David Turcot

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Posts posted by David Turcot

  1. I define beauty as what makes you feel joy with direct experience.

    Beautiful simple things:


    - The birds signing

    - Sounds of the leaves at the top of the trees.

    - Pouring a drop of sugar into hot water.



    - Having a girls hand in your hand

    - Having sex

    - The wind in my face



    - An ant building his house

    - The clouds in the sky

    - Digital lines in my hand


    - Leaves in the autumn

    - Grass having just been cut

    - Perfume of a woman



    The person who is more enlightened have an infinite exemple of those, cause he lives eternally in the beauty of the present moment, as simple as it is...


  2. Stage Coral: Stay a bit yellow while you are enlightened gurus.

    Jiddhu Krishnamurti is the only human stage coral I know.

    That's my perception just a guess that this guy is Stage Coral, which I have no clue what it is, but I feel he his, whatever it means.

    The only human I know I think was Coral in the 20th century.

    From Wikipedia:

    Ex-girlfriend Helen Nearing, who had known Krishnamurti in the 1920s, said that Krishnamurti's attitudes were conditioned by privilege, because he had been supported, even pampered, by devoted followers from the time of his "discovery" by the theosophists. She also said that he was at such an "elevated" level that he was incapable of forming "normal personal relationships".[90]

    Ok, then a coral guy doesn't know how to deal with humans…:) Krisnamurti dropped Theosophists saying they didn't understand a Think following him…

    He said he was not to be followed, that's the first thing he says all the time:

    I am not a guru! Was his most important message I think he was insisting on this all the time.

    He was the guru of gurus as far as I'm concerned although he despised this word.

    I remember in one of his talks he said that he never compared himself to anybody, NEVER in his life since he was a kid, he just never did it cause it seemed stupid for him to do this. Which if true is truly remarkable and I believe him. Not common I guess being naturally not born to compare. He rarely talks about himself, but he did there. 

  3. My job as a human is to understand, then to love, to be joyful.

    And feel this joy with others and help then understand with empathy.

    If I don't do that, then I've not done my job as a human and spirituality I've lost the real important meaning of life.

    Spirituality has an objective, I've got to remember what this objective is. Otherwise I'm wasting my time.

  4. If I manage in my life to feel joy most of the time.

    If I manage at the same time to share this joy and help others feel it most of the time like I do.

    Then I can say I did my job as a Humain. I cannot do more than that, but it's a lot.

    When I can feel joy looking at the way plants move over time, even if they move so slow, then I'm a real humain and I know where I come from.

    I'm a humain, I love everything around me and I'll try to lessen the suffering of others, humans or not.

    If I can do that, with pure joy and with the purest of energy, then I would be happy about how I lived my life.

    I will someday feel this pure joy and share it...I will! Enlightenment is not about me!!!!!

  5. @Gligorije @Gligorije @HamilcarI understand this is a very tough to break apart.

    For me, Lucid Dreaming was the key to break this paradigm.

    www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com if you dont already know how to lucid dream and want to know how.

    I am a bad lucid dreaming myself, I had just one complete Lucid Dream. It was enough to help me break the paradigm.

    Good luck man!

  6. @isabel Careful to say a desk has no mind!

    Every point in this universe you see has a "mind". 

    The desk is made if the same atoms as you. Every atoms has his own "mind". 

    So no the body doesnt "die". There is still an infinite amont of minds within it. Except the one you call "yours".

    There is an infinite amount of "minds" in a table. They dont as you Do, but its a "form of conscience"


  7. @Leo Gura Sorry Leo but I dont get it.

    I thing "god-mode" cannot ne "experienced". Cause an experience implies duality, someone who expériences something.

    Time and space both imply duality.

    I'm in "god-mode" when I sleep without a dream. No experience. No conscience, no duality.

    After watching all of your videos thats the only thing you said I think you're wrong. When you Say Non-Duality can be experienced by a subject. I dont think it can be.

    Non-Duality is out of Time and Space. They both must disappear for Non-Duality. So you must also disappear. Your conscience must disappear, like when you are in the deep phase of sleep. Closer to god as ever every night!

    We go closer to who we truly are every night to recharge our batteries, go back to "the source"


  8. @Leo Gura@Leo Gura

    2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Thus, everything you see before your eyes right now is God. Somethingness = Nothingness. God = Everything.

    I thought that everythingness = Nothingness. But something is just one perspective out of an infinity of perspectives right?

    I don't see God, I see a part of god. I see a part of who I am when I see a personal universe.

    If I would see god, I would see everything at the same time, which is the same as seing nothing at all. So if I experience something, I see only a part of the whole (I see something which is not nothing, which is not everything, which is not god) and I don't see how I could become Everything or "seeing" everything other than if my conscience disappears.

    From what I believe right now is that the only time I'm NON-DUAL is when I sleep without a dream. I will never be able to attain non-duality as a conscious human being, there will always be some sort of division, that's the job of my conscience to create division.

    I'll meditate on this and try 5-MEO-DMT if I manage to find some, not this easy to find!

    Have a good night man.

  9. @Faceless I just think about this, the expression "I'm gonna lose my mind" would actually be a good thing, not a bad one hehe:)

    I truly think there is a danger with spirituality to try to become "god" without accepting our human nature. I think "god" is the ultimate goal of evolution, but we will never reach it and it's perfect like this!

    What I mean is that "Complete illumination", truly becoming absolute infinity in space. But infinity in time also, that's a long time!

    I wish my head would go off sometimes!!! Man I think too much:)

    I'm soooooooo far from "Not identifying" and following the stream of life, following the stream of the eternal present.

    The eternal present, it surely seems very paradoxal to me, the mind is a paradoxal thing and it's perfect like this!

  10. I've never experienced what Leo calls this "God-Mode".

    But to me, God experiences all the perspective at the same time.

    So, if I was truly experiencing a "God-Mode", I would not have any limited experience at all. That would be Nothingness without space and time.

    Maybe there is something I don't get here?

    when I get to this "God-Mode" I'll get it, but I don't think I'll be god.

    Otherwise, if I were truly god, I would not be aware of anything because I would be aware of everything at the same time.

    Any thoughts?

  11. @Leo Gura Took me a minute or two to understand how "Everything i say is a lie" is a paradox.

    I get it now, it's a very good one I'll try to remember it :)

    Would Energy/Matter exists without the mind creating this paradox?

    I don't think so, if something makes 100% sense, no need to be any energy, time and space would disappear, so consciousness would also disappear. Nothingness would be.

    So when you say you become god when you are on a 5-MEO-DMT trip, I'm not sure I get you. In my mind, If you were truly god, you would not be aware of anything, there would not be any "observer" with his limited perspective to observe anything and report the trip to us later on. No?

    I think the closer to god you are is when you sleep without a dream, that's true death, true enlightenment if I can say.

    But you are right, I've got to experience awakening to know what it is.

  12. @SgtPepper Of course the fear comes from not wanting to live bad feelings. I know I am a very emotional person so I try to avoid those feelings all the time.

    Alcool is a pretty good way to avoid, but a pretty destructive way. In fact, all the methods of avoiding my feelings are destructive in the long run.

    You are right, I've got to accept that I am very emotional (and also very rational at the same time, it's tough to reunite both parts of the brain in a harmonic and sane way). Most importantly don't feel ashamed to show my emotions to others, it's tough it's not very encouraged in this society I guess to show vulnerability I got conditioned not to maybe.


  13. 11 hours ago, BobbyLowell said:

    HEY watch Leos video how to stop caring what others think of you, and do the affirmation for a long time each day. What a woman thinks of you does not matter. You are worthy and worth it awesome no matter what. Get in touch with that fact. And the only way to get rid of the fear of rejection is to bite the bullet. but do it after you stop caring what others think of you to a decent degree. My advice. wait like 3 months. YOUVE GOT THIS. Think about what a woman gives you, that you dont have and that is creating this fear. Then give yourself it (through affirmations probably). IF its like sex , its not a NEED. remember that. 

    Lol, thanks!

    It's my favorite video of Leo, he describes me perfectly in this video. I'll watch it again!

    Also I do affirmations, my favorite one is: "I don't care what other people thinks of me". It helped me doing that, but I've got to persevere doing it I do it less these days. I'll go back at it today!!

  14. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    Myself I don't do any of those drugs.

    I took weed 4 times in my life and it was 4 very bad trips and I'm scared I'll become skyzophrenic or paranoiac permanently or something doing these.

    I think it's because I'm a very anxious person and I tend to think in a negative matter.

    Maybe when I've taken care of my "mental issues" I'll try dmt, but for now I think it's kinda dangerous for me, I'll probably go straight to hell like you.