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Posts posted by Preety_India

  1. @Loba if you really really didn't have time you wouldn't have done this. And no. Nobody tells you to do anything. 

    You have the habit of getting into other people's conflicts. 

    Ask @Michael Jackson

    @Benton never told you to do this. 100% guarantee. I know him.

    This is your job because you love getting into other people's drama. Learn to take it when you dish it out.

    It is because of you that Moderator @Natasha stop being a mod on the forum because you kept targeting her on the forum. 

    You have also targeted @modmyth for months and she confided into me. Because you don't stop 

    And @Bentonfound people like you to confide into



  2. @Loba stop creating drama and creepily following my journal. I had enough of you.. You're the one stalking me. 

    Even @Natasha knows.

    @Benton you gotta put an end to this. Stop gossiping about me to this woman. I hate what you are doing. Please I'm not stalking you. None of my stuff is about you. Stop feeding people this bullshit. I have nothing against you and I have repeatedly said this and whatever happened it was without ill intent. You need to sort this out privately with me instead of public like this. This is not good for me. You know deep down that I don't mean harm. Stop giving people like these a chance to attack me. Just please stop this drama.


  3. Just now, Someone here said:

    I want to get to the bottom of  things.

    This is what existential crisis is. But it's not a big deal. It's like you are running a long marathon (in this case mental masturbation). Keep running, no problem. Just carry a big water bottle with you. What I'm saying is that be positive and don't think there is something wrong with you. Embrace your exploration skills. I was very frustrated when I was going through it. I also felt like going to a doctor. It's natural but the doctor won't help you much. You have to cut down the frustration by coping with calm music, relaxation exercises, taking short breaks during the day, not getting overwhelmed, answering the questions in your mind slowly, properly without confusion, maintaining your mental stamina because it's very taxing to explore things mentally so keep very mentally hydrated with enough rest, breaks, relaxation, walks, zero arguments, don't bring relationship into this it will break you down easily (because relationships are another mindfuck). Just don't lose focus or get too frustrated because mental breakdowns are very common during existential crisis especially if you have the added factor of anxiety going with it. So learn to calm down but don't calm down your curiosity. Your brain is in the "curious child" mode during the phase of existential crisis. As a result your brain will ask 10 different questions in a day, you will ask a lot of questions, and open a lot of threads because your brain is hungry for answers. This is completely normal but it's very frustrating because it's like running a marathon that never ends. There is nothing abnormal and you don't need a doctor. Suppressing/repressing this phenomenon is like halting growth. Your mind and brain is trying to grow so let it grow. 

    It will eventually slow down when your clarity will improve, you will have a sense of purpose, a spiritual or mental framework to follow. Then the existential crisis will go out like a flame that burns out. 

    Right now it's an active flame.. keep feeding it. 

    It will slow down at some point and taper off and come to and end. You will need minimum 6 months to a year or even 2 years for it to calm down finally. So have patience and carry a mental emotional stamina water bottle. Good luck.. 

  4. I'm trying to stay calm as much as possible. 

    I still feel a bit spaced out. And paranoid as well. 


    Fearful and Hyper alert. 

    I feel like a prey right now. 

    I was even called a prey I swear. Like literally called a prey. 


    At that point I just laughed it off. 

    They were looking straight into my eyes. 


    I feel like I'm in a corner. 


    A little panicky. 

    Ironically the person that I'm so scared of is also the person I trust. I don't know how this works. But it's like sleeping with a person and then waking up to see them holding a knife at my throat. I'm wondering what happened. I would lay there frozen and let them do what they want. 

    Because I have fundamentally believed that if someone wanted to kill me, they would succeed anyway and I can do nothing to stop them. 

    So the person who attacks me physically is the same person I will trust. And I'll run into their arms for help. Because there is no simply nobody better than them who could understand my fears and panic. 

    I have learned to trust my attackers because of my trauma. That's how my BPD brain works due to abuse and trauma. 

    It has learned to trust the attacker out of survival needs. 

    I learned to embrace my abuser when I was a child. 

    There was a consistent pattern to it that followed later in life. 


  5. @Carl-Richard listen to what Pete Davidson has to say 


    Most BPD cannot come up with the courage to kill themselves. He said that 

    They are suicidal most of the time 


    Their suicidal threats should not be discarded as drama because some of them actually end up doing that under enough pressure. 

    The fact that they give a suicide threat, might look like drama in the moment, but they are actually having the ideation and some day might act upon it. It's a cry for help. 

    80% of bpd sufferers feel suicidal from time to time, don't feel the courage to do it. But they are distressed. That's why the threat. 10% actually end up committing suicide. 

    It's not a good idea to take their suicide threats lightly or call it drama or attention seeking or dismiss it. It's still a cry for help deep down although it doesn't appear that way. 



    People like Jordan Peterson and Owen Cook are going to represent BPD in the most horrible way as possible. 

    How else can these two idiots favorably blame women, ya know? 

    At least Jordan Peterson is not that bad 


    The stuff that Owen Cook said about BPD is so off the mark. 


    No we are not sociopaths out to get ya. We are just depressed and slightly weird. 


    Don't give us credit for all the villainy you stack up on us bpd sufferers. 

    Sorry to break your bubble. Bpd people are some of the sweetest people you could come across. 


    But go ahead and paint a horrible picture. I can't change how y'all think of bpd