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Posts posted by SQAAD

  1. Who thinks my thoughts?  God? Nothingness?


    I have observed this issue for 6 months straight. In my experience  thoughts appear out of nowhere. I haven't found a being who thinks or controls my thoughts. Yes i know the illusion of control & thinking your thoughts is extremely strong but with enough awareness it can be underminded.

    Any opinions? Has anyone done the work & concluded to some answes. I would like an answer based on personal experience & observation. Not what you think or have heard from others. 

    This issue has boggled my mind for couple of years now.  I find that i identify wih thoughts more than anything & that causes a great deal of misery. I even identify more with thoughts  than my "physical" body.

  2. 1 hour ago, inFlow said:

    @SQAAD you have to learn this. There are exercises in Kriya yoga which does that. This is only developed. For example you can focus lets say on the 3rd eye, meanwhile you are still feeling/noticing/are-being-aware-of sensations in your body. Like the inner voice, breathing, feeling presure on your but, etc. But you still keep FULL focus on the 3rd eye. It's hard to do at first, but with practice you learn it.

    Also it's hard to understand this concept even. But it's explainable.

    What is the logic behind all of this?

    Why not just focus on a single point or just focus on the entire sensation of your body?

  3. @Kensho

    2 hours ago, Kensho said:

    Seems that you need a big change, either in your life or your mentality. 

    You just don't enjoy your life man. Have it cross your mind that the existential crisis stuff are just an excuse?

    The existential crisis is an excuse for what? I am genuinely curious about the Truth.  Leo is responsible for infecting me with that virus lol. I don't expect the Truth to save me or anything. It might even destroy me. It has caused problems in my life already. Pursuing Truth nowadays makes you look like a lunatic.

    Yup i definetely need a big change in my life & mentality.  I hate suffering, pain,  some groups of people. I enjoy life but at the same time i deny many aspects of reality which cause me a great deal of suffering. Many things which my limited mind can't understand, accept & love.

    Sleep is the best thing for me. I love it more than anything in existence. No worries, nothing, you just surrender & it takes you all the ride home.

  4. 7 hours ago, ardacigin said:


    Then you should use awareness to simultaneously attend to external sounds, sights and mental formations AS you are focusing on the breath at the tip of the nose. You shouldn't let the attention move back and forth. Attention is on the breath. Awareness is on the rest of the sensory experience. AT THE SAME TIME.

    For more information, read TMI.

    Hope this help.

    I don't get it. You make a dinstinction  between awareness & focus.

    How can i be aware only of the tip of the nose & at the same time be aware of the rest of the sensory experience? It doesn't compute to me.

  5. @Inliytened1

    5 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

    You must walk before you can run. 

    The first awakening you need is to realize you are a hologram.  This will shatter the materialist paradigm    Can you stomach that?

    I realised that i am a hologram with the help of psilocybin. I no longer believe in the materialist paradigm & don't hold science as the absolute truth.

    To be honest what i can't stomach is that i may have to live forever or that non existence doesn't exist... 

    I always liked the idea of non-existence. It wouid be better than sleep & i love sleep more than anything.

  6. I am a limited finite human being & i can understand that someone has to wear my shoes. But i am also Everything.

    Will there be a point in the Universe where i will just become everything & stop being finite?

    I mean that i am tired of being aware only of this small stupid self. I wanna become aware of everything. I want to become INFINITE!!  I am sick & tired of being finite . Doesn't feel like GOD.

    I just wanna be God proper. Am i asking too much?? It should be my birthright as GOD.

  7. @Aakash

    2 hours ago, Aakash said:

    It is essentially an active paradox. I can not escape my finite form. I can also not leave it on autopilot. I have been trying for months now to let me thoughts run on autopilot. But they don’t. After the  mystical experience I had today, i still couldn’t set my thoughts on autopilot and let my personality run and even suggest I am not my thoughts. 

    This is because it’s a paradox, the paradox is actually here right now. Even physical death will not release me from these shackles. But in my limited space I can become absolute truth. 

    I can become the true self in my space If I pleased. But what is the true self when it is a paradox? Even becoming emptiness in my space, will not solve the paradoxical issue. 

    Thoughts ? 

    You can escape your finite form (according to gurus) & it is always on autopilot. Your thoughts are on autopilot. 

    How come your thoughts are not on autopilot? Explain please.

    My experience is that EVERYTHING i do , think , etc is on autopilot. Who is controlling it? Nobody.

    I still haven't found a BEING who is controlling my body.

  8. Check the video below between  1:05:00 & 1:10:00. They talk about psychedelics & spirituality. Very interesting stuff.

    One dude claims that after a DMT experience his energies centers seemed to be missing a pink color.

    And the other guy said that it is very damaging to our nervous system. He described it like a 220 outlet getting plugged into your 110 body & it just fries you out because we can't handle that much energy.

    Any opinions ??


  9. @inFlow

    16 hours ago, inFlow said:


    The hard part for you, if you buy this book, will be starting a habit for doing Kriya yoga. You will resist for a bit, but if you do yoga I guarantee in two weeks you will notice real growth in your base line of awareness. Yoga helped me reach and MAINTAIN permanent non-dual state of awareness. I was also skeptical at first about the whole Yoga thing, but wow is it powerful, no wonder Leo talked about it, he only shares the strongest consciousness practices.

    Also keep doing your meditation, Yoga will even supercharge it!

    Man this is very inspiring to hear & i definetely will start yoga in the future. I really wanna find out what it's all about.

    I just feel resistance because of fear not being able to learn proper yoga from a book. But i will just do it...

  10. @inFlow

    7 hours ago, inFlow said:

    @SQAAD I started doing yoga and in two weeks with newbie techniques I gained more consciousness growth than meditation doing meditation for a couple of months. Actually even yogis are saying that meditation is shit. It's just letting your mind wonder off and trying to catch it. You need to spiritually cleanse your BODY which what meditation can't do. Of course your mind can be sharp from meditation, but your body wont be clear of energy blockages. So think for yourself what is more important. Don't leave your body behind, it also goes for the ride to wherever you go.

    Very interesting...

    Where did you learn those newbie techniques? What resources do you use in order to learn yoga? 

    My problem is that i don't know how to get started with yoga. Please send me some links & i will start doing yoga as well.

  11. Check this video --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlzXhiQa4mk

    Sadhguru claims that we have 5 different kind of bodies. After DEATH The mental body and the pranic body goes on & when karma's intensity dissipates then it finds another body.

    Ofcourse i don't understand ANY of that BUT i think it goes contrary to what @Leo Gura is saying.  Leo says that after death you just return to the Source & Infinite Love.  Sadhguru says that unless you have a mahasamadhi then you will be a godamn ghost waiting for another body...And if you died unaturally then sorry my friend but you will have to wait much longer for another body than someone who died peacefully lol. 

    What is the mental body & pranic body? Is just another name for consciousness?

    I'm super confused right now... Guess i'll find out when my time comes.... Can't wait man.


  12. Ok so i have been practicing on & off mindfullness meditation for couple of years now & even had 2 mystical experiences while on it.

    But NOW i am ready to seriously commit and do meditation till the day i die so i wanna be doing it PROPERLY.


    So my technique is that i FOCUS on my breathing & then between the pauses of the breath i do nothing in particular.

    Question #1: What should i do between the pauses of the breath?? I'm very CONFUSED about this. Some ppl say focus on the space but i don't know what that is supposed to mean.  Should i  focus on nothing? 

    Or maybe i shouldn't even focus at all and JUST SURRENDER? After all i am already focusing on the breathing. So why should i keep focusing on the space? There is nothing even to focus on...

    Question #2:  When i am focusing on the breathing is it better to FOCUS on the entire breathing (air entering nostrils, lungs & stomach) or is it better to just FOCUS on the air entering the nostrils and nothing else? Is it better to focus your awareness on as lil space as possible or not?

    I need some help. This is very tricky stuff.

    Thank you .




  13. I hope you make a video on reincarnation & Karma someday.

    Let's say that i kill 10 people and die in jail. Will my next life be hellish?

    Or let's say that i do very good in the world and help millions of people. Will my next life be an evolution of that?

    BUT All this talk that you are reborn to learn lesson from previous lifetimes doesn't make sense to me since the subject is One.

  14. How Do You Distinguish Truth from Delusion when Tripping on Psychedelics?

    When i am tripping everything feels so real and truthful but afterwards i start questioning many things and also oberve some delusions. This has made me doubtful about the psychedelic spiritual path .

    Any insights would be highly appreciated.

  15. This was actually my 2nd day in a row taking mushrooms so i decided to take a large dose (75g). Made a tea out of it and added sugar & lemon. 

    I wanted to find out an answer about something that happened in the past but i can't quite clearly remember it. While tripping i got an answer but afterwards i began questioning that answer and ended up in the same of place of not knowing as before. That sucked!

    While tripping i got in a dual state of awareness. My body became indistinct from my desktop, my chair, the walls and the entire room. That was cool. Also i felt like i am Leo, i am Actualized.org , i am Newton, I am Einstein , i am Hawking & everybody else who ever lived. I can't tell now if this was a delusion or had any "reality" behind it. Also i felt like i have access to infinite intelligence & that is inevitable that i will suffer.

    Furthermore i became quite delusional entertaining some crazy ideas which are not true..Like that everyone else knows secretly that i am God and this is all a play...

    Maybe i couldn't distinguish my thoughts from reality while tripping.

    Anyways it was a great experience. But at this point i don't know if i can trust mushrooms anymore..

    I have used them several times before. Sometimes i feel like they get me connected to Truth and othertimes i feel like they connect me to utter Delusion. I'm kinda dissapointed to be bonest as much as i love shrooms.