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Telepathy, Curing disease with the power of the mind

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I don't know what is happening to Leo lately, he claimed that he can control thing only with his mind or can cure all humanity disease just with the mind, for me this statement is irrational and wierd, how is that possible. maybe he is wrong ? all humans do mistake and sometimes go little bit out reality, we can imagine anything. even existence is so deep and complexe. and it's wierd than we think we should be very careful about what we say in my opnion.

Some members will probably not like this post, but why not being open minded and be skeptic about what you hear. I really like Leo content but he can't be right all the time.

i'm very open minded but those claim aren't really grounded, if anything someone claim is true .. so what's real and what's not real ......then we lose meaning to everything.

Edited by Spinoza

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