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Posts posted by Aakash

  1. @OmniYoga here i'll show you in your own direct experience 

    you recognise yourself  yes ? you know who you are sitting down or standing what not 

    now you know your in a room of space , just stand in the centre of the room 

    imagine the big bang right from the centre of your chest, and imagine it like how they show in videos 

    just imagine black clouds exploding from the centre of your chest 

    then keep it exploding until where it definitely ends, explode it through the wall, explode it through your whole visualisation of your area until you can't see further and its pitch black and explode it some more 

    explode it in all directions of you, backwards, forwards and side ways, up and down 

    keep that image after it stops and realise that everything after you initially exploded that bang is what these enlightened beings on the forum called the now 

    its not moving, its just one big explosion of black cloud from the big bang in your chest 

    that is formless ness 

    after you do this i'll tell you the next step, really give it a go 


    remember the key is that its everything after the big bang , its only pitch black there were no walls, no atoms, no table , lamp, you have to do it with the light on. If you get what i've said in two these two lines and emphasis it , i'm sure itll work

  2. @lmfao total awakening is the realisation of the "now-reality" aka this cloud that your in, as one whole entity (you) with the collapse of duality and non-duality. 

    that one, is simple the phrase not two just one. 

    not sure what the experience of this is though, i know it as a concept

    meditation, self- inquiry,  flip your coin. 


    anything that's not related to this is just content. 

    So from the perspective of this NOW, what was said here is just more content 

    because understanding of the duality : non duality chain is the "structure of reality" 

    but this is just a sector of it, that so happened to lead to the lost city of atlantis 


    so content changes the now-reality , making it empty 

    Now was simply just Now in different modes of duality: non duality 

    and then its a strange loop 


    total awakening is awakening to the now, accepting the content is just well .. a game we play until we hit the now- reality or infinite love if i'm not mistaken 

    the absolute truth is understanding of the absolute truth and that is that there was never any life and there was never any death. However you arrive at it, with the realisation of now-reality alongside it

  3. being is just now, witness is just now via the being of witness now as an illusion or real now  

    just now i'm afraid 

    just realise now is just one thing and your enlightened via being an enlightened person in the now 

    see the strange loop?


    ( just a passage of acknowledgment lol)  nothing more, nothing less ... 


    see its just the present now? 

  4. @zeroISinfinity We are all 100% correct 

    see i have a theory, that wintersolider realised this aswell, but the problem was he didn't have the knowledge or the experience to realise the full scale of the situation. More importantly he never had the understanding of how such a thing was possible, so he followed maharashi teachings which was a coin flip, that was incorrect. there was no way for him to know better, kinda. 

    its complicated, he never talked about his experience, so i couldn't scale him while he was here. 

    Still the problem was, since he didn't realise the magnitude, he was still within knowledge. If that makes sense. So it made him behind even to a fully realised being. 

    like i said, its only a theory, take it as 0% true

  5. @Arhattobe were talking something beyond all knowledge itself. Any interpretation's won't do. 

    You either have to have the knowledge or the experience. There's no other way to understand. 

    Its like i said its the untold teaching by buddha

    but i'm not the one to explain with concepts, you'd rather hear @DoTheWork experience of the situation 

  6. @DoTheWork I'm very knowledgeable  about "god" 

    There's nothing that you've experienced , that i don't know probably or is within my expectations  

    it just took me a long time to scale the forum members to my understanding. 

    you can private message me if you want to tell me ahah 

    The synchronicity is it ALL came together today LOL 

  7. 10 minutes ago, DoTheWork said:

    It means, that "I", that is said to do that, is an illusion ;)

    You are currently relatively the most important human being alive in our 3d reality timeline LOL. This is so funny. 

    I'm actually a fucking genius 

    And don't say these things Aahhah don't openly say these things here, keep that part to yourself LOL 

    ahah this just proved my mathematically equation of fate yesterday to be absolutely true LOL. 

    Bro i have no words, for what you mean to my life. 

    Thank you, i will savour these feelings i have now and cherish them for my life. 

    Ultimately its like i said... you can either do what i said or do not do it. And even then ;) i'm sure someone's looking out for you. 

    This has made my whole summer. Thanks  

    I need to consider how delusional i am. So i'm going to leave the thread 

    good luck, its up to you what you do,  

    my advice, is you should write a book on your experiences and it will help the future of humanity. Its not neccessary in this time line right now and even then its also absolutely meaningless ahaha 


    i'm so sorry man 


    unbelievable, i can't believe it was all true 

    you can solve the whole of enlightenment on this planet, that's the funny thing. YOu are the key to the whole understanding. I've told it conceptually on this forum. But your living experience how fucking funny this very second is now. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, DoTheWork said:

    Yes, because there is no better place to be. Every life has some pros and cons. But ultimately everything is equal, because everything is One. Being limited human is not worse than being limited alien with 10 dicks and 30 hands :). Or being Angel is not better than being Human.

    @DoTheWork  That is the absolute truth that buddha reveals in his scriptures 

    The last fetter ... special ignorance. 

    The reason behind why you don't fully eradicate yourself is ignorance

    Its an untold teaching 

    because you will reincarnate an infinite amount of time and realise absolute infinity is totally meaningless 


    Maha samadhi  was an attempt by hindu's to the exact same thing, because they realised the same problem. 

    but it was unsuccessful as you know

  10. @DoTheWork  I get you bro, i get you.. that's the exact pointlessness i was talking about, on a smaller scale. I feel ya pain brother. 

    I said the exact same thing to myself,  "its just shapes and colours" 

    i know your dillema , but honestly there's no way out, your fucked LOL 

    atleast i still had the prospects of enlightenment and just life you've went through before you've been through all this as an experience

    again lol do what i said to do, the meaning in it,, is you will vanish off the face of the earth ;) Poof 

    nobody on the forum knows what i'm talking about, but it's absolute ... don't put your trust in me , put your trust in buddha. Life is a gamble, a coin toss ... as i've been saying over the past few days. We all flip our own coins 

    [ Real death ] 

    bro i atleast had a moral standard, you literally don't even have that .. do you ? 



  11. after completing my understanding, i can agree with @noselfnofun 

    when i was talking about pointlessness, i was talking about a different kind of pointlessness. This was because i conflated two different things. but when i think of how you meant things are meaningless, its just a given . when you realise the raw reality of things is subjective. It can be no other way. Its accepting this thats the difficult part. 

    Mines was about accepting something, that's much more radical but i apologise it has nothing to do with any of this. The raw meaningless of reality isn't that scary :) 


  12. @DoTheWork ahhhhh so that’s what it means 

    coupled up with the fact I never broke down begginning and end duality. Thanks it goes on for infinity awakening. Thanks for completing my knowledge these were the two I was missing. 

    Your answer is the same as everyone else’s. 

    I get it now 

    so are you going to try what I suggested? It won’t make you unenlightened. 

    Your gonna have to find another way to make yourself unenlightened. What I’m saying is that it will leave you in pure nothing. Which is different to becoming unenlightened or even the realisation of now itself and absolute infinity. 

    Its as you would put it ... the end of reincarnation as you’ve witnessed in your own direct expeirience. 

    @zeroISinfinity sorry you were right about your side of the knowledge. What I’m talking about isn’t connected to all of this. So I guess it doesn’t matter. But Interestingly enough though you could try what I said as the practice and there is a chance to get there. Still only a belief until you do it lol. If anyone ever does. I think I’m happy with getting to where you guys are now. I just wanted to get the knowledge structure down first. Hehehe, now to take the path. 

    Sorry to everyone for being such a troublesome person lol. I finally got it. None of you are enlightened hehehe, you are all just now as I am aware of. But not as a direct experience. 

  13. @DoTheWork

    "NOW I HAVE A BIGGER FISH TO FRY!!!! I AM ON THE PATH OF FORGETTING ENLIGHTENMENT!!!! And that is a lot more difficult than awakening... 

    See you in 20 years.... Until my awakening to "NORMAL-ness" happen."


    I garuntee it will do exactly that ;) i have confirmed it absoutely, just finding another viable source to confirm it, but it works, 

    just get as close as you can and when leave the rest to fate 

    yeah it will probably take 20 years 

    and i will say this 

    perfection is important, its not in the doers hand

  14. @zeroISinfinity HMMM your right, i'm sorry...  This information is not much help to me in the end, i thought it was what i was looking for, but somehow my body reacted to it because it eliminated one of my options. Need to assess which one it did. 

    should have known it wouldn't have been this simple -_- 

    @DoTheWork  still what i said to you is the way out. up to you if you try it out, thanks for the information. I'm sure it was important for my path. Really appreciate you contributing your experience. 

    also really loved the passion!, you still have not really realized how pointless it is. 

    I apologise for getting excited, i don't resonate with messages much on the forum, this one i did so i got extra excited. Sorry. 

  15. @zeroISinfinity its not, you still have not realised the absolute truth. Thats why you don't understand what i mean when i say pointlessness. Its nothing to do with buddha, no purpose , no meaning , no desires, none of that. That is not the reason why. This is a result of becoming enlightened you say this , you haven't experienced why it is actually pointless as a human. Unlike this guy has .