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About Spinoza

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  1. Men need sex more than women, it has to do with evolution Statistics show that men masturbate more than women Men will take almost all opportunities to have sex, while women are selectives they don't rush, men a lot of time they can't stop the temptation
  2. How could she know ? Probably her mom used to say this, this is why she asked her this specific question
  3. One of the best video by leo and the most confusing one, it's an other level beyond the need of survival, personal agenda... it's so wierd to find such content on youtube, average youtube user may stop using youtube haha
  4. It's strange i really like the episode so much, a very interesting topic, somehow many good example, but i still think neither Leo or anyone in the forum is really open minded or radically open minded, we all have biases that we don't see, some think they achieved the highest state or what they are practicing lead to something that they never experience but believe it's there.......... you may tell me oh you can't say nobody.. you did not spoke to everybody ..... dude just be open minded that i'm right
  5. it's a possibility maybe possible maybe not, i'm open to the idea that telepathy can be real but ..... a POSSIBILITY not a fact for now... it's still beyond our understanding. if it can't be understood better not to talk about it
  6. I think we should be open minded to any idea, but .... also open minded that we may be deluded
  7. @LastThursday As you said, "It's possible" i'm not new to the concept of materialism and i did not meant that the universe is materialistic "a clock", the link you made between consciousness is an assumption which can be possible, but nobody know, we can claim anything, don't tell me what you said is truth, it's a possibility and i have thought about. but neither me or you really understand consciousness. We are using our mind explaining, if you explain and give example you are still using the concept or logique, meaning....etc anyone who ask to not use the mind, he should shut up and not speak. cause anytime he do he is using mind/concepts. I believe that Leo is missing something, i know you can go beyond daily life consciousness level, but there also chance of delusion, the more you try to dig deeper the more chance that you gonna out and lose sens of reality, cause you are always using the mind and the mind can decieve you, also since you are alive, you have ego, giving bold claim usually is an ego thing.
  8. Maybe this is not a fact, and how someone endup knowing that those practise will lead you to enlightment, similaro religion too, maybe there is no enlightment at all just an other side of the coin
  9. A lot of time it's the case for almost all of us
  10. I don't know what is happening to Leo lately, he claimed that he can control thing only with his mind or can cure all humanity disease just with the mind, for me this statement is irrational and wierd, how is that possible. maybe he is wrong ? all humans do mistake and sometimes go little bit out reality, we can imagine anything. even existence is so deep and complexe. and it's wierd than we think we should be very careful about what we say in my opnion. Some members will probably not like this post, but why not being open minded and be skeptic about what you hear. I really like Leo content but he can't be right all the time. i'm very open minded but those claim aren't really grounded, if anything someone claim is true .. so what's real and what's not real ......then we lose meaning to everything.
  11. I don't know what is happening to Leo lately, he claimed that he can control thing only with his mind or can cure all humanity disease just with the mind, for me this statement is irrational and wierd, how is that possible. maybe he is wrong ? all humans do mistake and sometimes go little bit out reality, we can imagine anything. even existence is so deep and complexe. and it's wierd than we think we should be very careful about what we say in my opnion. Some members will probably not like this post, but why not being open minded and be skeptic about what you hear. I really like Leo content but he can't be right all the time. i'm very open minded but those claim aren't really grounded, if anything someone claim is true .. so what's real and what's not real ......then we lose meaning to everything.
  12. @Keyhole Why you are saying that in this post, what happened ? I agree with you that there is a lot of know it all dude, and closed minded that see themselves open minded without really paying attention, a common thing. it could not be otherwise this is humanity.
  13. Thanks guys @Annonymous @MAYA EL @BlessedLion @MusicalPotato for sharing your views, that was so interesting lol it's a very common idea to not have kids in this forum lol. @Commodent If you were to have kids, you should 100% be coming from a place of abundance. I totally agree with that. @Aeris that's enough for me, all humans are my kids.
  14. Hi Guys, From an ego perspective i really want to have a kid one day, but in the same time when i think about it, i don't want to have kids, and i don't want to follow my ego desire blindly even if it create a sort of happiness, i know desires inevitably create pain. I don't want to procreate cause i don't think that in this system i can be a good father, my kid won't use all his potential. even if everything is in the inside but the world is crazy, it's hard to deny that. also i don't want to be the reason why someone came to this world without asking me. Most parent that i see, i don't want to be in theirs place, some parent (especially those who have wealth and education) i like the way they raise theirs kid, but i can't guarantee i will be like that, so i believe if i'm incertain i should not have one, and also people who are not capable should not too. If i make a kid by accident, that would be so hard. I'm in my mid 20's, some friends told me that i probably change my mind in my 40's, some people find it weird and selfish. Some people tell me you won't find anyone who take care of you when you get older lol What are you opinion guys about having kids ? why you don't want: if you can be specific or why you want to have kids: if you can be specific
  15. There is a new trend : people are saying positive thinking is bullshit. I don't agree with that. it's proven that it helps, it's like Placebo effect But positive thinking is not enough.