sure, go directly for enlightenment, but if you feel a slightest inclination of wanting to achieve something in life, then do that first, because when you're completely dead inside, there is nothing to achieve. Before you get enlightened, you have to transcend the fear of death. Sincerely ask yourself: are you ready to die or is there something else you want to explore in life before that time? Well, if you say yes to the latter, then that is a distraction from enlightenment, but so is your current idea of the enlightened life (unless you've had an awakening) and everything you've been doing up to this point. In other words, enlightenment is no joke, and you might want to try living life a bit before you become a servant of God.

  13. LEO!!! What happened?
    LEO!!! What happened?
    About $170/mo for a dedicated server.

  14. what to do at 17
    Is bad for average people?
    Leo's content is (for the most part) great.
    This forum is where the crazies gather. 

    If you are 17, you should focus on building a life for yourself. 
    Forget the hardcore spiritual stuff for now and just start with a simple meditation practice. 
    Build a strong fundament, focus on practical stuff.
    Learn how to do basic things like cooking and cleaning.
    Do some sort of physical activity an a regular basis.
    Find out what do you want to do with your life - pursue a goal and see where it takes you
    Become good at something. Grasp the financial aspect of life.
    Learn how to think. Acquire a strong work ethic. Face your fears.
    Get your sexual life in order - gather experience in that field.
    Most importantly: Have fun. Go out. Socialize! 

    Thats what you should do in your 20's and sometimes even early 30's.
    Add more spiritual stuff after you have built some sort of fundament! 

  15. How to GROUND oneself?
    How to GROUND oneself?
    Ground yourself in surrendering.
    Let life take control instead of trying to manipulate it. Just let go of the driving wheel. Everything is fine.

  16. Wanting: Good Or Bad?
    Wanting: Good Or Bad?
    You're not going to get enlightened through visualization practice or positive self-talk. But you could use it to stoke up intent and develop consistency of practice.
    INTENT << very important for enlightenment work. You have to WANT to know the truth. Not to be enlightened. But to REALLY know the truth of who/what you really are.
    Intent is a tricky thing to get right. It should be steady and cool, not spastic and neurotic. The people who get enlightened are like a bulldozer. They slowly roll their way through every obstacle without flinching because they are crystal clear about their priorities. The best set of priorities for this work is: TRUTH AT ANY COST!
    But of course all this wanting and intent has to be followed through on with many hours of daily self-inquiry work.
    And in the end, you will not make yourself enlightened. You will surrender to truth and enlightenment will undo you.
    A great (true) story I heard at a retreat I attended:

  17. ungrounded
    How often should I do 5 Meo DMT ?
    It will def make you ungrounded if you do it daily.

  18. ENTIRE visual field has gone META / Zoomed Out
    ENTIRE visual field has gone META / Zoomed Out
    @Leo Gura What slightly terrifies me is that these awakenings are happening incredibly fast and furious and I’m not even taking psychedelics. I understand that’s the ego fighting back. I am just not at a stage of ego development where I can set that to the side. 

  19. Enlightenment Bullshit
    Enlightenment Bullshit
    Buddhism is NOT God-Realization!
    Until you truly get this, you shall remain a spiritual imbicile.
    If you take my work seriously, one day you will realize that all of Buddhism was just a hoax designed by God to keep itself asleep.
    But do you have enough Intelligence to understand me?
    I doubt it.

  20. How Long Does It Take To Be Enlightened?
    How Long Does It Take To Be Enlightened?
    If you're looking for a pragmatic answer, the answer is, it's highly variable. Some people take decades, some people do it one weekend. I've met a lady who got enlightened in one weekend.
    There are so many variables: your openmindedness, the degree of your intent, the quality of guidance you get, your childhood upbringing, your genetics, and even pure blind luck!
    With quality guidance, high levels of intent, and lots of sitting, you could reasonably expect something like 2-3 years. But don't let that limit you. Whenever you actually sit down to do enlightenment, intent to become enlightened RIGHT NOW!

  21. you have a bigger brain?
    Psychedelics vs "Natural" Enlightenment
    It gives you way more than the enlightenment any of these teachers have.
    I have realized shit on DMT that these spiritual teachers cannot even imagine.
    You have to understand that a human's version of enlightenment is such a limited thing. Just try to imagine how much richer of an enlightenment an alien with a brain 5 times that of a human might have.
    These teachers will tell you it's all the same and brians don't matter. But that's wrong. They just don't know any better.

  22. music
    Best Psychedelic Trip Music Mega-Thread
    As far as my own experience goes though nothing comes close to this. I love piano, but this must be my very favorite album ever. When I tripped once, I plugged in this album and I instantly felt perfect peace and stillness. Next thing I remember I regain consciousness on the LAST NOTE OF THE LAST SONG. I was gone for the whole album. Literally gone. My face was washed in tears of utter bliss in nothingness. Even remembering this brings up so many feelings. 

  23. Speaking
    Leo, how do you speak so well?
    Years and years of constant practice in your mind and in front of a camera.
    Most of my practice is done purely in my mind. Every day. For 20 years.
    I'm constantly framing and explaining things to an imaginary person in my mind.
    But then you also need live speaking experience which you can get by speaking to a live camera or joining Toastmasters and attending weekly meetings.

  24. Lacrosse!
    Is Competition Bad?
    @Jordan wang
    As an athlete, I think about this question a lot.
    Some of my credentials:
    Walked on to the #1 NCAA lacrosse team in the nation Started every college football game through Junior year, winning 3 championships along the way Won indoor and outdoor track and field championships and broke several school records  Competed on this season of American Ninja Warrior Now I'm getting ready for Broken Skull Challenge  One of the best things about playing so many sports is the perspective it's given me. My athletic career has progressed in direct proportion to my understanding of the nature of competition. 
    Here's what I noticed:
    Lacrosse - External Competition is a drag on your mental-emotional health when taken to the extreme the most depressed and stressed I ever got was as a walk-on to the lacrosse team, despite it being one of my childhood dreams. why? The head coach, Dave Pietramala, was and still is a huge fan of making us compete for every scrap of play time.  There were times where he would insult and/or intentionally neglect players so that they would "toughen up" and "grab the brass ring" the problem was that everyone was constantly trying to one up each other and grab this ring, so life turned into a competition of who put in more practice time it got to the point where we'd all neglect studies to try to practice and outdo everyone else Obviously, such imbalance created issues in school, and relationships, as well as burnout And to top it off, no, you might not actually get better than the competition - so you did all of that for almost nothing.  Another element of the competition was that the players did not help each other very much - why help someone who's gunning for your spot? By game time, the team was pretty of tired and stressed out from practice During games, instead of focusing on the joy of the game, players would focus on trying not to fuck up - there was always a 2nd string player ready to jump up and take their position. So players did not have the looseness and creativity necessary for top level performance The one's who did have that looseness were essentially crazy people who gave zero fucks since day one. The result? The worst season in Johns Hopkins History... a 41-year playoff streak ended Football - In small, friendly doses, competition has it's merits, but it doesn't contribute much to personal growth The most efficient team I ever played for was the football team, which was like a tightly knit family Practices were just as well organized as the D1 lacrosse practices. The difference was that we were all focused on growth and development through support We'd "compete" with each other, but it was just more friendly fun. Practice felt like being a little kid in a playground. No one took any one competition that seriously. Seniors were always helping freshmen learn positions and techniques Come game time, we were so confident in our preparation and support, it felt like we were floating through the air. For the entire regular season, we'd win by +30 points, celebrate with sick parties, and then go fuck the brains out of our fans. Those were Good times. ...But not exactly the most Conscious.   Track - Focus on beating your self and breaking past your own limitations Emotionally, I began to flourish on the track and field team, where, for the first time in years, I didn't have to compete against others.  track is all about how you do versus yourself. If you didn't get it by now, this is the most important question in life. It was nice to have teammates help each other try to beat their personal records The track athlete who lives his life trying to beat the competition is an inefficient jack-ass. The same would go for the swimmer.  Ninja Warrior - The top athlete finds creative solutions to the problem of never-before-seen obstacles in competition, mainly these problems come from within.  I think the most accurate metaphor for life came from competing on Ninja Warrior With Ninja Warrior, athletics stopped being about competition entirely and became about how to find solutions to the problem of training for never-before-seen obstacles  You have at least one shot in the spot light and it's a blessing you're even there. Everyone cheers you on, even the other competitors Back stage, no one badmouths or glares at each other before the competition  The only real way to do well on the show is to meet with other ninjas, figure out how to train for the obstacles, and work on your skills as best as possible using creative methods Broken Skull - there is no competition - there only is and then we create the false label "competition" Broken Skull Challenge advertises itself as being all about beating the other man in front of you The secret is that there is no other man in front of you.  That person in front of you is you. Literally. Existentially.  Moreover, the whole idea of competition is not even close to being capital T true. There is no competition and there has never been competition - we just play a game with ourselves thinking that it's true and that we should be afraid or nervous or whatnot.  All versions of you that think in terms of competition automatically limit themselves out of fear - of pain, humiliation, and uncertainty.  This is the mindset that helped Peter Ralston win the 1978 Martial Arts Championship This is the mindset that helps Me train This is the mindset that will help You in life.

  25. LP or Enlgihtenment?
    All Personal Questions For Leo
    No, enlightenment and life purpose are synergistic when done properly.