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Posts posted by GeoLura

  1. Lol. Rogan has been talking about 5-meo multiple times before. Like he said, he ordered a shitload of it, when it was still legal to order. But yeah, Michael Pollan ofc is a newbie in all this non-duality stuff, so no wonder it was a horrible experience for him. You can't go from 0 to 9000 like that and assume when you come back, that your ego won't claim that experience as fucking terrifying. Also he took only one hit, not enough to breaktrough.

  2. Overdoing sds might make you progress too fast. Like forcing yourself into enlightenment, i did sds for 1-8 hours almost every day for 4 months couple years ago and got a legit non-dual experience and it spooked my ego so much, that i quit all this enlightenment shit for a while. But every brain is wired differently, might work for you, might not. Try multiple different techniques, but stick to one for minimum one month and maybe combine multiple strategies. sds with do nothing, sds with self-inquiry, sds while focusing on an object like a cup or some shit like that. For me what felt most uncomfortable was the way to go. Like in video games, if there's enemies(fear), you're going to the right direction xD but remember to not be too serious, be playful, laugh at yourself. This is so comical, mindfucking, paradoxical shit. It's hilarious

  3. Suffering kept me going at first. Meditation made my mind peaceful and the elevated awareness felt good. Then i stopped and went back to normal routines, because i was peaceful and the ego thought that "phew, now i can go back to being unconscious again". Then the suffering naturally came back at some point, and i remembered that being aware was much better than this. That cycle went on for like a year or so. At some point i had a little glimpse of enlightenment by accident, and that kept me going until i was "done".

  4. Yes i've had those experiences. I guess that's kundalini or some shit. It usually went like this:
    - start strong determination sitting
    - at some point there's no sense of body, no sense of self. Just the visual field and the sensations rising and passing.
    - ego notices that and heart starts racing and a thought "i might die" rises. As a beginner i stopped at this point.
    - after like 10 times of getting to this point and stopping, i was used to it and just continued to sit.
    - all kinds of energetic sensations started happening, like what felt like a lightning going through my spine to the top of my head.
    - that "energetic flow" expanded the awareness more and more, until "I" saw the how the ego works and how it's made of of all these different components that make it's illusory structure. Like the optical illusion pic Leo posted a while back.
    - the first illusion that was seen was how all thought is happening by itself, So that meant that every action happens by itself, and that meant that the self can't possibly be nothing but an illusion.

    So yeah from my experience the resistance at step 4 is just your ego resisting. psychedelics might be helpful to push through that resistance.

  5. i don’t really get where you separate yourself from the people on 4chan - are you doing it or not?
    What do you mean?

    are you separating nihilism from suffering? in what way?

    do you think people talk about that stuff or do they impersonate it (i mean are they nazis or alt rights?)
    Many people impersonate it. Make threads to bait, troll people, then that may draw in some real neo-nazis, who think that 4chan is their place to talk about that stuff and as time passes now there are real neo-nazis visiting and posting there often. I've seen that kind of thing happen. I also think that there's alot of propaganda spread in these kinds of sites. "Russian trollfarms" and all that who get paid to post propaganda on popular forums.

    does it hurt you if i say i feel sad for you, that you did that to yourself at the age of  ten? if i try to imagine that from my ten years old perspective - it seems to have been hard.
    It doesn't. I can't remember what i felt then. I can't watch that kind of stuff now as an adult.

    somehow that website sounds more and more like a brothel or a swinger club, where children fuck each other’s souls because they got fucked to hard by reality.
    xD Yes, that description fits. Hell, many youtube commenters have the same mentality. And twitter commenters too ...




  6. @now is forever  lol, i watched Idiocracy like a month ago for the first time :D It's over the top for sure and not that good of a movie, but the consept is scary for sure. Intelligent people tend to have alot less kids than low iq people.
    But yeah, 4chan and other similiar sites are filled with lonely, nihilistic and resentful people. So that's their one place where they can try to make others feel as bad as they do. I think "trolling" began on 4chan.. :D Of course, there's all kinds of fringe ideologies talked about cause people can stay anonymous. Alt-right, Neo-nazis.. etc. It's hard to explain the mentality and "culture" of 4chan, cause my english is not that good and you'd have to lurk there for a while to understand it (don't do it, it's a waste of time). It's "edgy" in that sense, there's no limits to how much of an asshole or how unethical things you can post. I meant myself being the ultimate edgelord as a kid xD more like i was thinking i was cool, special and stronger, than all those "normies" cause i could watch all that horrific stuff and just keep a poker face.

  7. @Shadowraix  Hahah, I grew up lurking 4chan and similiar image boards. I was the extreme edgelord growing up. At 10 yo i used to force myself to watch the most horrific gore videos, mexican cartel torture videos etc. while listening to slipknot xD I thought it would make me strong somehow. Those are fucking toxic sites mostly, i still lurk /biz/ sometimes tho for info on new crypto projects.

  8. K-hole is amazing for realizing that your reality is not as solid as you think it is. I personally have nothing but good experiences with ketamine. Last time i tripped, i for example: Lived as an Japanese girl in 2100 Japan. It was as vivid as this reality, and it's hard to remember, but it felt like i lived as her for 20 years atleast. Then i went back to my teens and watched myself play bioshock for hours on friday, after school in 2010 xD . It felt like the trip lasted for a life time, when only ~30 mins were passed and i was so shocked to see that i was just tripping.

  9. @Jack River  Yeah, it's all very tricky and varies from person to person. For me it went like this: I started with effort, got to a point where the fear was too much. After a small break i started to meditate multiple hours a day, after some months i got so exhausted, i just surrendered and that's when i got my first real glimpse. So in that sense effort IS needed.