
A cute girl with substance????!

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So she recognises that most hot women are not good people.

THere IS hope then.

Edited by bebotalk

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There are many cute girls with substance.

But they have so much knowledge that they will not tolerate bullshlt.

Edited by hyruga

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There's no point here. I know a lot of not-so- attractive people, actually very unattractive, who aren't nice people; both male and female. Also very attractive people who are very nice people, both men and women.

That said, pretty privilege is a thing in society where very attractive people do either get better treatment or/and get away with a lot more stuff that has nothing to do with whether they are nice people or not. That is really what pretty privilege means. 

I know a lot of ugly snobs, especially men who are usually the first to judge women by their looks and calling them fat or ugly when they look worse. I've seen that time and time again. Guys would come up to me just to tell me I'm the best looking one at the bar and start talking about other women and painting out their perceived flaws thinking I'm going to be flattered when inside I'm saying to myself this is not a competition. I'm flattered, of course, but I don't look at him with respect because of it. Just say you're attractive without having to put other people down. Most of the time they are not that attractive themselves.

Pretty privilege is more about pretty people having more of an advantage in certain things than about their personality. Lots of attractive people still do self-improvement and work on themselves and lots of ugly people don't give a damm.



One Love....

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Posted (edited)

I agree pretty privilege is a myth if you are a pretty asshole the only people that will put up with you is people trying to have sex with you. Just because you are pretty dosent mean you aren't a nice person. Its a shallow take.

Its just people mad that God didn't make them pretty.

Edited by Hojo

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I played chess growing up, and I was like to my dad "Dad! At the higher levels there's a lot of competitive assholes :(" and my dad went "Even at low levels there's a lot of non competitive assholes. Yup, there's assholes at every level." Then I got his point :)

Edited by TheEnigma

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7 hours ago, bebotalk said:

So she recognises that most hot women are not good people.

THere IS hope then.

What changed? You just watched a video that confirms your beliefs.

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4 hours ago, meta_male said:

What changed? You just watched a video that confirms your beliefs.

My point is that many deny this truth. That's on them. it's best in life to be open and not hide behind shit to look good. 

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11 hours ago, hyruga said:

There are many cute girls with substance.

But they have so much knowledge that they will not tolerate bullshlt.

people have prejudices. it's false to say they don't, or lie or virtue-signal that others don't. I'm not responsible for others' maladies in perception. 

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11 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

There's no point here. I know a lot of not-so- attractive people, actually very unattractive, who aren't nice people; both male and female. Also very attractive people who are very nice people, both men and women.

That said, pretty privilege is a thing in society where very attractive people do either get better treatment or/and get away with a lot more stuff that has nothing to do with whether they are nice people or not. That is really what pretty privilege means. 

I know a lot of ugly snobs, especially men who are usually the first to judge women by their looks and calling them fat or ugly when they look worse. I've seen that time and time again. Guys would come up to me just to tell me I'm the best looking one at the bar and start talking about other women and painting out their perceived flaws thinking I'm going to be flattered when inside I'm saying to myself this is not a competition. I'm flattered, of course, but I don't look at him with respect because of it. Just say you're attractive without having to put other people down. Most of the time they are not that attractive themselves.

Pretty privilege is more about pretty people having more of an advantage in certain things than about their personality. Lots of attractive people still do self-improvement and work on themselves and lots of ugly people don't give a damm.



No, on average, they are not good people, so I avoid them.

Society tends to state that pretty women should be looked up to. I refuse to. I don't wish to look up to any group more than others. The same said society says that everybody is equal also. If "society" has contradictory rules, so be it. As an individual, I do my own thing and have my values. It's frankly amusing when a pretty woman hasn't realised she isn't owed anything, and gets flustered when I don't give her the "respect" she thinks she's "owed" merely for the arrangement of her body and appearance. 

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28 minutes ago, bebotalk said:

My point is that many deny this truth. That's on them. it's best in life to be open and not hide behind shit to look good. 

I agree.

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5 hours ago, meta_male said:

What changed? You just watched a video that confirms your beliefs.

Exactly. Herein lies the power of the RAS (Reticular Activating System) of the brain. It will set out to prove your beliefs and now you believe it is Absolute Truth. 

One Love....

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1 hour ago, bebotalk said:

Society tends to state that pretty women should be looked up to.

Can you show me where this has been stated without your interpretation of what is being said or shown. Would love to see it. DIRECTLY. "Pretty women should be looked up to". Where has this been stated.

One Love....

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, bebotalk said:

The same said society says that everybody is equal also.

Society is made up of a group of people who all have different opinions. I make up a part of society and I've never said that. Everybody is not equal. There. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

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1 hour ago, bebotalk said:

It's frankly amusing when a pretty woman hasn't realised she isn't owed anything, and gets flustered when I don't give her the "respect" she thinks she's "owed" merely for the arrangement of her body and appearance. 

You don't give her the respect because you think she's pretty. She might think you're disrespecting her for another reason. It's about you not her. You don't even know if she believes she's pretty, but you do. 

One Love....

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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Society is made up of a group of people who all have different opinions. I make up a part of society and I've never said that. Everybody is not equal. There. 

But all groups and societies have some degree of common values. And yes, everybody is not equal in the strict sense. Though I believe we're equal in value. if that upsets pretties, so be it. 

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1 hour ago, bebotalk said:

But all groups and societies have some degree of common values. And yes, everybody is not equal in the strict sense. Though I believe we're equal in value. if that upsets pretties, so be it. 

Ok, you're right because you're saying it. That is the case.

One Love....

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Beauty is power, and power corrupts people. Any power corrupts.

Being pretty, rich, charismatic, holding some power position in society, or being uniquely talented and smart, all naturally corrupts people.

One has to have values, character, self-awareness, and introspection to transcend the human irrational urge for corruption. Not many can do that, men, women, we are all equal in our ability to be corrupted.

If you disrespect pretty women because they have power in society and act entitled to special treatment, you should also disrespect rich men, charismatic people, handsome men, uniquely talented individuals, and anyone who holds power in our society.

If you only disrespect pretty women while respecting men who are wealthy, handsome, or have high status in society, despite their entitled attitude, then I would suspect you have an issue with women having power, and that in your eyes, they are only worthy of respect when they are powerless in society.

Maybe you have resentment towards pretty women because you have a belief that you don't deserve an attractive woman or because you can't get attractive women.

You also can't blame the fact that pretty women hold power in society on the women themselves, as there are men on the receiving end who value their beauty. As long as men value pretty women, pretty women will continue to hold power in society.

Men will never cease to value pretty women, therefore, the power of a woman's beauty is ethereal.

Instead of being bitter about it, accept it and do better.

You also might be surprised to realize that holding power such as beauty, wealth and charisma is not always nice and rosy, there is a dark side to it.

When people hold some power in society, there will always be people who would like to hurt them, compete with them, take their power from them which can turn their lives to hell, because of ill human emotions such as, insecurity, envy and greed.

If you would like to learn about the dark side of being a beautiful woman, I would recommend you to watch the movie "Malena" which demonstrates well the dark sides of being a beautiful woman. Women jealous of her because she is beautiful and men are angry at her because they can't get her, which ends up in, ironically, being treated bad by everyone and it turns out that her power becomes her biggest misery.


Therefore, the most rational approach would be to provide a basic human respect to everyone, because we all humans, and at the same time, see people as who they are, beyond the power they hold in society, beyond their beauty or wealth, try to get to the core of their character and core values, judge each one individually.

You might be surprised how intresting and complex people are when you are curious about who they are and let of of your bias and prejudice you might have.

Beauty, wealth, charisma, intelligence, talent, status, are smoke screens to people's true character which very, very few people can see through. 

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Nice people can come in all shapes and forms. 

Un-nice people can come in all shapes and forms. 


You should seek to transcend the limitations of the ego and the mind in order to experience a sense of unity with the universe or ultimate reality. You can do meditation,sef inquiry and contemplating for that. To recognize the underlying oneness that is believed to exist beyond the realm of dualistic perception.



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Threads like this really irks me. Why? Not because I'm guilty of any of this but the stigma that is placed on pretty people and thinking they are all like that as if ugly people don't have these same traits. It's like you're giving ugly people a pass to be mean because you pity them, (I don't like using the word ugly, but you get the drift). THERE ARE UGLY PEOPLE WHO ALSO ACT OUT BECAUSE THEY ARE UGLY. Why get on pretty people cases. I know pretty people get more privileges but their personalities have nothing to do with whether they are pretty or not. They are just people. You project your biases unto them. Yes some do, but do you know how hard it is to be someone you are not all the time and people's personalities aren't formed because of the way they look. This is just ignorance to think that.

I'm not saying a pretty girl won't use her looks to get what she wants or act a certain way in public for a short while or carry on as if her shit doesn't stink at times, but it may or may not be who she is at the core and she may just be manipulating her energy to suit her current circumstance. Don't blame the messenger, blame the message type thing. Don't blame the elected, blame the ones who elected them. So you calling them pretty then blaming them for using it to get what they want. Still has nothing to do with how nice or mean they are. Just the same with rich people or poor people(seeking pity and receiving it to get what they want as in government money) what do you think that is, poor people who sit on their asses because they get assistance is still using something to get something. 

I've been pretty all my life. I've been a model, have entered numerous contents in Jamaica where I grew up. Was in the Miss Jamaica Model contest and came in the top 50 out of thousands, Miss Jamaica Festival, here in the US I did local fashion shows I became an exotic dancer, I did photo shoots, was in a calender.....i couldn't have done all that and more being ugly or average looking. ALL THE WHILE BEING RESPECTFUL, A VERY NICE PERSON WHO JUST EXUDED LOTS OF LOVE TO EVERYONE. How do I know that, because I've also been told, also have been cherished because of that, also have been chosen because of that also have been left because of being too fucking nice, taken advantage of because of my sincerity, I've been used because of my kindness, I've been stomped on because of my naivety, all by UGLY FUCKING PEOPLE(excuse me but I'm keeping it real, not ugly but I'm making a point they weren't all that attractive) 

This is why I get so emotional about threads like these because I, as a pretty girl, have been hurt and dooped by ugly people. The very attractive people I know both male and female are all nice people. So ugly people will take out their ugliness on pretty people too. Ugly people can be mean too. I've had people tell me they thought I was mean before they even got to know me, before they even said one word then they act surprised because I wasn't and still am not mean. I've gotten a bit more firmer now and don't take no shit because I've been such a softie and now I stand up for me, but I'm still a nice person overall even with all my perceived flaws and weaknesses and have done some mean stuff for survival purposes but never have I once been cruel or intentionally hurt anyone and I would immediately apologize if it was brought to my attention. 

I am even more emotional and sensitive about this topic than i'm projecting because it is personal to me. I even go out of my way to be nice to people at times only because of my heart not because I'm trying. It comes naturally. My mean side is more of a front, as a protection mechanism and doesn't feel good; that's why I apologize so much for it; you can even see that on the forum if you've noticed.

I'm only saying these things not as a rant or trying to look good, but to let you know how wrong you are to be judging people based off of their looks. Get to know someone first before you project your insecurities and biases unto them because you are doing the same thing you are accusing them of it's just been reversed. I don't know if you're physically  attractive or not, but you are surely ugly on the inside to be saying the things you are saying.

One Love....

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Posted (edited)

@bebotalk Tricky one. I’m not so sure I agree. I have met women who were very attractive body and in soul

I find the key factor is age. Women under 30 tend to be more immature and materialistic and that is a turn off for me. So those girls, yes some can be narcissists but they will grow out of that (hopefully) 

Edited by Chadders

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