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Posts posted by ravlondon

  1. @commie Based of the way you phrased the question, you're starting with a conclusion, that eating meat means you're 'less evolved'.

    This may refer to the possibility that 'lesser' intelligent animals intuit rather than think and therefore only follow their base emotions.


    Humans as a species grow and moralise with the knowledge we learn and as there are strong arguments to make against not eating meat, we should consider not doing it. 

    The same goes for violence, racism, sexism etc.  

  2. The question has already been answered but here's my input...


    Video games are great escapism, as long as you are moving forward towards your goals and ambitions, it's not bad to have fun.

    It's probably good for you in some ways.

    Stay off doing drugs and you'll be fine.

  3. Thanks for the responses.

    @Lyubov I am in SEO, I currently am working with a WordPress developer and am getting work through him at the moment, although looking for more.

    @Yarco I have signed up to Upwork and it currently looks far more promising than Fiverr.

    I started a website, but I would have to make it rank well so that people know that I am a good SEO, but ranking takes time. Will continue with the website when I'm getting responses for my outreach, via email, LinkedIn, Upwork.

  4. @capriciousduck I have high functioning autism, I've found that the best way to gain social knowledge is to social exposure with a positive mindset.

    The key thing when socialising is to understand the mind(s) of the people you are talking to, what are they motivated by, what do they seem to like, dislike etc, this is a skill that you will pick up.

    Fill yourself with positive ideas about yourself and others and go out and speak to people, you will learn unconsciously.

    Social psychology can fill your mind with unnecessary theories and can lead to you making potentially incorrect assumptions in social situations, I recommend against it, unless it's a formal education or for entertainment.