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Posts posted by Wekz

  1. Just realized that tehnologie (phone,tv,radio) are the greatest obstacle to counciousness there ever was..

    You become a uncouncious robot, that repeats the same thing again and again, like clockwise, every single day, even worse, you get brainwashed with the same shit every day. Again and again.

  2. Turns out my father is a psyhopath, he conffessed it to me whyle i confronted him about what he did to me. He said he has zero remorse and would rape children every day. I reported him to the police, and am currently staying at a mental gospital facility working thinks out.

    Just wanted to say that im ok, and thank you for all the support you gave me ❤

  3. @Ar_Senses thx mate :) apreciate it. Yes i read the book, and i know i got self esteem issues, im working om that too. But its funny the first time i read the book my self esteem skyrocketed, but underneath it there was still that wound that just didnt let me go forwars, which then lead to a catastrofy. But hope as i heal it my self esteem will get better too. 

  4. @Leo Gura  I was at one point away from them, when i went to college, then i started watching your videos too. And yes, i felt 10x more powerfull, but as soon as they noticed that i started to change, they cut everything. And i just couldnt study and work at the same time, and they knew it lol. And i couldnt leave because of the shit inside me, but i just kept pushing with my head trough the wall, until everything colapsed, and i went totaly nuts for a while.

  5. @Ar_Senses Great story and thx for the support, the last time i tried psyhodelics it was a complete nightmare trip, so im realy hesetant to do that again. But i found that, because i got...the first time beacuse i didnt want to spend time with my father (great reason btw), if i left it would happen again..that made me feel that helplessness all over again, so i think now it will be easier to leave. Or if not i will just find why. Thx for the advice @Leo Gura i will follow it, and move as soon as i can. Probably do some therapy too...need to get that out of me.

  6. I have suffered from the worst things fucking imaginable. I got raped by my father, i got astrosized, humiliated, manipulated, kept locked in a fucking hell cell from their creating. Got used, and bammed for every single one of their problems. And now my own mother wants to be in a sexual relationship with me, and then i show her fuck no, are you retatded?? She pushes me away and tells me to leave. WHERE DOES THIS SHIT FUCKING END. How do you fucking speak to people about that???? So mom...i dont want to be in a relationship with you because...YOUR MY FUCKING MOTHER?????????? I dont even want to live anymore...for what?? How do you have faith in anything anymore, how??? Someone tell me because i dont see it, bullshit after bullshit, it seems to never end. I dont even know how i managed to stay sane. I admire myselve, dont even care if its egoic, i just do and fuck everything else.