I Visited a Mormon Church Twice, Need Your Advice

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3 hours ago, SQAAD said:

If i see anything weird i won't visit their church again. I am not willing to do weird stuff. I do it just for the experience and social connection. I don't know much about their beliefs and motives yet.

There isn't anything particularly weird, it's just psychological. Their motive is to convert you to their one and true church

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Not saying that Mormonism is a Christian denomination, but I'd also recommend checking out other Christian churches too. Check out Protestant churches. Go and visit a Catholic mass-- like a High Mass TLM with Gregorian Chant. Many churches exist, and the ones that you aren't proselytized about might draw you deeper into that side of civilization. If you see a positive side to prayer, please do seek out all the styles of prayer that there is on offer at your disposal.


There's a lot of Mickey Mouse-ing when it comes to the differences in Christianity. Some people like Hot Jazz, some people like Cool Jazz. Some people like Big Band.

we are literally God's name, continuously pronouncing.

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Just different church denominations. 

Some are more focused on the bible, others are more focused on giving etc.

Mormons don't have very good reputation though.

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Honestly i would like to join a cult type thing just to see how it is and how easy/hard it is for me to be brainwashed 

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3 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

how it is and how easy/hard it is for me to be brainwashed 

Group conformity almost seems wired into human nature. You slowly lose your individuality through that even if you are aware of it logically. Then comes commitments, genuine personal bonds which you have to abandon, etc. It's like a frog being boiled, it's not some logical argument they're going to throw at you that you can just easily debate against. Gray areas and cognitive dissonance are slowly manufactured.

Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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On 14/10/2023 at 3:24 AM, Aquarius said:

You will be brainwashed by them into total believing of that stuff, which is ideology. And all ideology is bad on a fundamental level.

You will be one of those obsessed god fearing individuals who know every verse from their bible, trying to convert everyone you know, knowing no freedom for the cost of being part of a religious community.

I think I might be somewhat resistant to this form of mental influence because I've immersed myself in Leo's content and other spiritual teachings for hundreds of hours. I've engaged in numerous psychedelic experiences, practiced meditation for several years, and have developed an intermediate-level grasp of non-duality. My journey into non-duality has spanned six years now.

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On 14/10/2023 at 4:14 AM, Hardkill said:

I wouldn't be surprised if any of them invited you to a secret orgy or tried to convince you on the idea that polygamy is a great thing.

From what i've researched, they don't practice polygamy anymore.

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On 14/10/2023 at 5:54 AM, Juan said:

  I would love to do the experiment of study religious and visit them just for the sake of study. I’ve met once someone at a buddhist temple and she was doing that and I liked the idea. Responding to this thread, STAY OPEN MINDED! Don’t limit yourself. ;)

Thank you sir. This is exactly what i needed to hear :-)

Edited by SQAAD

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11 minutes ago, SQAAD said:


From what i've researched, they don't practice polygamy anymore.

That‘s a shame, seemed like the only benefit. No?

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