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Posts posted by Shadowraix

  1. Ever since my LSD+DXM experience I have really taken an interest in this nondual path.

    Now I rarely practice meditation, and its something I need to work on. But I do practice a lot of contemplation. I've been a huge contemplater even when I was young as a kid, a lot of the social programming I grew up questioning which I am extremely grateful for. 

    As someone nearing the age of 20 and has suffered through many mental issues in the past, I feel like I am on the edge of breaking a shell. I feel something shifting inside of me. I still feel like there are things I don't know consciously and it almost feels like its just waiting to burst up to the surface. I've seen tremendous progress in who I am as a person and my outlook on life. My career pursuits and intentions improving. My potential is waiting to be unleashed.


    Its so liberating. My overall satisfaction in life has skyrocketed. My open mindedness has skyrocketed. I can experience a sort of euphoria and satisfaction I needed drugs to experience before.

    Psychedelics and teachers such as Leo I am so grateful for. For making me aware of the tools to seek out answers.

    I'm young and have much work to do. I won't deny I am still naive.

    I love you all. 

  2. 15 hours ago, fabriciom said:

    @Shadowraix Not all is a creation of the mind. Believes, thoughts, ideas yes. 

    The mind can't create what nature does, it can filter and modify the perception but something as beautiful as a flower can not be created by the human mind.

    The things we do are intentional when the mind has full control. As you start to wake, you are able to see those intentions and decide if to execute or ignore.

    There is no meaning other than realising what you are.


    I think you misinterpreted me. Language starts to break down here. If you have watched Leo's video on "What is Consciousness" or "What is intelligence" or read the Kyballion you will get a firmer understanding of what I mean by mind.

    By everything is a creation of mind, its saying everything is mind/consciousness and when that manifests itself you get humans, animals, all of the perceived reality. Imagine a person in your head walking around a park. Its sort of like that but on a much more infinite limitless scale.

    In this case Mind != human perception but it does include human perception since that too is a manifestation of mind.

    If all is mind and a manifestation of mind then everything we do is nothing but a product of such a mind. Hence why its all intentional. It very closely relates to simulation theory.


    I was first exposed to this notion through the Kyballion and later saw Leo too had some interesting perspectives on it.

  3. Why limit yourself exclusively to web development?

    For me personally web dev is a major cluster fuck of technologies and consistently shifting design standards and its more of a headache to keep up with than other parts of programming. But I have a bias for game programming.

    Also have mercy on your soul if you intend to use PHP for all of your projects. The design of that language is so so painful to look at.

    Who thought global namespaces was a good idea?

  4. On 9/13/2018 at 7:24 PM, fabriciom said:

    There is no such thing as your life.

    The meaning of why you are here its whatever you are doing right now. Because that is what you are doing right now.

    I feel like this comes from the idea that:

    All is mind and you are a creation/manifestation of such mind. Literally everything and anything you do is purely 100% intentional. But to us the meaning ultimately boils down to: Just exist.

  5. 11 hours ago, Taylor04 said:

    I'm human. Do you think enlightenment is feeling like youre the universe?

    Are you really human? Or is that an identity you've created through thought?

    Identifying yourself as human comes through distinctions which must collapse to become infinite.

    A lot of religions used the idea of a "spirit" that inhabits the body to try and point this out. 

  6. On 9/4/2018 at 1:52 AM, XYZ said:

    As a male, sexual transmutation is as simple as retaining semen, and channeling sexual energy into things other than primal instincts, which comes part and parcel with abandoning watching porn and fantasizing about sex. Basically it's doing no-fap, and doing things with the sexual energy other than letting it fester, could be as simple as meditation, exercise, or learning. I hear women that have talked about experiencing sexual transmutation, but I have trouble grasping this, since refraining from ejaculation is the driving force behind male sexual transmutation, but women don't ejaculate. Sure, women can get addicted to porn, the act of pleasuring themselves or having sex, and stopping those addictions will boost their energy, but there isn't any loss of nutrient dense substance like semen, and I don't think female menstruation has any similar effect as male masturbation, even if they are as close as biological equivalents.

    Not sure I get this? The relieve of sexual energy is not ejaculating per se but the orgasm itself. An explosion in pleasure. Women may not ejaculate but they orgasm too and orgasm isn't "free" just like running or walking uses energy. Orgasms will use chemicals and functions of the body which is converted energy.

  7. 3 hours ago, Misagh said:

    Being a Zen devil is only a concern for the individual who is interested in making the world a better place. If a soul's Karma determines that one is to be the devil, no amount of shadow work will change that fate, it might even make things worse.

    And some people will just not be able to follow nonduality no matters how much they try.

    Does that mean the work itself is pointless? No.

    Yes there is potential such shadow work may just not 'work' but that doesn't imply its a waste of time for everyone.

    Its more accurate to say what intentions such shadow work can satisfy and for people to decide if those satisfactions are what they are after.

  8. 8 hours ago, Mu_ said:

    There's something very familiar in your inner questioning if you should try and help, its close to one I went through for a few years of my life (hell I still go into it to a degree).  And while I don't have a specific answer to your dilemma something does pop out about your comments.  You seem to have a lot of frustration about other peoples conditioning and react to "dumb" (What is dumb anyways) comments.  Perhaps its a good opportunity to inquire into this and learn something about yourself and maybe grow as an individual so your not suffering so much as a result of other peoples comments or your own view on their opinions. 

    I will say this though to your question, you don't "need" to comment or interject if not asked directly, but you have a right to if you want, and if your heart is well intended then why not and learn from the interaction.

    I know dumb is a very subjective thing. Ultimately I am trying to refer to aggressively defensive, hypocritical, and any kind of fallacious logic. I had a conversation with my grandmother who perpetuates her own suffering by saying "thats just who/how I am" and I tried explaining this most likely not who she is and is just a following of cultural programming and her restricting her own thinking and self change by just accepting shes static. A self limiting belief. My responses to her excuses like "I am happy this way" (Happy to cause yourself suffering?) "Can't teach an old dog tricks" (Self limiting belief) etc etc seems to stump her but ultimately ends up not getting her to really think about what she is doing.

    The constant justification perpetuating your own stress and problems seems to be obvious to me and not for others. I give solutions and answers but they don't truly take in and think about what I am offering. That was significant frustration and I knew I can't make them change nor is there any fact she "should" change. Its like watching a person in an abusive relationship that fails to see the abusiveness in it.

    2 hours ago, XYZ said:

    By changing yourself, you are changing the world. Those with the greatest impact aren't meddling in public affairs or going out trying to "help people" but expressing their truth and leading by example. 

    Good points. Those might be significant points of change, but I do see potential in being successful in helping individuals lives and that changing their lives which can change others lives. One small change chaining into a bigger change. I'd like to be expressive on my own YT channel so that those who can see value/benefit in what I say seek it out for themselves. My structured speech is pretty poor though and I am working on it. Being expressive always has some sacrifice and ultimately a big dilemma comes from realizing there is no should or should not, so then it comes down to do I put in the effort or just let it be. There are pros and cons to both sides.

  9. 53 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:

    You change the world in everyday actions, everything you do impact the "whole". 

    Correct even the most minute details. But I am talking more in the perspective of the ideas humans follow or practice and the expression of those ideas to expose it to other people. When we share ideas it is often so other people can see our view because say one might think their ideas is a better way of living. Being enlightened vs being a blind cog in the wheel (Yes I am aware of the illusory dualism of that vs)

    Enlightened or stage green,blue, turquoise is just another stage. It can improve on the problems of the previous if you say its a problem which has to have some defined clear goal which can differ among others. People like me who are fairly early in this kind of work may feel frustration to those who don't see the more subtle manipulation of society, yet there is no should not to them being blinded by it but nor is there a should. So it can cause a fundamental conflict on if one would put any effort into showing others this path or just to let people do how they do.

    Its a conflict of interest. One can share ideas for very counter intuitive reasons in this path like trying to force those to belong with you. Or projecting your ideas of a better life on those already satisfied. I'm really having trouble conveying this dilemma

  10. I made a comment to him that he hearted which showed to me he does recognize benefits for other people, he just didn't receive them when he used:

    "Cg Kid Psychedelics can be like packing years of meditation in a half day experience. Then you come back to baseline and have to deal with all of your usual thoughts and egoic behavior. They are most definitely tools for recognizing and stopping self limiting behaviors of the ego, but that requires one to use the experiences from the psychedelic and cultivate and grow it even in a sober mindstate. A lot of people don't want to put in the hard work to retain the mindset they held under psychs."

  11. This is a very difficult thing I am currently working through. Say somebody is blinded by societal conditioning. I may get frustrated because it seems so obvious to me. They may be perpetuating their own suffering and then I wish to break them through the illusion? Should I? The fact I even ask such a should shows I must be off track. I may develop a goal for the world to be whether its to move up a stage or whatever, but that isn't inherently evident others should follow my goal or that I should put any effort into what other people see to align with what I see. Is it a trap for me to get people to conform to me for a sense of belonging? I go on YouTube and see a dumb comment and I may write a in depth reply as I calm down my emotions to give my point of view but I always question why I do it. I quit a lot of social media like Facebook so I could explicitly stop getting frustrated on what other people say. I could think my sharing of ideas might give something to make people happier or it may just serve to frustrate me in a endless battle typically of being attacked and lashed out at.

    Then I think of the the intelligence that is imbued in everything. Everything is as intended. In this present moment my post, you reading, my thoughts, their thoughts, nothing is ever unintentional. Including my replies and sharing of information of others, and so are others attack on me.

    This inherent nature of should, should not, good, bad etc being all some construct can often leave me feeling groundless. It ultimately comes from a big conflict in either me prioritizing my own development and growth to if I should give no, some, equal, or more consideration for the well being on others and when would be most suitable to just let it be. I see when things are counter intuitive to what people want, or they perpetuate their own suffering and it causes me a great deal of pain. Do I really want their well being or just to remedy my own pain? I think I feel a deep sense of care for others (which is funny because its ultimately me caring about myself and changing myself but I digress) 

    I'm kind of rambling at this point about my own conflict of interests in often what I wish and if those wishes are deceiving me and/or if I should even give it time of day at all. This is excluding those who come and seek what I have to offer to them but more about replying to a comment or some statement in which interjection is allowed but is not requested of me directly.

  12. @Serotoninluv

    One core problem the thread title creates.

    Thread Title: "This why you should never do psychedelics"

    Video Title: "Why I will NEVER take psychedelics again"

    See the difference here? He is talking about his own personal experience to explain why he will never do them again. So the over simplistic nature of how he is describing his points is from how his experiences go and isn't inherently trying to sum them up as that being applicable for everyone.


  13. Its like breaking a bad habit.

    The more you give into fear, the more it is likely going to happen.

    A lot of our behavior you can track down to being very pattern based.

    Meditation is a very good tool at learning how to watch your own mind. What you're looking for initially is to not eliminate the fear, but be able to interject between the emotion and response to the emotion. Learning to watch the mind and not respond to every little thing it does can allow for such interjection.

    Once you stop responding to the response, not doing so will get easier. Your fear is ultimately because you are attached and grasping onto things. Fear is very manipulative for as long as you keep grasping onto them.


  14. 1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    @Slade thats what im wondering can they reveal things to me as an good options and i choose something in the end

    Psychedelics are very capable at stripping many illusions you have about you and your perceived reality.

    You may find it easier to lay the cards out on the table and see their contents.

    The psychedelic can help give you the mental mindset to think your LP out, but you must still do the conscious thought. 

  15. 13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Shadowraix Venom can ONLY be smoked/vaporized. You cannot consume it any other way as the smoking burns off the other stuff in venom, which is what you want. Who knows what kind of nasty toxins are in that venom.

    From what I understand the Bufotinine will mostly burn off or get overshadowed by the 5-MeO so the % does not really matter. You'd just want to start with a really small dose and work your way up inch by inch. Smoked 5-MeO is extremely fast and hard-hitting.

    Yeah I didn't know if the actual extracted venom could be smoked or if there was some extra extraction process necessary.

    All the toxins and bufotinine getting burned off is something I did not consider. (Although I have no experience smoking any substance beyond weed and I know DMT is a tricky drug to smoke, maybe DMT smoking experience would aid me here?)

    I am a bit on a budget and im in a situation in which financials matter so the maximum drug/price possible matters a bit (not my decision) so I think I will reserve any receiving of 5-meo to when its for sole personal use not grounded in a budget. :)

  16. 1 hour ago, Delmo said:

    I have tried to quit before, not for weeks but months. I don't remember the results though.  Are you saying the urges might be affected by pornography? In that case I'll quit it for a few weeks and see if the urges disappear or becomes less. 

    I don't think its ultimately that it will disappear but masturbation and pornography teaches one to give into the release of sexual urges. The more you do something the more you teach your body to expect it. So when you lack self-discipline in sexual urges you will find not being able to relieve them to be even more frustrating than before.