
Is great sex available after death?

143 posts in this topic

- Wishes for great sex after death

- Gets reincarnated as an alien whose species doesn't have sex

beep boop

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I like the first picture more, just pure empty cold indifferent depressing experience and the hanging rope showing you just a glimpse of hope. Only talking about aesthetics. (It's possible that people get to experience infinite heaven in the space between lives and only choose to start lives because they say "f it may as well get a challenge," but there are also infinite other possibilities.)

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On 2/10/2024 at 2:17 PM, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

- Wishes for great sex after death

- Gets reincarnated as an alien whose species doesn't have sex

How do you know. How do they reproduce.

One Love....

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why would the next life be any different than this one if you don’t work hard to deal with your issues in this life?

I get where you’re coming from. I wanted to leave this planet so I could have another chance with an ex in another life, for a long time.

but it’s an illusion, there is no escape but hard backbreaking emotional labor.

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Watch out for unhealthy manifestations of stage red such as this.

Are you feeling down and completely frustrated, and are making up things to make yourself feel better, like unrealistic magical self-serving solutions? Then it's time to go back and "clean up."

12 hours ago, Oppositionless said:

hard backbreaking emotional labor.

And yet the limited success I had with women came from me doing nothing, definitely not this. And now I am in a position where I could improve literally anything and would still have no opportunities. People like OP are better off just forgetting about sex and focusing on something else (at least for the long time being).

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@Emotionalmosquito I'm rather fond of you, but you're honestly lame as fuck.

Listen to Leo and Princess Arabia and stop whining.

A sliver of me really feels for you and relates to your woes.

The difference between us is that I know that in this lifetime I am destined for obnoxious amounts of sex with the sexiest girls alive.

That is not my current reality, but there is no rush.

You're better than this. You're on the damn Actualized.org forum, which means that you know to dig deep and dispel your own bullshit.

You want sex? You can have it. Become a masculine gift unto the feminine. Strong, loving, unwavering, abundant.

"But that's not me!" you cry. Lol, alright then. More girls for me I guess. 

You say you love women but hah, looks to me like you have maybe 1% of the desire that I do. I love women so much that I will stop at nothing to become the best man I could possibly be, for their sake.

Hope to see you prove me wrong 👊

It's Love.

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On 2/2/2024 at 8:26 AM, Princess Arabia said:

After your last grossly grotesque post, it is obvious to me now why you're not getting laid.

Other way around. Me being in the headspace that produces those sorts of actions isn’t what’s preventing the lays. Not getting lays is what’s causing the behavior. But at this point I have to admit they probably both feed into each other 

On 2/2/2024 at 8:26 AM, Princess Arabia said:

The Universe is trying to find you a match and it's having a hard time matching you with someone on that frequency.

WHAT?? The infinite and all powerful universe having a HARD TIME doing something, something as simple as finding me a good mate? NO!

If that’s that’s true I must be a real one-of-a-kind special case. Now you see why it’s such a joke to me when people claim to be “weird”. They’re oblivious  xD

On 2/2/2024 at 8:26 AM, Princess Arabia said:

Lots of people are not balanced and have weird fantasies but when it comes to the whole package you're gonna have a hard time finding someone who matches that on a mental level.

Its like if “normal” ranges from 1 to 5, someone who claims to be weird might be at a 10 or 15, whereas my power level is well over 9000. I am an ascended master of virginity; the great sunshine to all the female vampires.

I’m still finding it quite humorous how in that thread you called that guy a normie for thinking his idiosyncrasies were weird. Then our interaction goes something like, I say “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” You’re like, “Yeah. Are YOU ready?” Then I launch the big one and you go 🤯🤢 as I’m sure lots of others did

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On 2/10/2024 at 1:17 PM, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

- Wishes for great sex after death

- Gets reincarnated as an alien whose species doesn't have sex

Exactly my luck. Worse yet I’d be punished for not behaving just like everyone else on that planet, much like here earth💀

On 2/28/2024 at 1:40 AM, RendHeaven said:

That is not my current reality, but there is no rush.

There are objective biological facts about our reality. One of which is the older you get the less your body is able to have and enjoy sex. It starts taking longer to get it up, finish and prepare for another than it did in your twenties and thirties. Not only that, but also, the girls will find it creepy that an “old man” is hitting on them, and will likely get security/cops involved if convenient. The way society is progressing, it won’t be too much longer until it’s made illegal for men to even so much as flirt. With this in mind, I’d like you to further explain why you feel there is no rush.

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16 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

There are objective biological facts about our reality. One of which is the older you get the less your body is able to have and enjoy sex. It starts taking longer to get it up, finish and prepare for another than it did in your twenties and thirties. Not only that, but also, the girls will find it creepy that an “old man” is hitting on them, and will likely get security/cops involved if convenient. The way society is progressing, it won’t be too much longer until it’s made illegal for men to even so much as flirt. With this in mind, I’d like you to further explain why you feel there is no rush.

What's your age?

I'm 24, still got my whole life ahead of me.

Therefore no rush.

If you're 40 or 50, I can understand your angst.

But even then, you must ask: are there 40~50 year olds out there in the world getting laid right this second?

Objectively, yes.

So let's not count ourselves out.

When was your last cold approach and how did that go?

It's Love.

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16 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Exactly my luck. Worse yet I’d be punished for not behaving just like everyone else on that planet, much like here earth💀

Good thing is that it doesn't have to come to that. You are alive right now and you are carrying your karma with you right now, this give you an opportunity to deal with your problems in this lifetime. Think about it in terms of your life so far. When you procrastinate on an important issue it only gets worse. I'm not saying that your problems will get worse beyond this life if you don't deal with them, I don't know that, my point is just to be careful wishing for death, as things could be equally as bad if not worse.

Observe your general trend in this life. Have things been getting better or have they been getting worse? This will give you a direct cue on whether your strategies have worked or not. Your goal in life shouldn't be to reach some peak, like some perfect sexual relationship, it won't fulfill you anyway. You should be focused on generating a general upward trend. There are people who wouldn't share what you've been sharing with others, so you're already doing good in that regard. The next step after sharing to to use the feedback you get to reflect upon your current strategies. I think that'd be the next mile stone to ascend to.

beep boop

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On 3/18/2024 at 5:37 PM, RendHeaven said:

What's your age?


Don’t like saying exactly but I will say 26-30 range

On 3/18/2024 at 5:37 PM, RendHeaven said:

But even then, you must ask: are there 40~50 year olds out there in the world getting laid right this second?

Objectively, yes.

So let's not count ourselves out.

Yeah but unless you’re wealthy the only women available to you by that point aren’t worth a damn

On 3/18/2024 at 5:37 PM, RendHeaven said:

When was your last cold approach and how did that go?

It was Valentine’s Day and it went splendidly. Except that she was already engaged. Big fucking surprise. She was very feminine and welcoming to me. I even confessed to her my intense jealousy of happy couples that makes me enjoy the thought of watching them get ripped to shreds by a grizzly bear. She had no judgement to that, only understanding. We had an amazing talk about where we are in life and what we want out of relationships. Put me on a crazy love high for the next two days. So that was cool

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16 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Yeah but unless you’re wealthy the only women available to you by that point aren’t worth a damn

By that logic, there aren't any women for you to get at that age, because paying for sex with an 18 year old while you're 40~ is nothing more than prostitution.

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13 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Don’t like saying exactly but I will say 26-30 range

There's hope for you

13 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Yeah but unless you’re wealthy the only women available to you by that point aren’t worth a damn

The wealth part is only semi-true. There are ways for you to be average-wealth at 40 and bang hot 20 year olds (but you would have to be abnormally self-actualized). Being flat broke is pretty unacceptable.

But even then, my reaction to that information would be: "Ok then, time to get wealthy." or, "Time to get self-actualized."

13 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

It was Valentine’s Day and it went splendidly. [...] We had an amazing talk about where we are in life and what we want out of relationships. Put me on a crazy love high for the next two days. So that was cool

Dude, fucking awesome.

Now go do that every day.

13 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

I even confessed to her my intense jealousy of happy couples that makes me enjoy the thought of watching them get ripped to shreds by a grizzly bear.

Being honest with your words is a good thing, but don't go out of your way to announce low self-worth.

It's Love.

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9 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

Dude, fucking awesome.

Now go do that every day.

On 3/19/2024 at 11:15 PM, Emotionalmosquito said:

Twice a week would be pushing it for me. It’s the absolute maximum I could get away with without drawing negative attention for being the ““creep”” going around approaching girls, regardless of if I’m actually being creepy or not. Because most of society is pure evil towards desperate virgin men trying to un virgin themselves. God clearly hates the ultra horny incel guys he places in worthless cities with no means of escape. 

That girl I talked to was a remarkable human being, but a very rare breed of woman. Most girls I talk to don’t have the wholesomeness in their whole bodies that she had in the tip of one of her pubes.

9 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

There's hope for you

On 3/19/2024 at 11:15 PM, Emotionalmosquito said:

This statement is concerning even though it’s meant to be the opposite. That’s something you’d tell someone of whom there is technically a small chance could end up with prime pussy but it’s highly unlikely. Otherwise it would be something like “Success is right around the corner.” Or, “You’ll definitely get there if you keep at it.”

one of those alternatives might’ve been more what you meant, just not the way it seems to me

9 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

There are ways for you to be average-wealth at 40 and bang hot 20 year olds (but you would have to be abnormally self-actualized). Being flat broke is pretty unacceptable.

THAT is the final nail in the coffin. It’s over. In fact, it’s so over there was never even the tiniest speck of hope for me at all at any point in all of existence.

Actualizing and gaining wealth is so much fucking work and is so damn hard it is absolutely retarded. That’s on top of all the basic life challenges that have nothing to do with actualizing that are already too hard on their own. There is objectively no such thing as free will anyway. So how can you assume it’s even possible for most people to pull this shit off?

BUT, apparently I am the all mighty God itself. So it should be possible to become fully actualized overnight. Heck, back on the main topic of this thread, if I’m god, I should have the power to teleport into any reality I can possibly imagine. I’m going to a land rich in flower faeries, dryads, elves, goddesses and every other type of humanoid pussy god can dream up. Fuck this piece of shit reality and everything about it. Curse it all to hell. I want out. As God, I reserve my right and my ability to go somewhere more like this instead,

only real.

10 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

Being honest with your words is a good thing

“Do I look fat in this dress?” xD 

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God imagine sexuality.

The devil is in the details.

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Posted (edited)

God also imagine suffering.

Than there is an avatar, there are living beings, who avoid some things.

Edited by Schizophonia

The devil is in the details.

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@Emotionalmosquito Sex Is overrated.  You will know once you finally lose your virginity.  Its just in and out robotic movements combined with animalistic moans . There is nothing magnificent waiting for you if you have sex . In fact its the opposite ..it won't fully fulfill you . Nothing finite will ever fulfill you .because you are an infinite being .

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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