Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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30 minutes ago, Understander said:


Justify this!

Israeli arms quietly helped Azerbaijan retake Nagorno-Karabakh, to the dismay of region’s Armenians

They also tried to attack Armenia. A drone flew over my city, but it was neutralized quickly. I could have been dead because of that. I was slowly accepting my death and thought that I would rather kill myself if they succeeded than be tortured by the Azerbaijani army, as I was playing the piano with tears in my eyes while thinking that it would be my last.

I have been careful not to brainwash myself, regardless of the things that I have encountered, but a lot of people do the opposite where I'm from.

Of course, in other countries, there is propaganda about Israel. But you're using that to not see what's happening.

Politics is not good or bad. Israel is doing bad things in Palestine but they did a good job helping Azerbaijan. Finally there is peace in Caucassia thanks to the quick war that ended Armenia's occupation of their neighbor's land. As long as you respect Azeri and Turkish territorial integrity nothing will happen to you.

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10 minutes ago, Understander said:

@StarStruck Hahahahaha...

You're such a fool if you believe that. There's no peace in caucuses. 😭

The Armenian army is weak compared to its neighbors', but it still fights with what it has.

I see why Armenians are very sensitive to this and create fantasies about why they should take "their" land back.

And I didn't say that politics is only good or bad.

Are you ok? This news is after decades of war:

Armenia, Azerbaijan agree to take steps towards normalisation


Armenia is a small and poor country. They should spend their budget on integration in the region. Instead they chose to be a pawn of Russia and when the time came, Russia made the sacrifice at the expense of Armenians.

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10 hours ago, Nivsch said:

Thank you for putting down your mask 🙂

Now I understand better how immaturity there is here, and that 90% of the pro palestine / Anti Israel propaganda is rubbish.

I will keep trying to relate and make discussion with the sane 10%, although, this is difficult to find. Not so common as I used to think.

this dude is the hardest coper in this thread. insane how you're still posting everyday itt only. thanks for ruining the west simply because you think you have the right to do whatever you want with the palestinians. even the most zionist countries are now calling for a ceasefire. the fact that you simply don't care about the 30k deaths truly shows your quality. shame on you!



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3 minutes ago, Bandman said:

this dude is the hardest coper in this thread. insane how you're still posting everyday itt only. thanks for ruining the west simply because you think you have the right to do whatever you want with the palestinians. even the most zionist countries are now calling for a ceasefire. the fact that you simply don't care about the 30k deaths truly shows your quality. shame on you!

   Another example of too much Tik Tok and social media usage does. There's been enough research showing how too much social media increases narcissism via auto beauty pictures by Algorithms/A.I, psychopathy/sociopathy due to interfacing with 2d screens instead of real 3d face to face interactions and anonymity being more accepting, increases in ADD/ADHD due to Tik Tok's hyper addictive stimulating content of shorts designed to hijack limbic system in brain to engineer deeper need of shorter content and format lacking time markings distorts actual time/energy/attention spent scrolling and clicking and liking content for it's hyper sensational subjects, Which is pressuring YouTube to do shorts which negatively impacts mid-long form education video content, and so much misinformation and propaganda spreads with longer and more difficult ways to counter disinformation, narrative warfare and information warfare is far harder as the democratization of the internet makes spreading and propagating narratives so much easier and much more difficult to fact check and falsify.

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@Thought Art

17 hours ago, Thought Art said:

@Danioover9000 Interesting interpretation.  Thanks for sharing.

I watched it, I don't know what is true. I generally watch things but don't cling to hard.

But, I would question that interpretation as well. 

What if they were trying to figure out what was true? Not, simply twist things towards their bias?

Or, what if they are biased toward one side, for some reason, and wanted to make one side look bad?

How do we make that distinction when we watch news?

How do we know the news sources we listen to are accurate? 

How do we know our interpretations of the news we watch is accurate and/or of high quality?

How can we notice when our biases and triggers are distorting what is actually being said?

How can we see or be aware of the bias of the particular news source we are listening to?

How does recontextualization and insight play into understanding complex social situations and conflicts?

What role does listening and observing multiple perspectives play into understanding what is true in a situation?

   I wasn't attacking the Israeli interviewer per say, just commenting on his body language and tonality for the 10-15 seconds available. I was just saying he was processing a lot as he's talking, you can even hear in his voice hesitancy on how to present Israel in a better light given what just happened. It's like if there's footage of IDF mass sexually assaulting a group of Gazans, and you as a Israel spokesperson must present them in a better light, how do you do that? You'll have to fight down the cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias creeping up, fight down your moral compass when your heart is signaling it's immoral and evil what IDF is doing, yet your brain is saying I need this job to SURVIVE and pay the bills too, and you EGO is in deep denial and wants it's story to be the right side and all good. In that hypothetical what would you do? Shift blame onto some of the Gazan women for provoking the IDF soldiers? It's a deep moral dilemma when you're seeing your country and state you hold dearly doing nasty stuff out there, all caught on footage.

   Also all really good questions, gonna take a break to contemplate them. Thanks for keeping this thread relatively civil, watch out @StarStruck he's stirring up drama again.

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15 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Another example of too much Tik Tok and social media usage does. There's been enough research showing how too much social media increases narcissism via auto beauty pictures by Algorithms/A.I, psychopathy/sociopathy due to interfacing with 2d screens instead of real 3d face to face interactions and anonymity being more accepting, increases in ADD/ADHD due to Tik Tok's hyper addictive stimulating content of shorts designed to hijack limbic system in brain to engineer deeper need of shorter content and format lacking time markings distorts actual time/energy/attention spent scrolling and clicking and liking content for it's hyper sensational subjects, Which is pressuring YouTube to do shorts which negatively impacts mid-long form education video content, and so much misinformation and propaganda spreads with longer and more difficult ways to counter disinformation, narrative warfare and information warfare is far harder as the democratization of the internet makes spreading and propagating narratives so much easier and much more difficult to fact check and falsify.

yeah. I'll be honest there is a lot of hamas, pro muslim propaganda by people who act sad for what is happening to the palestinians but if the same would be done to the jews they'd be laughing or silent about it. both Jews and Muslims are extremely biased and see themselves as chosen people.

But that doesn't change anything about the actual genocide being done to the Palestinians and the horrible ways the IDF conducts itself. Zionism is a sickness.



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Posted (edited)

Last night I wrote some heartful and thought-out peace and wisdom-oriented pieces on my phone to maybe share on this thread but seeing how it's further devolving into absolute toxicity I'd rather keep it for myself and not dishonor it by posting it here.

This is why I get accused of bias and for good reason. I'd rather be biased and express my admiration and defend Israel by standing up against the lies than dignify the uber-hypocrite, brainless and toxic menace that represents the other side.

Edited by Vrubel

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10 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

Last night I wrote some heartful and thought-out peace and wisdom-oriented pieces on my phone to maybe share on this thread but seeing how it's further devolving into absolute toxicity I'd rather keep it for myself and not dishonor it by posting it here.

This is why I get accused of bias and for good reason. I'd rather be biased and express my admiration and defend Israel by standing up against the lies than be associated with the uber-hypocrite, brainless and toxic menace that represents the other side.

+1 ❤

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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The fact that some nations (Japan and Netherlands) security export contractors are cutting ties and restricting trade of arms with Israel is telling of what the situation has devolved too.

Even corporate entities that are notoriously amoral and don’t care for morals but mainly for material gain are sacrificing profits to protect themselves from being liable in a ‘plausible case for genocide.’ 

Whether they are putting justice before profit or not - the point is that even out of self interest they consider Israel’s actions after the ICJ ruling to be on the wrong side of history - a side of the bed they don’t want to be seen in rolling around with Israel which will face future prosecution.

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Posted (edited)

@zazen Yes the Palestinian propaganda machine is very effective.

They are very rich and enormously funded in billions.

Not innocent nor "weak" at all.

Their weapon is strong and sofisticated. Too bad that in regular days their mental weapon is used towards their own civilians, also, very effectively.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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@Raze Thank you. Exactly what I mean.

Of course they will do that. They think about their family members who are hostages of hamas. This is very understandable.

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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3 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

@Raze Thank you. Exactly what I mean.

Of course they will do that. They think about their family members who are hostages of hamas. This is very understandable.

Just because something has motive, doesn’t mean it is justified. Hamas kidnapped Israeli’s because they wanted in part to get Israel to release their thousands of Palestinian prisoners, many held without charges. That doesn’t mean oct 7 was justified.

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Palestinian suffering, especially children, should be the more reason why Hamas should put down its arms and surrender. But they don't care! The suffering of their people is just another weapon in their arsenal. On the 6th Oct all was fine with their people. Yes it was! I have never seen a refugee home with a marble stairway before.


By lella.cachia, comment under Times of Israel article

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Posted (edited)

Hamas has lost this round and are trying to gain concessions from Israel more than they deserve. Israel stands fast. will not play 'games'. Real losers are the Gaza people. Destruction now or a miserable future under Hamas government. Pity'.


By immreiter, comment under Times of Israel article

Edited by Vrubel

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8 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

But they don't care! The suffering of their people is just another weapon in their arsenal.


🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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8 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

Palestinian suffering, especially children, should be the more reason why Hamas should put down its arms and surrender. But they don't care! The suffering of their people is just another weapon in their arsenal. On the 6th Oct all was fine with their people. Yes it was! I have never seen a refugee home with a marble stairway before.


By lella.cachia, comment under Times of Israel article

False, prior to oct 7 it was already the deadliest year for Palestinian children. 40% of Gazans were unemployed, many had malnutrition, and Israel wasn’t removing the blockade.

5 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

Hamas has lost this round and are trying to gain concessions from Israel more than they deserve. Israel stands fast. will not play 'games'. Real losers are the Gaza people. Destruction now or a miserable future under Hamas government. Pity'.


By immreiter, comment under Times of Israel article

Israel has lost many civilians and soldiers, hurt its economy, and damaged its national standing, this is not a good event for Israel either. You shouldn’t diminish their suffering to tout victory.

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Posted (edited)

5 minutes ago, Raze said:

False, prior to oct 7 it was already the deadliest year for Palestinian children. 40% of Gazans were unemployed, many had malnutrition, and Israel wasn’t removing the blockade.

Because of hamas.

The Israeli-Egyptian border only prevents marine and air ways from Gazans.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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Posted (edited)

Hamas has successfully played Israel. They are making a fool of them. They want the world to see how ruthless Israel can be so that people perceive them as the "bad guy", regardless of whether they are right or wrong about Israel. Whether Hamas care about their people or not, it doesn't matter here.

Edited by Understander

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Posted (edited)

9 minutes ago, Raze said:

Israel has lost many civilians and soldiers, hurt its economy, and damaged its national standing, this is not a good event for Israel either. You shouldn’t diminish their suffering to tout victory.

So lets not react at all and let the PTSD poison our society and destroy us from inside.

You are holding Israel to a tier 2 trauma management tools. How easy is to demand unrealistic expectations from the side you don't like.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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