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Posts posted by Yog

  1. Hey guys, Its been bugging me for a little while. I've been experiencing visuals along with spontaneous movements that usually start kicking in in after the 20th minute of meditation. I am still not sure how to deal with these. Have you been experiencing these. From time to time I can freak out a little bit because of their intensity, fearing that I will have spontaneous kundalini awakening and fuck myself up..

    -The most common visual is blue + orange circular pattern pulsating back from the peripheral mind space to the center of my eyelid space and staying there for few seconds, than repeating. It's been pink/magenta in some cases and there was some green cloudy stuff around the background in some cases. Here is a gif attached of how it looks that I created, its the size, color and timing are approximately right. Sometimes it can be smaller.

    -Spontaneous movements can be backward><forward rocking, pivoting from my pelvis, neck or mid torso. I can be clockwise rotating motion pivoting from the same places, hands fingers can shake when in mudra or not, crossed legs can shake upwards>downwards. All this can be more subtle or it can be more violent. Hands usually start buzzing, tongue that is pressed against the roof of the mouth starts buzzing. I know this is just passage of energy, I've worked with energy in the past. But never have I experienced such violent bodily movements.

    I researched around, but could not find much.

    Does this happen to you guys, if so do you ignore it and let it happen, do you suppress it, give it some focus, or ignore it. I am kind of letting it do its thing, surrender and just observe right now.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated :/



  2. @Matt8800 I'll offer you my observations, mostly on a cultural level and less on personal one.

    I can see the utility of safe spaces for more serious traumatized folk, cases of real victims as a temporary solution that prevents trauma to come to the surface. Some people can overcome it when they come in contact with it, but for some it can be even more traumatizing, ending up even worse.... In the end it would be most beneficial both for them and the people around them to work it out and get better and well, so they can go and help other people.

    How and to what degree to do this on a societal level, I have no clue, I am far from an answer. But on a personal growth level, we know the answer, its put and hold your hand in the fire. I am not posting this to bash the concept, just to bring forward some uncomfortable things I've seen about it.

    This is just something generational that I have observed in my surroundings which leaks into safe spaces. It makes me uncomfortable to even write about it, but yea, fuck it. Its always better to have it in the light.

    -There is the advent of the millennial/gen-z generation, whose parents were forced to submit to authority, denied choice, beaten/disciplined, ended up feeling not important. And what did these kids do when they grew and had their own kids. They told their kids that they can be anything they want, they are important, did not discipline them in any hurtful ways, were far more careful with that, there should not be any bad feelings. When they got out in the real world, these kids quickly encountered the diversity and brutality of the real world. Can't blame them for that, both types of parents meant love, i am sure of that. I am a millennial myself, I have seen many of my friends go to ruin because of this, its quite sad when you see it happen. I just had pure fucking luck to have had more balanced form of parenting. Sadly this mindset also fell victim to rising technologies, from arcades and computer games to social media, along with the aggressive stage orange marketing these days, this combo ruins people...

    In the end you end up with a broken generation, lost in the digital world, avoiding pain at all costs, seeks pleasure at all times, lack discipline, has short attention span, full of fear of missing out ect. And they are 25-30 years old. Also they have been lied to by society that the purpose of life is to be happy, something quite often equated to feeling good, so when you suffer, you think you are doing something wrong, which brings you further to ruin.

    -Now you can see how this huge target group is free to be exploited by political end spectrum victim type of ideologies, you might even say egrigores. I get to be good person, the more good things I can associate with myself, the better, i care about others, I am a victim, not just a victim, I am a part of a victimized group, and the perpetrator is also a group, I want to disperse all the responsibility and not take it. It makes me a morally good person and the evil is elsewhere. When I am not feeling good, its not my fault, there is a list of things I can say that are the reason for it, but its not me. I know how things are and I do not have to live in chaos and question them. You can see this both on the far right and the far left. Its quite heartbreaking, yet it is there.

    I've seen quite a few friends and associates that were, lets say quite blue or even red in most of their developments, suddenly jump to green. If this is the case, and I am quite unsure if it is. It looks like a "transcend and repress" followed by "resist and preserve" situation. I think this is far more common than people would like to admit. The drag of green is strong these days, it can pull you towards it, while not letting you stay at lower stages. I don't remember me or others going few stages in one year without any work or effort, except in some cases where psychedelics were involved. But you can see how this rises the demand for safe spaces.

    On the positive side of things. I thing the solutions is there, this is something you learn in small part when you are blue and in big part when you are orange. The lessons of - I am responsible for how I feel, what I do, what is done to me, there will be hard times, discipline will be required, I might not feel that good while doing it, but it will pay off, basic delayed gratification, I control where my focus/energy goes. These things ring very healthy-orange to me.

    If people had "passed and stayed" at healthy orange, they will not have the demand for safe spaces when they get green.
    So in this sense, I do believe the solution is there, integrate.

    This is something regarding these popular liberal "new" types of safe spaces.
    When thinking about history... yea man...people always created safe spaces, that is how tribes , religions, nations form .
    No one wants the discomfort of new ideas, there is always the tempting voice inside that continually seeks the comfort of form.
    For things to be as they were. The far right is an expert at safe spaces in this regard.


  3. You'll get to the point when you'll realize that all this, all this reality as we call it, is just imagination.
    And the way to be successful at the occult is to be able to modify this imagination.

    By this I mean you'll have to imagine things so strongly and with absolute faith on a daily basis, that the things in your mind will literally override the environment.
    You'll have to believe in your conjurations completely and behave as they are already there in order for them to happen. That is how manifestation works.

    Now imagine if you lack focus and consciousness and still menage to pull some of the occult stuff off.
    You'll conjure things that you weren't aware you were imagining and also get lost in your own imagination with all your Frankenstein creations.
    Walking on the street naked, talking to walls, hiding from the things you've made. And you know how hard it is to un-belive things once they are there, try un-belive  a lion that is chasing you in the "real world", not so easy.

    I don't like to scare any of you guys off, but I advise for you to be humble and cautious when dealing with these things.
    it aint games and shit.

    Maybe try energy work, chakra stuff, astral projection, clairvoyance, mapping practices such as astrology and tarot first and be extremely open minded while being extremely skeptical.
    These would be supplements to consciousness work ofc.

  4. To spice things up.

    You are watching the cosmic weather forecast channel !

    We got ourselves s Saturn-Pluto conjunction in a week or so folk, quite a rare thing to see, once every 33 years. So watch the skies, wear a hat, shit happens. Last time the Berlin wall fell, end of ww2, start of ww1, 9/11 on their face off. Who knows what will we have now. Quite a dance those two guys have. We got this, no worries. Just meditate,


  5. @Serotoninluv
    Well it was clumsy to begin with, it wasn't accuracy I was aiming for anyway.
    It was more like what @silene just said here. It was probably a bad wording for what I wanted to say.

    On 12/26/2019 at 10:23 PM, silene said:

    I know this is a dualistic perspective, but the physical aspect of gender (organs, hormones, DNA etc) doesn't always align with the psychological aspect.



    On 12/26/2019 at 10:23 PM, silene said:

     I wonder if this issue gets resolved at SD stage green, which has less of a problem with grey areas, changing and relativity of categories such as male and female. 

    It certainly gets better , spectrum gets wider, people recognize certain aspects of themselves have certain feminine/masculine gravity, in healthy cases it gets integrated. But to be fully blown into it requires some Turquoise stuff.

    I do think it is a delicate subject, these things are quite intertwined. While the gender thing might be important to mine, yours and others self inner development, freedom and happiness, also leak that into other lives. This differentiation of male and female as in sex is quite a pillar for people in medicine, pharmacy, bilogy, paleontology and rows of other hard disciplines.

    I think that is where this main gender/sex friction is happening. The more social/psychological based areas are colliding with more hard science based areas, With all the feelings in the world bag, it gets quite some outrage, from many sides. I guess we will resolve that in the next 10 years.

    To link it back to the main thread and not go off-topic.

  6. @Leo Gura  I don't know man. that makes sense ofc. It i still quite weird to see how some folk chose so diligently  to see all this darkness in this guy.

    Some see you as an internet, know it all, arrogant, manipulating, talking head. Is that all that you are, or most of what you are. I wouldn't say say so.

    I just dislike when someone twists your teachings and turn it into a character thing, just as much as with someone else's teachings.

    @supremeyingyang ?Thanks for sharing. :) I happened to hate his content when it came out. Saw exactly what @Derek White saw in him. But quickly grew out of that. It happened to be quite juicy experience learning from him. didn't even like the personal development stuff that much, was more into personality and maps of meaning. Felt quite complimentary to leos material.


    will these stop following me for once xD


  7. @supremeyingyang
    Oh sorry if that wasn't readable.

    I meant that in other communities this anti-commie picture of him is not that present as it is here on this forum. We got our green shadow over here, thence all this anger, aggression, anti communism, anti-leftism is seen in him, usually blown out of proportion, turned into joke like attacks on character. Basic shadow stuff.

    Orange communities like to see him as snake oil salesman, blue as materialist-apologist, red as Jewish shill, green as anti-commie.
    You get the idea.

    This explains the nature of the replies I think.