
What Changed For You As You Grew Spiritually?

13 posts in this topic

I'd like to make this a positive topic to encourage spirituality!

so let's list all the awesome stuff we gained so far.

for me :

- more confidence
- better vision, more light, colors are more vivid, water looks alive
- everything becomes interesting, I can marvel in the complexity of using a broom to clean up my living room.
 the amazing feelings of manifesting order as I clean the room, the philosophy of it, ''am I cleaning the room or am I rather cleaning myself, I am the room''
before cleaning a room would've been completely boring and annoying, now it's like wow

looking forward to what you guys have to say

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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- More awareness over my emotions 

- More prescence and therefore simple things like looking at a lamp becomes magical.  

- I can sometimes observe my egoic tendencies as though I was observant an ape in a cage.  

- More humbleness and less arrogance.

- Less emotional need for approval, status and friends. 

-  Increased feeling of being grounded 

- Increased tolerance for failure


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-More gratefulness, this is a huge thing. In the beginning I started giving money to beggars and giving huge tips after meditating.

-Less judgmental of others and myself, this also ties in with more self confidence.

-More relaxed about personal development, more long term thinking, less crazy work binges.

-More awareness of my emotional state. For example I catch myself feeling weird in social situations and try tocorrect this.

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-Pretty sure I deciphered which voice was my intuition today! And I'm gonna follow it!

-Less resistance to everything. I resisted a lot.

-More relaxed, less wound up.

-Feeling things with my hands more. 

-Sitting in truth. So, less analysis of why this or that happened and what it means about how I am and how I need to be different. Sometimes, I can just sit silently in the truth of the situation as it is, with infinite variables I know nothing about, so shhhh. 

-I like dogs more. ?

Edited by eskwire

nothing is anything

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-i have my children.

-i have jesus, the one holy spirit.

-i have love for peace of mind in mankind.

-i have free will/choice.

-i have vibration. (Mostly around girls)

I have nothing.

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Wow interesting question and a great question as usual. 

Spirituality is everything. All other things should grow from spirituality. 

 loving animals and plants more. Never thought deeply about them before. 

Now I see the world as being very superficial. All things materialistic. 

More aware  of how things are. Trying to be more conscious of every moment now. 

More aware of my emotions. Can feel them coming and going like a flow of states. 

Lesser need for friends. 

Can feel how others suffer. Before it was an illusion and there was no awareness. 

Don't feel like a zombie anymore. 

Everything is now more vivid and and the perspective towards everything is less materialistic and more existential. I lost the craving for little things. 

Money seems unimportant but important only for survival. 

Spirituality seems to be very attractive now. Like all things have their answers in spirituality and nothing else. 

Becoming aware of truth 

More self-analysis. That's a great boon. 

Less attached to ego and egoic needs but not completely free. 

Able to have a clearer view of why and how regarding everything from me and extending to everything else. 

Now heavily philosophical about everything in life. Never before have I had such a huge list of questions popping up in my mind and an insatiable thirst to know answers to them 

Able to let go. This thing was difficult before 



  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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On 3/27/2017 at 2:26 PM, Arkandeus said:

I clean the room, the philosophy of it, ''am I cleaning the room or am I rather cleaning myself, I am the room''

This was such a cool and specific way to put it. I was really stressed today about work. I thought everything was spiralling into chaos. I confronted my to-do list, ticked a couple things off, cleaned out my purse, and smiled as my mind felt cleared up! Thank you for sharing this insight. Love it. 

nothing is anything

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In a word, perspective.

I used to be caught up in my own story and problems. I didn't see the bigger picture and this led to me feeling angry and depressed. I used to think to myself, "what a bullshit world". Life was a struggle that I didn't like or understand. Now I have a different perspective.

If you truly know that your essence is (spirit, God, Consciousness, pick your word) then this human existence just seems like a game. Your problems lose their potency.

To those currently facing trials and tribulations: take a breath and see the bigger picture... it's okay.


Edited by Bodhi123

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Oh man, so many changes, I change and grow everyday, it's amazing.

- I have deep wellsprings of love and joy and an amazing relationship with my Wife, that I never could have imagined before. We've been together for going on six years now and the love, joy, passion, pleasure, trust, and intimacy just keep deepening and growing more vibrant and alive. The way our energy vibrates with each other at the slightest touch, the shared glance, just fills me with so much pleasure and happiness. I've never been so thankful and appreciative of another person in my whole life. She's a magical, phenomenal woman and I'm so grateful for who I've become and grown into, because of our lives and hearts intertwining. Who I am right now, wouldn't exist without her.

-I can feel my soul or my core deep down inside me. It suffuses this glowing sensation all throughout my body and feels me with so much peace and happiness and beautiful humanity. It's amazing to me how much peace and harmony I have flowing inside me. I feel like I have glowing rivers of energy that run through my body and connect to this ocean inside of me. I can't even describe how precious it is to be in a position where it's a normal everyday thing for your soul's whisper to becomes so clear and so distinct, that it forms this glow in the center of who you are. I don't need to meditate or take drugs or appeal to some outside force to feel it. It's grown as I've grown and helped me differentiate myself between my mind, my instinct, and my soul. Who I am at my core was here before even the shape that is consciousness formed. 

- My body trusts me deeply and has released it's natural "limiters" on what I can feel and do. I have a much greater access to different emotional states, flow/trance states, and whole realities, capabilities, and potentialities then I did before. This means a lot more responsibility and self-restraint, because everything I think and feel is amplified, but since I've learned to stabilize and harmonize this access, my life is richer and more vibrant, more magical than I ever could have imagined. The automatic parts, that I don't directly control working in harmony with my focused intent and emotional context. I love the way all the different parts of me work together and communicate!

-I've become a man who can in essence learn and gain skills in whatever subject I choose. Any subject, any skill, I can internalize because I have a deep connection and understanding with the universal elements of learning. If I want passion and motivation I can plant seeds and harvest it. If I need faster reactions time and a stronger body connection I can build it. If I need more charisma, more emotional intuition, and influence, it will grow inside me. I'm on a never ending cycle of growth with many revolutions that naturally shift and show themselves to me, each and everyday. 

-I've subtly slowed down my perception of time over the yars so I can see more detail within a moment and split-second movements that happen as things shift inside me, become fleshed out events that I can perceive and understand.

-I've gained influence over my body's natural chemistry and can modulate how intense or calm my attraction or repulsion is to a thing. I can hold multiple, subtle facets of over-lapping chemistry without getting carried away in the wash of emotions and lose my chosen degree of awareness. This allows me to do things like split my mind so half of me can sleep, hold multiple trance states, work from both my intellectual and instinctual space at the same time and many other things. But, of course this all starts from being able to feel and read connective tension and all those energetic sensations superimposed upon normal human emotions and feelings.

-I have way more sensitivity than I ever have before. This makes me a lot more vulnerable, because sensitivity and vulnerability go hand in hand, but I don't mind because my resiliency and traction has also skyrocketed in their development. This allows me to see the harmonious versions of emotions and positions that other people demonize. Emotions like fear and pain, that to others seems horrible and full of suffering, but to me are friends I can apply in a balanced and constructive way. It also allows me to touch deeper wellspring of humanity and share deeply in the pain of others, which softens me and keeps me from being otherwise numb and apathetic to life. Plus it allows me to create even more deeper meaning in my life, which brings me even more joy and passion and spirit.

-I've become so self-empowered and developed in my volition that depression and despair and victimization rarely ever touch me and have yet to collapse me into any of those states again since the last 6 years. I can read feelings and emotions and see how they inter-relate which allows me to wean myself off of hollow feelings that give short-term comfort/relief/pleasure but hollow you out in the process. States like feeling sorry for yourself or wallowing in the false comfort of despair and depression.  It's very similar to food actually. Some foods are sweet, but low on nutrition and the same holds true for emotions. They provide a spike of pleasure but lack meaning and satisfaction, plus they pull on you, so it's easy to fall into cycles of doing the same hollow routine over and over again.

-And oh man the pleasure I feel now a days! Sex is amazing and my orgasms literally feel like their exploding from my soul, throughout my body. Almost every night my body just starts releasing euphoria and pleasure throughout my body, without having to do anything. In fact I resist the temptation to awash myself too much into those pleasure so I can keep my body healthy and not burn it out. Lol, urinating feels like a constant low level orgasm, and at any time I can reach my hand out into the air and kind of caress the energetic fields that permeate the atmosphere and feel all sorts of amazing things. Touching trees and plants brings about similar things... really the more vibrant life something has, the more pleasure I can feel by brushing up against it's energy. Animals really dig it too. I've had 600 lbs bengal tigers come up to me in animal sanctuary's and just purr like huge demon kittens as they plop down next to me and get as close as the fence will allow them.

I could keep writing and writing about all the changes for days, but I'll stop here :)

Life is so incredible!!! I love how abundant and amazing my normal days are and I'm so grateful for how far I've come.


Edited by Salaam

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I'm still at a lower consciousness, but for me within the past year I've had some growth:

1.  No longer suicidal 
2.  Panic attacks reduced from 1-2x a week to 1 a month
3.  Less angry, but still angry
4.  More open-minded, but not by much

Mostly information gathering, growth will happen after mental health gets sorted out.

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@Salaam god damn, you've done well to expand our imagination and limits

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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@MissMiki @Arkandeus

Thank you both!

I've been at this work for a decade now, but I'm still amazed at all the new experiences that unlock inside me as I nurture all the different parts of me. It's a hard road, but it's the best one I've ever came across and there is so much more to discover and build!

It's like my body is this rolling snowball of awesomeness and it's telling me, "the better you treat me, and the more you live truly from your spirit, the more wonder I will open to you to enjoy". So I listen and I learn and I counter-balance the infinitely subtle pressures that push me, calibrating so the pressures of life don't flatten out the color and richness of my soul, hollowing me out. Healing from my mistakes, gaining wisdom from my scars, and building on top of that wisdom, foundations that further propel my growth. 

If y'all have any questions or anything I'm happy to help :)

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