Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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So is this like a 9/11 into Afghanistan approach type deal

Edited by Jacob Morres

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6 hours ago, Nabd said:


This video explain how Hamas was created by Israel right wing.

Even today, Hamas only work to benefit Israel. Same could be said about Iran but Iran tries to maneuver from time to time to actually get nukes so they can be somewhat independent.

Again, there is just no way that Israel didn't know about the attack. They have top technology and they spy on them all the time not to mention the literal spies inside Gaza. Even the Egyptians said they warned them.

Natenyahu government reforms meant that he will be given immunity and he will be given immunity later on when families of killed Israeli civilians press charges because the information will spread that some part of the government didn't react or prepare but they can't do shit. Nor can anyone press charges of war crimes against anybody in Israel because they have been given free genocide coupon by Hamas.

One of the top officials of the Syrian anti-terrorist coalition stated that the US asked them few weeks ago to allow Iran to move weapons and rockets to southern Syria. They refused and were surprised as to why would the US ask them such a thing.

So it's either a trap by the US and Israel or Natenyahu is actually coordinating with Iran in some ways which are not clear yet.

This war really seems like an agreement reached by Hamas, Israel, Iran, and the United States sitting at a table as friends. It's as strange as possible. 


Edited by Breakingthewall

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4 hours ago, BassamMo said:

The israeil army and government want to grab more land and earse all Palestinians from Gaza, that erase need much explanation. Just accept the fact that they share the same values as Hamas, only difference is that they're a much bigger organization with way way more support from the "developed" countries.

If the Pestinians were fighting for a two-state solution and peaceful coexistence and Israel refused again and again, all the blame would be on Israel, but if their only ambition is the disappearance of Israel and the expulsion of the Jews, then they are they responsible. You have to be realistic, you can't make Israel disappear, so why keep trying? to reach destruction? it's stupid

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This was the modern equivalent of a trojan horse. 1000s of palestinians have been killed ever since. 

“Pick up a bee out of kindness and learn the limitations of kindness” - Idrees shah


"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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Saying that Israel wants a genocide is nonsense. Israel now has the duty to destroy Hamas, its survival is at stake, what has happened cannot be allowed. how to do it? It is extremely difficult. Entering the city with infantry and fighting a guerrilla battle with civilians living there would be a massacre of Israeli soldiers and Palestinian civilians. Doing this would be totally stupid because there is another option: empty Gaza, advance and destroy the buildings where there is resistance, minimizing the Israeli deaths, then place the entire population of Gaza in a concentration camp, identify the suspects (many thousands) and enjail them, then help the survivors rebuild Gaza. all of this an enormous task, being observed by the world

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3 minutes ago, HMD said:

This was the modern equivalent of a trojan horse. 1000s of palestinians have been killed ever since. 

“Pick up a bee out of kindness and learn the limitations of kindness” - Idrees shah


Yeah sure, This is the history of humanity, full of movement and turbulence. now what to do? complain for the next 10 thousand years?

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@HMD That message was towards the British who were deporting Holocaust survivors. 

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5 hours ago, BassamMo said:

Oh okay, so you're saying Hamas would erase Israel existence? Wow. Point is, the Israeli army is currently bombing civilians not really Hamas and have killed dozens of innocent Palestinians left and right with 724 children and is banning any aid, food, water or medical help to get to Gaza. I'm not sure how that is helping them with "surviving". They pretty much seem to me worse than Hamas 

It's not just the number of bodies but also the state of the bodies. Severe sadistic psychological and physical torture is detected on the bodies of Israeli families. I don't want to think too much about it but it was basically torture and rape of parents in front of their kids and of kids in front of their parents. For this, hell awaits Gaza, we have seen nothing yet. 

Edited by Vrubel

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35 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

and Israel refused again and again

It’s mind-blowing to see that you are saying this with all the information at hand. 

If Israel were so cooperative then why are there UN Resolution 242, the Oslo Accords, the Gaza-Jericho Agreement, and the Gaza Disengagement Plan? 

And even after all  these resolution, why can’t Israel keep it’s hands off of Gaza? Why does it still controls the airspace and maritime boundaries of the Gaza Strip? With the right to raid at any time? 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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@Vrubel Probably, because the British were reluctant to let the Jews immigrate to Palestine. They probably knew the outcome of it. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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How does one justify this? 


"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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10 minutes ago, HMD said:

@Vrubel Probably, because the British were reluctant to let the Jews immigrate to Palestine. They probably knew the outcome of it. 

Now we have the 1234th post at 2.22 !

Edited by An young being

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@HMD That map is false, there was then no independent Palestine or an Identity that came along it (that formed later or at the time.) Most of the land owners were elite Arabs from the region who sold land to Jews. The second map was a proposal refused by Arabs who went to war, the third map was of the territories being controlled by Egypt and Jordan until they again went to war and lost it.

Edited by Vrubel

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54 minutes ago, HMD said:

And even after all  these resolution, why can’t Israel keep it’s hands off of Gaza? Why does it still controls the airspace and maritime boundaries of the Gaza Strip? With the right to raid at any time? 

Because there is a threat, but you are right in the sense that not all responsibility is Palestinian. The problem here is what has led human beings to war since they existed: identity as a group versus another group. Both have it, the Muslims with their hooded women, and the Jews who have survived as a group 2000 years without land, with it's orthodox fundamentalists . two group identities close together, the result is war. It doesn't matter what the cause is, there are a thousand possible sparks to light the flame, some will always occur. 

The thing is that seen from the outside it seems that the Israelis have a less closed identity, and it's getting more close and hard due the aggressive behavior of the Muslims, but perhaps this is an error of appreciation due to ignorance of what the situation is like seen from the inside. 

But it seems logical that the fact that all your neighbors hate you and want your extermination strengthens your identity as a group.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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31 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

For this, hell awaits Gaza, we have seen nothing yet

Sheesh. I do have empathy for wanting revenge, as I've felt the same at times in my life 

But idk usually it's not the way 

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Maybe people shall think more about leaving off the desert mythologic bs.

The paradox of tolerance, we tolerate tribes and non sense, and that's the result.

It's a crime against humanity to tolerate any tribes and any religions and to side for the tolerance of the baby fairy tale.

That's not helping to let people asleep in their farts.

Adults shall rule the world, and baby shall learn from them instead.

The only terrorism I see, are people who encourage dividing tribes religioustic non sense as being tolerable.

tolerance to non sense, that is one of the root of real terrorism against world unity.

For me everyone who ascribe himself to a tribe is a dormant terrorist at best, or an active one at worst.


Maybe that's cause in my local area of upbringing, communitarianism is psychologically banned and seen like a trouble to the constitution.


Edited by AerisVahnEphelia

nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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4 minutes ago, AerisVahnEphelia said:

Maybe people shall think more about leaving off the desert mythologic bs.

The paradox of tolerance, we tolerate tribes and non sense, and that's the result.

It's a crime against humanity to tolerate any tribes and any religions and to side for the tolerance of the baby fairy tale.

That's not helping to let people asleep in their farts.

Adults shall rule the world, and baby shall learn from them instead.

The only terrorism I see, are people who encourage dividing tribes religioustic non sense as being tolerable.

tolerance to non sense, that is one of the root of real terrorism against world unity.

For me everyone who ascribe himself to a tribe is a dormant terrorist at best, or an active one at worst.


Maybe that's cause in my local area of upbringing, communautarism is psychologically banned and seen like a trouble to the constitution.


Totally agree, But we have to understand that the human being is extremely vulnerable and stupid and is not capable of being a free individual, he never has been, he needs group identity for his balance. Only today is a current of freedom emerging, but let's not fool ourselves, it is a minority and fragile. It is intelligence vs. stupidity, enlightenment vs. darkness, freedom vs. slavery. It's good to be aware of it.

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38 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

@HMD That map is false, there was then no independent Palestine or an Identity that came along it (that formed later or at the time.) Most of the land owners were elite Arabs from the region who sold land to Jews. The second map was a proposal refused by Arabs who went to war, the third map was of the territories being controlled by Egypt and Jordan until they again went to war and lost it.

Let's assume all of what you said is true. It still doesn't justify Israel’s takeover of that region. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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4 minutes ago, HMD said:

Let's assume all of what you said is true. It still doesn't justify Israel’s takeover of that region. 

Your vision is that of the Arabs. you only see one side. What would be your reaction if you were systematically attacked with the intention of extermination for 100 years, including two attempted invasions by coalitions of countries much larger than yours.

You can't relax, they want to kill you. If you want to survive you must control the situation. If you are benevolent to those who want your extermination, they will take advantage of that. They are not going to accept nice gestures, only your disappearance. Put yourself in that situation, what would you do? think about it honestly. Probably be much more hard

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34 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

e thing is that seen from the outside it seems that the Israelis have a less closed identity, and it's getting more close and hard due the aggressive behavior of the Muslims,

I understand your perspective. And don't you think Israel’s occupation of Gaza and its closed identity is multifaceted? Like, there could be several reasons for it, other than Muslim aggression. 

For instance, they might want to solidify their identity and appear strong after the Holocaust, they may have got greedy with expanding their territory (like all systems do). 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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