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Posts posted by Nivsch

  1. @_Archangel_ 

    Sabra and shatila wasn't done by IDF but was made possible because of IDF war against PLO terrorists that gave a blind eye to this massacare yes, and hold responsibility in the way didnt prevent it, but the massacare itself was done by the christian palangas. 

    The Palestinians are sitting in an area which is way bigger than central Israel, surrounded by IDF in the borders of West Bank, in check points and around the settlements. Not at all a strict "occupation" as many want to draw it.

    But yes, a partial control of IDF in parts of the west bank, but together with the Palestinian Authority forces and in a co operation, against any attempt of hamas to thrive there.

    Even if you were right in your claims which are at best way oversimplified, the attempt to make any symmetry between the deffensive actions of IDF to the attacks of Palestinians terrorists against civilians is funny in the best case.

    Though don't get me wrong, this situation is far from being ideal and a two state solution with a demilitarized (for the first decade at least) Palestinian state is a much better one.

  2. @Raze An another important factor: 

    There is a sort of (lower intensity) war in West Bank too since oct 7th in which thousands of hamas members have been arrested or eliminated.

    So 81 children (~1%) are probably ditributed as follows:

    I think mostly hamas young members. In Gaza for example from what I heard 16-18 years old boys are already join to hamas.

    The rest (say 10 to 30):

    Collateral damage and yes, mistakes of too loose and uncautious soldiers actions, that I am not denying happens from time to time.

    Nevertheless, very small percentage, but of course has to be learned from and improve.

  3. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Your meme would be correct if the ones you were holocausting were not the grey peeps but some random squirrels on whose land you built your own place.

    I am not sure if I understood what you wrote or meant here.

    1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Zionism is cartoonishly biased

    Who isn't?

    Most Palestinians are also quite new in this area if you zoom out to a scale of the last two centuries.

  4. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    "The attitude we adopt toward the Arab minority will provide the real test of our moral standards as a people. Should we be unable to find a way to honest cooperation and honest pacts with the Arabs, then we have learned absolutely nothing from our 2,000 years of suffering and will deserve our fate." -- Albert Einstein

    Enough Israelis will agree with you here, though not much the current government (in their relation to Israeli Arabs for example).

  5. @undeather  Thanks! 🙏🌼 Interesting. I hope it is not placebo. Surely SOME of that isn't.

    Thats why I preffer to anyway see what helps people with hyperthyroid here (even if this isn't my case) because I have a thought that it may overlap with another hormones imbalances dynamics with similar symptoms and maybe what helps them will be worth consider to try myself.

  6. 49 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

    I know this is what a lot of naturopaths who live in the delusional world of adrenal fatigue focus, but it is an extremely short-sighted view of the body. I know a few herbalists and naturopaths personally and this is basically 90% of their focus - adrenals, thyroid and burnout. They can't see beyond this and they classify all their clients in these symptom clusters. 

    Lol but the conventional approaches are probably worse 😝 

    Thank you for the in depth answers. 

    I eat whenever I am hungry and not limit myself. This is going on for months so the virus direction is less relevant to me I guess 😬

  7. @Michael569 Should I trust the whole 'normal' range as a singular unit? I will show you later the range from the book which is different.

    I feel annoyed by the dichotomy yes or no approach of the conventional diagnosis. This doesn't help unless you have a very acute case and only then they "see" it.

    But I appreciate the caution you wrote to me from taking supplements and I will try at best only different teas and not anything too concentrated, thanks.

  8. I have T3 and T4 in the "normal" range but one of them is slightly above a thyroid expert's book range which is narrower than the health care formal one.

    In addition I tend to physical restlessness and I feel very easily too hot and walking in my home with short clothes all the time even during the winter. I lost couple of kgs during last decade in comparison to how I was before and I struggle to gain them back.

    I wont get right now into what I think are the reasons because this is a longer story, but I will thank any knowledge and experience insights from you guys about how to help that.

    I started an improved nutrition regime with many cruciferous vegetables and tea infusions I heard that calm the immune system and support thyroid and adrenal. Edamame actually does good to me (but not tofu).

    I try now seriously to avoid gluten and grains. So far it really helps, but I feel it can be better and that is why I ask here.

    And last thing, I suspect I have a fat malabsorption. This is what the naturopath thought and I have read this is common with hyperthyroid.

    Can eating the fat seperately from other meals, and as seperate as possible from protein and carbs, help it to be absorbed better?

    I will thank you for any help 🙏

  9. 14 minutes ago, Raze said:

     Doesn’t it make more sense the USA is pandering to Israel as AIPAC has given an enormous amount of funding to American politicians.

    The relationships between US and Israel are rooted in much deeper reasons mainly shared values and principals and after them interests.

    There were a years long real friendships betweem some US presidents and Israeli prime ministers which in the head of them are Bill Clinton and Itzhak Rabin.

    Reducing it to some this or that lobby is an over simplification. The lobby is merely the symptom (in the positive sense) and not at all the cause.

  10. @Raze I am not talking about the members but the sources and who hold the control. I will find for you a detailed explanation I saw in the past.

    Anyway this organization is well known for its laughable accusation on things that are really bizzare along with his transparent bias against Israel.

    Too bad you can't critisize fairly without absurd dehumanizations.