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Posts posted by DecemberFlower

  1. @Mu_ Yeah I am still spinning in ego stories it creates from inquiry experiences:)Its kinda tricky cause it definitely feels like I have to put effort into being consciousness even though thats what I essentialy am.Probably comes from natural tendency that to get somewhere you have to do something.

    Thanks for your response

  2. @Mu_ experience.I was comparing with one true non dual moment i had where there was no separation between me and the world.All there was was consciousness and it wasnt mine it was just there existing:)

    But most of my inquiry and meditation experiences are still this sort od duality between me consciousness observing and "stuff" being observed.

    So i was wondering if that is still ego in disguise just in form of consciousness and not in form of thinker of thought or feeler od emotions..sorry if i sound confusing:D

  3. 32 minutes ago, SoonHei said:


    In this case, falling back to sleep = forgetting your true nature... And that happens only if one is not certain beyond any doubt of their true nature.

    Using the snake/rope... It's like... U see the rope but aren't yet 100% sure it is a rope ... And are afraid it maybe a snake (or doubting yourself) so you're still afraid to get near/touch/hold the rope... Until you absolutely 100% confirm that it is a rope and always was. Then, no more "sleeping" :)


    But in non dual moment(enlightement experience) there isnt one to doubt:D Its pretty clear what is being seen.Awareness aware of itself.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Gabriel Antonio said:

    Solipsism (/ˈsɒlɪpsɪzəm/ (listen); from Latin solus, meaning 'alone', and ipse, meaning 'self') is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist. This extreme position is claimed to be irrefutable, as the solipsist believes themself to be the only true authority, all others being creations of their own mind.

    Non duality is radically different from solipsism.Solipsism is talking about only finite limited ego mind existing while non duality is pointing towards unlimited consciousness

  5. 16 minutes ago, thesmileyone said:

    You don't even need enlightenment to conquer social anxiety, the moment you understand that thoughts don't mean shit, means your anxiety doesn't mean shit. There will still be body anxiety, ie you will still shake and have bowel movements and sweat and stuff, so it's just a matter of out-habiting the body anxiety because there is no more mind-anxiety to feed it. And you do that by exposure therapy. Putting yourself in hard social situations, when mind-anxiety comes up you say "I am not my thoughts" and you just be in the moment in the social scenario. This might take years to fix or 5 mins.


    This is interesting.Why body anxiety still happens if you broke mind identification after all mind and body are connected and influence each other dont they?

  6. Just now, theking00 said:

    I never had a glimpse of no self. I   Am 27 and I never was in a girl told me that I have no confidence . 

    Yeah until you get it you wont be motivated enough at least that was the case with me.As i said stick with your meditation and inquiry and do it every day.If you will be persistent it will happen dont worry.Sorry to hear that but you need to realize you cant allow other people to form your self image and worth.Dont accept everything negative you hear from others.She told you that but you dont need to believe it. Find your good aspects and use them to beat the issues you have.