Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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1 hour ago, Nivsch said:

The Palestinians leadres and maybe even most of the palestinian people are more passionate on what they feel is their "justice" and their life meaning which is to revenge Israel and destroy it as much as possible.

In other words they are more red than blue, and the evidence is that 65% of the palestinians support hamas and support oct 7th according to surveys done in the west bank even, according to Israeli middle east expert I heard in an interview yesterday.

Maybe their meaning in life is literally realy to get back their honor as they see it in their mind, and a "state" and an organized life are really too boring to them and not in their interests. 

I think we can understand better the intuition of it if we think on a 9 year old boy who just lost a wrestling game with a friend or even a fighting in a video game. His life meaning in this phase is only to beat his friends back. Peace is very boring and meaningless at this point.

But in the root it is not really Israel's fault. They were that way even in 1930's with Amin El Husseini's ideology. Irans regime is also like this in many senses, so Hezbollah in Lebanon.

All of this explain to us that the palestinians (and other arab tribes and groups) revenge emotions are deeply rooted in reasons which are not Israel but created way before it.

This is a good analogy, the kid who lost to his friend and is now dedicating his life to beating him.

He chose to be a victim for the rest of his life because he lost the game, instead of switching his mindset towards building himself and living his own life.

Gaza could thrive, and so could the West Bank if they weren't so inclined towards hatred.

This ideology against Jews started long before any occupation occurred, which proves that it's not about any occupation, it's about Jews.

The famous Nazi book Mein Kampf, written by Hitler, is very common in Gaza and the West Bank, it's one of the best sellers there, and Hitler is seen as an inspiring figure rather than someone with a toxic ideology.

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@Lila9 Honestly I don't think one can put his revenge emotions aside and just move on, but rather use those emotion in a healthy way as a fuel to become more successful than the other side they want to revenge. The problem is that the palestinians can't see the healthy option and maybe the best way is to awake them to this healthy revenge and inspire them to be like the emirates. It is difficult because it requires them to see glimpses of orange.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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@Nivsch Quit with the spiral dynamics garbage. You mentioned it a hundred times already. NOBODY is thinking about that because it doesn't matter nearly as much as you are trying to make it seem

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39 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

@Lila9 Honestly I don't think one can put his revenge emotions aside and just move on, but rather use those emotion in a healthy way as a fuel to become more successful than the other side they want to revenge. The problem is that the palestinians can't see the healthy option and maybe the best way is to awake them to this healthy revenge and inspire them to be like the emirates. It is difficult because it requires them to see glimpes of orange.

Healthy option? Do you feel their pain? Do you have a basic human sense? I'll live for rest of my living remembering these images and you think just like that you can forget this? 

I am not even in Palestine and I feel angry about these Isreal terrorists 

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3 hours ago, How to be wise said:

You’re supposed to give stolen things back, regardless of whether your victim wants peace. You are allowed to defend your land, but you are not allowed to steal the land of others and then demand peace. Israel will remain in conflict until it gives the stolen land back.

Israel is supposed to do nothing. Peace is achieved by the two talking and signing concrete treaties, not by unilateral steps. Israel left Gaza unilaterally and instead of peace, they got Hamas and that's when it all started with the rockets and blockade.

Edited by Vrubel

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The audacity lies in considering it acceptable for one group to take the land of another, with whom they lived mostly well for centuries, and were even protected by from European pogroms and persecution.

To then engage in negotiations regarding the land they seized from that group, determining how much they will claim and then gaslighting any resistance as barbaric savage terrorism and making them feel guilty for the sins of the Holocaust which weren't theirs to begin with. They are then further gaslighted and labeled anti-Semitic for this when they themselves are semites. The anti-Semitic label is used as a verbal shield against any criticism and to muzzle rational voices. 

The actual crime that Palestinians are being punished for is refusal to submit. That’s all this conflict has ever been, from the very beginning. Palestinians refused to accept being thrown off their land and killed and forcibly displaced at the creation of the Israeli state in 1948, and that refusal has seen increasing violence and oppression under the premise that it’s possible to bomb and tyrannize a population into obedience.
Nothing will radicalize you toward violence faster than seeing your neighbors and loved ones ripped apart, and your dignity shredded on your own soil.

How dare the Palestinians resist, the Palestinians should just be peaceful in their blockaded strip of land where they were once given a controlled amount of calories as to be fed just enough to not die but not in excess as to be strong to resist. And the other Palestinians in West Bank should be at peace with the encroachment of their land via settlement expansion.

They should be at peace with their subjugation and humiliation, we should give them the power of now so they can learn the first step to peace is accepting the moment and so they can ascend to stage green.

The Zulus of South Africa, the Mau Mau of Kenya, the Vietnamese, the Afghanis, the Algerians - all should have just been at peace with settlers and imperialists who they resisted against successfully instead.

The way spiral dynamics is misused is when it’s used to create a colour apartheid and discriminate between one group of people who on average orients around a certain colour and another. Palestinians are primitive and stage red which is impulsive, primal and fights back but when Israel fights back its deemed as noble defence of a noble people higher up on the spiral dynamics ranking.



Edited by zazen

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@zazen The fact Hezbollah in Lebanon holds the same Ideology, so too Iran's regime and Amin El Husseini in 1930's, while they were not occupied by anything, add to that the cruelty the palestinians behave to their own people very often, proves the root of the problem is deeper than Israel, although it holds responsibility to the situation but as a secondary effect. The majority of the work has to be done is an inner work by the palestinians themselves.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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@zazen The notion that Palestinians supposedly graciously welcomed, sheltered and protected Jewish refugees is complete nonsense. I do not deny the Palestinian right and connection to the land by the mere fact that they are living there but the truth is that there was no such thing as a Palestinian people because that national identity was yet to be developed in response to the Jewish one. All there was were some formerly Ottoman Arabs (often considering themselves Syrians) working the land who never had any country to begin with. They also never had the agency, institutions or resources to graciously "welcome, shelter and protect" Jewish refugees. Jews bought land and worked on it fair and square. Arabs never really united and were loosely spearheaded by an Islamist Nazi sympathizer who frequently met with Hitler or other Nazis. 

The slightest rumor was enough for the Palestinians to attempt a pogrom. Because the newly settled European Jews defended themselves with guns and barricades they committed a pogrom on the defenseless native Jewish population in Hebron. This is way before the establishment of Israel, occupation or West Bank settlements. 

In the early years, Israel was a very vulnerable socialist idealist nation of just a few hundred thousand. They would have accepted a lot for just a piece of land they could call their own. Now Israel is a considerable nation of many millions, a strong economy and a powerful army. After the six-day war, the Arabs had their golden opportunity to give peace and recognition to Israel in exchange for the West Bank and Gaza. Now, any such deal will have to keep into account the many settlements. Realistically Israel is not going to forcefully evacuate 300 000 of its own citizens. So really I think a future Palestinian state will have some Jewish minority. It will be yin yang, Israel has an Arab minority and the Palestinians will have a Jewish minority.

Edited by Vrubel

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9 hours ago, randmonzzin said:
Healthy option? Do you feel their pain? Do you have a basic human sense? I'll live for rest of my living remembering these images and you think just like that you can forget this? 

I am not even in Palestine and I feel angry about these Isreal terrorists 

Then you will probably like the palestinians TV programs messages if so. 



Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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"All too often, the question of Palestine is framed as an eternal conflict arising from ancient ethnic or religious hatreds, with questions regarding the origins of the state of Israel and the legitimacy of land claims reduced to matters of scriptural interpretation. Such views entirely omit the actual history of Palestine and the Zionist movement. The colonization of Palestine, a process still playing out before our eyes to this day, has definite historical origins at the turn of the 20th century, when Zionism was born and the encroachment of Palestinian land began. Historian Rashid Khalidi, author of The Hundreds' Year War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917- 2017, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a look into this essential history, and how it can help us frame Israel's present war on Gaza."


Vincit omnia Veritas.

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7 hours ago, Vrubel said:

Israel is supposed to do nothing. Peace is achieved by the two talking and signing concrete treaties, not by unilateral steps. Israel left Gaza unilaterally and instead of peace, they got Hamas and that's when it all started with the rockets and blockade.

It was good that you left Gaza, but you didn’t leave the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Remember that the Palestinians are one people, so the people of Gaza also care about what happens in the West Bank. Don’t act like the two regions have nothing to do with each other.

If you want peace more than land, withdraw from the West Bank and East Jerusalem. It’s really simple. No peace on stolen land.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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22 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

It was good that you left Gaza, but you didn’t leave the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Remember that the Palestinians are one people, so the people of Gaza also care about what happens in the West Bank. Don’t act like the two regions have nothing to do with each other.

If you want peace more than land, withdraw from the West Bank and East Jerusalem. It’s really simple. No peace on stolen land.

So lucky we have not withdrawal from the west bank because then oct 7th would be considered a tiny event.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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35 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

If you want peace more than land, withdraw from the West Bank and East Jerusalem. 

Obviously, Israel will not Just "withdraw" without solid security guarantees and an agreement in the form of a signed treaty. 

35 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

No peace on stolen land.

Oke no peace then. Go ahead and kill, rape and mutilate. How is that working out? 

Edited by Vrubel

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A few more pages of posts and I think ya'll will have solved the whole Israel-Palestine issue.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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What if....

...ultra Zionists created Hamas to provide a pretext to solve the demographic problem with genocidal violence against innocent Palestinian civilians?


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The religion tolerance in Israel is stunning.

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47 minutes ago, kenway said:

ultra Zionists

A Zionist, super Zionist, mega Zionist, ultra Zionist, and super mega ultra Zionist went to a bar and saw a young man nervously sitting in the center of the bar, sweating, shaking, and murmuring something in Arabic.

The Zionist said, "This man looks suspicious, he might be a terrorist."

The super Zionist agreed, "Indeed."

The mega Zionist concurred, "Indeed."

The ultra Zionist also chimed in, "Indeed."

The super mega ultra Zionist said nothing. He remained silent for a minute, then approached the suspicious man and whispered something in his ear. 

After a few seconds, the terrorist in question took his jacket and walked towards the exit until he disappeared.

The other Zionists looked puzzled and confused. It wasn't long until the super Zionist asked the super mega ultra Zionist, "What did you whisper in his ear that made him walk away so rapidly?"

The super mega ultra Zionist smiled and replied, "I told him that if he gets out of here and refrains from committing the planned terror attack, I will help him enter the Israeli prison and live like a king with 100 virgins instead of 72 in heaven."

The super Zionist asked, "What will happen when he enters the Israeli prison and realizes there are no 100 virgins there?"

The super mega ultra Zionist responded, "It doesn't matter, he will receive free education and realize that there is no heaven and no 72 virgins, and would be grateful that I saved him from losing his life to this stupid belief."

And then they lived happily ever after. The end.

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