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Posts posted by Hansu

  1. Why so many users here take his ways so personally? Take whats there and if you feel like there is no net positive value in what he says, then clearly you are not in his target audience. I feel like Leo is teaching to people who are brutally honest with themselves, so be brutally honest with yourself. If you are, his words cannot hurt you. If you are brutally honest with yourself, then his words are one of three things: "Genius", "moronic", or "not applicable in this context" (in the latter one you need to elaborate your view/problem). His words literally can not hurt you if you are not in self denial, so start being brutally honest with yourself.

    This same thread is remade once a month and I really dont see the value in repeating this circus time after time.

  2. 49 minutes ago, SamC said:

    Yes and no but I am still aware that I don't see it clearly becuase I get so triggered by the misandry ( the excesses of it) which tells me that I can't fully understand feminism and it which tells me that I can't fully understand and accept myself.

    Im being devils advocate here when I say that could it be, that you dont get triggered by misandry itself, but by the fear that misandric people could one day get power and start to move the nordic countries from equality to inequality? That was my problem with the Twitter misandrists, and when I realized that they will never get real power due to their extreme views, all my anxiety towards those people went away. Your case could be different, tho.

    49 minutes ago, SamC said:

    I'll be completley honest, when I first read the quote I interpreted it as misandry too, which tells me that I probably generalize all feminism to misandry and that I therefor can't see the systemic problems of inequality that clearly.

    I undestand, the quote out of context can be interpeted as misandric, but in the context of western societies and systemic oppression of women it starts to make a lot of sense. You are definitely on the right path though, keep rocking :)

    Personally I think your problem is that you were born in a country with very high (perhaps worlds highest?) equality of opportunity. It feels stupid to think that there is inequality in the nordic countries, thats what I thought for 25 years too.


  3. 10 hours ago, snowyowl said:

    if I don't keep up with watching them, the YT algorithm drops them down the list, and stops notifying me of them

    The algorithm also favors short 5-20 minute videos with maximum amount of ads over longer videos.

    When I searched "How to meditate" on youtube, Leo's 35 minute video on the topic comes up eleventh.


    This is despite the fact that Leos video has the second most views. But I guess our average attention span cuts off around 7 minutes, at least thats what the algorithm seems to think.


    EDIT: I think the search engine is intended to work as follows:

    1 Find the videos with highest watch time to video lenght ratio

    2 Suggest similiar videos (and cat videos) so that after the viewer finishes the first video, they go watch another one

    3 Repeat until the viewer exhausts their dopamine receptors

    And vola, maximum amount of profit has been aquired. Someone who watches Leos 35 minute video on meditation with presumably low ad count (I dont know how many ads there is in Leos videos) and then goes off to meditate generates a lot less profit than watching 60 minutes of maximum ad, candy colored videos with trigger sounds and images. Watching Leos videos is not good for Youtubes business ;)

  4. 8 hours ago, Consept said:

    I dont think anyone lacks fear, i just think some people dont let fear dominate them or dont give into it, but the same impulses you have one someone confronts you is similar to what he would have, hes just mastered it to an extent. Part of that mastery is to be confident and positive, there of course some genetic factors in this and amount of serotonin you have but im more talking about what is in your relative control in terms of mindset. 

    Yeah, it could be that to some extend you can control your fear. Like I can easily control my fear of flight when someone with 3 years of schooling flies the plane, but If Im in the cockpit flying myself, Im terrified. I know you mean something like using your mind to control fear, but I dont think thats a healthy way to deal with dangerous situations. Personally I think that in the end of the day, you need to know that "I will be socially and physically okay when I go to sleep" in order to have healthy fear control. With bodyguards and fame you can easily achieve that when it comes to human on human-violence.

    8 hours ago, Consept said:

    We dont know how Arnold would react in an actual violent situation, also as far as i know hes not actually trained to fight.

    You know that hes not actually trained to fight, I know that he is actually not trained to fight, but he still looks like one mean motherfucker with the confidence of the king ape and massive chest muscles.



    I dont care how much training he has, a beta male wont confront him with fists and he knows it :D Now thats a confidence booster!


    8 hours ago, Consept said:

    So these are two different situations youre talking about, the egg situation is very different to being physically challenged

    I think there is some cultural differences at play here. In Finland we have a very high respect for one's physical bubble and we only touch a stranger in love and in fight, so to me an egg to my face is prelude to violence (or really nice night with my Domina). Please excuse me for the misunderstanding :)


    8 hours ago, Consept said:

    The comparison is more with other politicians in a similar situation and in comparison to them id say hes more self developed and theres something to be learnt within that.

    Having read Arnold's autobiography, I can say that he is very intelligent (except for that one time when he drove a tank through the tank garage) and he has gone through a lot in his life. He is very compassionate and passionate guy, I even dare to say that he is self-actualized man


  5. 45 minutes ago, Consept said:

    I dont think it's as simple although what you said might play into it. There are many politicians who react very badly to eggs or things like that thrown at them. His reaction seemed like someone who was very confident and positive and genuinely believes in the system. I've always thought Schawzebenegger had a great mindset, key to that is not blaming people and you can see he didn't here 

    I think its a chicken and egg problem, is he staying confident and positive because he lacks fear (rightly so) or does he lack fear because he is staying confident and positive? He also has nothing to prove, because he is already in the top 1% of men. He knows that if a beta male comes and starts to pick a fight with him, we can all laugh and point at the beta male until he is embarrassed enough to either leave or get restrained by the mob if he gets physical. Arnold literally can not lose unless he decides to beat the beta male into hospital, which would be a social suicide for him.

    If a beta male comes to me and starts to pick a fight, I have a reason to fear in that situation, socially and physically. My survival is 100% dependent on me doing the right decisions, I dont have trained bodyguards or mob helping me. If I answer physical attack by getting physical too and cops arrive at the scene at the wrong time, Im the one going to jail. If someone films the fight and makes clever cuts, I could get fired from my workplace and otherwise socially castrated. If I do nothing, I might get killed. If I run, I might fall over and still get beaten or killed. Staying calm and positive in that situation could get me killed, so my brain basically returns to monke while trying to process what the hell I should do to stay socially and physically alive :D

    I think the best thing for a regular guy to achieve Arnolds level of confidence and positivity in a violent situation would be to master some martial art that gives you ability to disarm and restrain the aggressor with ease and without causing injuries (I think grappling arts like Judo are the best ones for this). That way you could easily restrain the aggressor and call the cops while the guy under your ass contemplates his life choices. You would also be socially well because you can show that no harm was done to the aggressor. If cops arrive to the scene just to see how you grab the guys fist and make them kneel with Jedi trick, they probably wont shoot your ass and you have time to explain what happened before they arrived. If someone films you, you probably get applauded at the next training session.

    All in all, I dont think it has anything to do with Arnolds political views. He is just being a politic when he is saying so 9_9


    EDIT: You can also get fear by clinging into beliefs such as honor, so if you dishonor a politician with this belief with an egg they go into a fight or flight mode because the dishonorable behavior of the aggressor. They fear that they lose their face and political points when someone dishonors them with an egg.

  6. In my perspective he lacks fear when it comes to an egg being thrown at him. If it was a blank gun round (Gunshot with loud sound but no bullet) it'd probably be a whole different case. If I was thrown with an egg, my mind would start calculating the probability of an upcoming fight, he can just continue walking and let his bodyguards deal with the assaulter. He also knows that he is intimidating, so the assaulter probably don't want to fight with fists (That's why he threw an egg)

    That's my two cents.

  7. I recently started to work in a company, I wont disclose what I do because the job title attracts spam bots to forums, and this thread wouldn't be the first one to be locked and removed due to this problem. 

    My work is highly independent, I get paid based on my results and get 0 commission for sitting on my ass so I have to work hard. But the potential payoff is good, I could earn 3-5 times more than the salary I had in my earlier workplace (That required college education). The work that gets me paid is also focused on 5-30 minutes long bursts so that short segment has to be perfected in order for me to get good at this job.

    Anyone have powerful questions I could use before those segments, after them, before/after/during the day, during the week, during a month? Perhaps something that successful entrepreneurs use?

    The company tells me to just wing it but... Well, "If I Am To Speak Ten Minutes, I Need a Week for Preparation" so Im a little skeptical about winging it when I want to be the most successful performer in the company.

  8. 7 minutes ago, wwhy said:

    Stuff your pie hole with whatever feels right for you. And let others do the same. That's all I was saying to some others who have since run away.

    I have discovered that choosing a diet is kinda like buying something for 90% of the people
    Buying works like this: Emotions buy, then logic explains why you were right to buy.

    Car vs diet example: You first get the car/diet on your emotion, such as "car: its cool, my old one is makes me embarrassed" or "diet: it ideologically aligns with my view, my old one makes me look bad in my friends eyes", and then you find a logical reason why to choose that diet: "car: It helps me overtake people on the road, so its safer" or "diet: research paper said its healthier than the average diet in *insert nation*"

    I rarely see someone doing proper research on food and then choosing ingredients that are suitable for you based on how your ancestors lived, genes and how the food makes you feel and look physically. Most often the reasons are emotional, and then the logical reason is something vague such as: "My diet promotes autophagy/my diet is healthy according to this (very small sample size) research paper/my political partners are on this diet and its the correct for our future/Fat is unhealthy according to this (another useless) research paper from 1970's/warriors of Greece ate like this and they were fit/it makes my muscles grow". Can you guess which diets Im speaking of? These arguments always come up when someone wants to talk how their diet is superior to yours. Lol.

    We trust biased research, beliefs and political ideologies way too much when we choose a diet. This has to stop, we need to go back and choose our diet based on how things taste to us, how things smell to us, how things make our bodies feel, how our bodies change on a diet. We need more body awareness and less research papers. We have delegated something that our ancestors found through trial and error by tasting berries, different kinds of fish, mushrooms, stalks, vegetables etc. to biased researchers who twist data and make their findings in perfect laboratory conditions. They dont even care if the results can be replicated in a societal level, if *insert diet* gives you *insert benefit* in laboratory conditions, then thats all they need to know to get their paycheck and whatever awards they get for "groundbreaking discoveries"

    I dont know how many diets @Preety_India have tried, but if she has always been on vegan diet, then her comment shows remarkable open mindedness on her part. For me, I have tried and bought a lot of different diets and seen their positive and negative sides. Today Im proud to say that I eat whatever I want, but that doesn't mean that I eat at Mcdonalds.

    I thought about making a whole new thread about this topic alone. Sorry if some parts didnt make sense to you, Im too busy with my career atm so I cant put more thought on the subject. But I hope someone here finds wisdom in my view, if there is any.

  9. 1 hour ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

    Somebody lock this stupid troll thread, it's an obvious troll.

    Naa dude, this is like... Super deep societial contemplation.  To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand this stuff. The societal impact is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical societal sciences most of the truth will go over a typical reader's head. The MENSA members understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these theories, to realize that they're not just true- they say something deep about LIFE.

  10. 1 hour ago, integral said:

    @Matt23 Was responding to @AtheisticNonduality, he believes to have both Fe and Fi, mixing up the INTJ and INFJ types. Can you help out making the distinctions? Might be an issue with Masculine Fe vs Feminine Fe. 

    @Hansu Haha well thats the first step, after this we got to break it down more into the ENFP sub types, there are 32. lol Just got to start binging it, only way :)




    Thanks! Been binging all evening, but it doesn't hurt to take a look at quality source ?

    EDIT: And Im planning on learning them all. This in invaluable knowledge


    Yeah, could be. Especially in the modern era where you can get so addicted to videogames, that you might be introverted just because videogames take all of your time. Its easy to think you are an introvert in that case, even if you are actually an extrovert

  11. @integral

    I regret that I haven't read on MBTI earlier. When I read about ENFP, its like someone wrote my life on a paper. This is an amazing tool! Like I always thought it was unique for me to forget everything that bores me while things that interest me, 90% of it is permanently ingrained into my brain.  Apparently, thats just normal for ENFP:s. Things like struggling with daily routines... Normal for an ENFP. Wanting an open, unscheduled and unstructured time... Its typical for and ENFP. And I thought I sucked at discipline, lol.

    I need to read about all of these types. Can you suggest a good book to get me going?

  12. I was INTP as a teenager, ENTP at ~23 and yesterday I got ENFP.

    Gotta say that this is true. As a child I was cold, perhaps even autistic and spent 12-16 hours a day playing video games. Everything had to go through logical thinking, emotions were for the weak. Best thing that could happen is that my family went to a 3 day vacation so I could spend those 3 days playing games and eating noodles. No socialization needed.

    Skip to 17 years old my self-help journey begins and I start to pick up on social skills and I turn highly extoverted in around 5-6 years. I wont get depressed in isolation, but I actively seek human interaction.

    Then trying to become more stage green, I turned into a feeler rather than a thinker.

    Im planning on a career in sales. As an engineer the pay was shit and the work was very monotonical when it was not related to human interaction such as co-ordination.

  13. 12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    I want to thank everyone who submitted their application for this job.

    In total I received 24 applications. A majority of them very solid and qualified people.

    However, I can only select 1. It was a difficult choice, so don't feel bad if I didn't pick you. It doesn't mean there was anything wrong with you or your application. Sometimes these things are just a coin toss when you have a dozen solid candidates.

    If the selected candidate doesn't work out, or the position opens up again, I might get in touch with you.

    Amazing! Cant wait for the new videos to start coming out!

  14. 23 hours ago, flowboy said:

    Don't need a job to practice entrepreneurship. And talking to potential customers (on facebook for example), will enable you to practice your listening skills.


    Become aware of the balance of consumption vs production. How much time in the day are you consuming content, and how much time are you producing? (meaning, being creative)

    Where do you want this balance to be?

    Too much consumption is going to give you an overstimulated brain and sleeping problems. Your brain needs moments of no input, like a walk, to put the subconscious to work, process what you have learnt, and generate ideas for your creative work later. I have ADD and had to learn this too. It's important to keep some hours of silence.


    In the long-term, you basically only retain knowledge that you use actively at the same time that you learn it, so reading tons of books on some skill or field while not working in it or combining it with practice, is almost pointless.

    Really good points. Its probably better use of my time to workout, meditate or think of opportunities than overdo reading on daily basis if I cant put that knowledge to use in a short timespan

    I'll have to rethink how I spend my days while unemployed