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About RightHand

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  1. I'm super excited about AI, but there is a big chance everything you mentioned won't happen in our lifetime.
  2. I love re-listening to Leo's videos while lying in bed with my eye mask on. The last one was about Andrew Tate, and I loved how he narrated his experiences with RSD and Tate's character. It would be so cool to have three-hour-long stage Purple stories or even horror stories told by Leo
  3. Try questioning this assumption: is it really your looks that make you experience these negative emotions ? Or are your looks just a proxy for a deeper problem ? One thing That I'm 100% sure of is that if you are in a really really good mood, you would not give a fuck about how you look.
  4. My hype for TES6 died with Starfield.
  5. Feeling horny reflects a lower state of consciousness. Feeling hungry indicates a lower state of consciousness. Experiencing sensations of cold and heat signifies a lower state of consciousness. Feeling tired is a sign of lower consciousness. Being a skeletal mech encased in meat armor entails inevitable moments of lower consciousness.
  6. His n°1 favorite book is the Bible. And he's into the Covid and New World Order conspiracies. But I think that Owen could be labelled Yellow.
  7. If your niche is low-level entry and big paychecks, how the hell do you compete with the thousands of grifters and con artists that will flock there?
  8. I don't know, man. I feel like there are so many biases around this topic. Survivor bias, underestimating how much it actually took to get there, genetics, etc. A Senior IT guy you could probably make 5 times more than a junior while working 5 times less. But he busted his ass off to get to that level of expertise.
  9. For some people, Game consists strictly of hardcore techniques, such as those taught by individuals like John Anthony Lifestyle. I feel like this niche is a microcosm of Conservatism vs Progressivism.
  10. This short clip from Destiny sums it up well I think :
  11. Interesting. I feel like a lot of the shtick is being able to embrasse and release the unpleasant sensations in your body when trying to be authentic. Maybe for some people that ability is just innate from birth. Another figure that I have started to contemplate for authentic self-expression is Dr. K. from Healthy Gamer, completely opposite to Jack Black yet I find him just as compelling.
  12. Jack Black must have had Amazing parents. I don't think any level of trauma healing, game mastery etc. Could get you to that level of self expression.
  13. The spiritual insights here are : -Socialize with air molecules -Rizz atoms -Increase your lay count with quarks -Have sex with the fabric of reality Owen is just too ahead 🤣
  14. Maybe the true meaning of life is to become so godly at socializing that even trees are aroused when you are around