
Yes, dating for men is better in other countries

78 posts in this topic

7 hours ago, integral said:

Its not rigged, the woman most men are attracted to want to date men at the same level of development as them. I dont date hypergamy orange women so the game is easy. 

Most women will only allow themselves to be locked down with a man that is moderate to significantly better than them. This is abundantly obvious. Key word being most and not all because I know people are incapable of nuance.


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8 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

The fantasy of obedient, submissive women was always just a fantasy that is not who women are. Women lie, fight, steal, deceive just as men do just in different ways. Men are seeing real female nature for what is and are repelled but I see it as a gift.

Of course. Women are humans who are capable of good and bad and the most reasonable thing is to accept it.

And yes, the ones who believe in the fantasy that somewhere there is the perfect submissive woman that bypassed the crude human nature and would happily pleasure them in sex in the way that they want without having sexual needs on her own, and clean and cook with no complaints, are completely deluded.

Some men have a serious problem with seeing women for what they are, they either demonize them or idealize them (they are either whores or madonnas).

If we compare it to the claims in this post, the bro passport type of men would demonize the women in their country and idealize the women aboard, while in reality, all the women are humans with good and bad traits, capable of various things.

This tendency to idealize women is the Achilles' heel (vulnerable point) of such men, makes it easier for women to trick them and exploit them.







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On 2023-06-26 at 4:19 AM, MarkKol said:

People who grow up in this country without a single foreign language in their vocabulary are completely screwed in terms of development & education. The kids are all obsessed with video games and shockingly Immature YouTubers

The rest of the world is a much bigger place, therefore It's much more developed. Berlin and Madrid are literally almost bigger than Croatia itself.

Scandinavia's got healthy politics. The rest of Europe, United States and China have capitalism, strong industry, big populations, fucking amazing cities and night life, developed and unique cultures of their own.

Croatia, and realistically speaking... the Balkans have none of that. My love for bigger cities like Barcelona, Madrid, London and Dublin are practically limitless compared to Zagreb.

There's practically no racial, philosophical, ideological or perspectival diversity whatsoever. This is what bothers me most. Art is basically non existent besides music of course, and It's the tasteless kind of music that we have unfortunately. 

The numbers speak for themselves, Croatia has lost 10% of It's population in a decade. Now imagine 50-100 years.

That being said, I've met some great Croatians, just not as often or as many great people from other countries. Maybe It's just me.

Sweden's great, I'd like to visit soon but I postponed my trip because I gained interest in other countries. I swear these Spanish and Brazilian girls are made out of memory foam. so squishy and bouncy. ? 

Ok my stereotype must have something to it after all then ?

But I can understand if it’s lonely if you feel more developed and different than most in your surroundings 


honestly even if sweden is very developed and I dig a lot of people here I still don’t really feel connected and keep to myself mostly so if you’re into this work you’re gonna be unique wherever you do honestly

Regarding the music , for one moment I was gonna name some artists I like such as Rasta and Senidah but then I realized they’re not even Croatian ? it’s the same for me tho 

The nightlife is pretty dead here in Sweden too honestly so that’s the only thing I’d disagree w 

but otherwise I quite love it here , but not the most fun country in my opinion I believe there are way more interesting and fun things to see than for example Stockholm . Don’t get really why people would come here out of all the countries . What’s so interesting 

hahahah you’d love Swedish girls tho I bet despite them not being the squishiest bounciest perhaps but they got other things going for them . Me and my sister sometimes wonder are we ugly or do we just live in Stockholm???




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1 hour ago, Sugarcoat said:

Ok my stereotype must have something to it after all then ?

But I can understand if it’s lonely if you feel more developed and different than most in your surroundings 


honestly even if sweden is very developed and I dig a lot of people here I still don’t really feel connected and keep to myself mostly so if you’re into this work you’re gonna be unique wherever you do honestly

Regarding the music , for one moment I was gonna name some artists I like such as Rasta and Senidah but then I realized they’re not even Croatian ? it’s the same for me tho 

The nightlife is pretty dead here in Sweden too honestly so that’s the only thing I’d disagree w 

but otherwise I quite love it here , but not the most fun country in my opinion I believe there are way more interesting and fun things to see than for example Stockholm . Don’t get really why people would come here out of all the countries . What’s so interesting 

hahahah you’d love Swedish girls tho I bet despite them not being the squishiest bounciest perhaps but they got other things going for them . Me and my sister sometimes wonder are we ugly or do we just live in Stockholm???

Naaa, everyone is aware of how boring Scandinavia is. How could It not be? It's like the most well behaved child in the classroom. :D

Personally I dig other countries a lot more, can't help it. 

I'd say every Balkan artist is a Croatian artist too, It's all the same shit. Last one I heard about was some mf called "Nucci". Garbage

Never really felt Croatian at heart, I have lots of love for the rest of Europe though.

The more capitalistic and industrial a country is, the less social it becomes. Germans work the least in the European Union, but by 10pm there's not a single soul on the street even in bigger cities like Munich.

I can only imagine how bad Sweden and Norway are. 

We should go to New York City or Toronto! The thrill of flying overseas is pulling at me day by day. 

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8 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Of course. Women are humans who are capable of good and bad and the most reasonable thing is to accept it.

And yes, the ones who believe in the fantasy that somewhere there is the perfect submissive woman that bypassed the crude human nature and would happily pleasure them in sex in the way that they want without having sexual needs on her own, and clean and cook with no complaints, are completely deluded.

Some men have a serious problem with seeing women for what they are, they either demonize them or idealize them (they are either whores or madonnas).

If we compare it to the claims in this post, the bro passport type of men would demonize the women in their country and idealize the women aboard, while in reality, all the women are humans with good and bad traits, capable of various things.

This tendency to idealize women is the Achilles' heel (vulnerable point) of such men, makes it easier for women to trick them and exploit them.

You haven’t responded properly to anything anyone has said in this thread, every post from you is just full of assumptions. Nowhere did I ever demonize women in my home country or idealize women abroad. I am simply making a factual statement that I find women abroad often tend to be better in many ways that matter to me. This is my own experience, it isn’t fantasy, I lived it. I never said all women in America are bad or all women abroad are good, I never even said any woman is good or bad, I am just talking about the tendency of traits. I don’t want a woman who is a submissive robot and I don’t want a woman who is only with me because she’s dependent on me, I’ve never had such a relationship and am in no way looking for it. This is what I mean, women will non stop talk about men being low quality etc. and how and where to bag better men, yet when a guy does something to improve his situation you call him a misogynist living a fantasy, as though he should just accept bad behavior and have low standards otherwise he doesn’t respect women.

8 hours ago, Cat_eyes said:

 Every country I recommended except for Ukraine had a lower rate than the USA. Also, just because there is a higher divorce rate doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a problem with women, in many foreign countries a lot of the men are psychologically damaged or alcoholics and are more likely to mistreat women.


Edited by Raze

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1 hour ago, MarkKol said:

Naaa, everyone is aware of how boring Scandinavia is. How could It not be? It's like the most well behaved child in the classroom. :D

Personally I dig other countries a lot more, can't help it. 

I'd say every Balkan artist is a Croatian artist too, It's all the same shit. Last one I heard about was some mf called "Nucci". Garbage

Never really felt Croatian at heart, I have lots of love for the rest of Europe though.

The more capitalistic and industrial a country is, the less social it becomes. Germans work the least in the European Union, but by 10pm there's not a single soul on the street even in bigger cities like Munich.

I can only imagine how bad Sweden and Norway are. 

We should go to New York City or Toronto! The thrill of flying overseas is pulling at me day by day. 

I can see tho clearly that there are fun social circles out here in Sweden it’s just a matter of getting into them, if one has that desire. It’s not fun “in general” , but there are indeed very interesting people here, and combine that with the openness and progressive mindset here and you have both the fun and depth in a person. Some countries have more of just the fun lol?

”Nucci” I can’t. Gotta give it a listen now that you mention. But yes it’s the same kind of, just these nationalists trying to convince us otherwise ?

I totally relate to not feeling Croatian at heart. And that’s fine honestly everyone doesn’t have to be a raging nationalist 


sweden can be pretty dead you are right. People fall into depression here because of it haha


oh gosh same. Sometimes I believe there is a reason I was born on July 4th , I’ve always been attracted to America. Just seems to be this collection of everything in one place. I’m almost rotting here in Sweden not gonna lie, that’s why I came to this forum ?



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1 hour ago, Raze said:

You haven’t responded properly to anything anyone has said in this thread, every post from you is just full of assumptions. Nowhere did I ever demonize women in my home country or idealize women abroad. I am simply making a factual statement that I find women abroad often tend to be better in many ways that matter to me. This is my own experience, it isn’t fantasy, I lived it. I never said all women in America are bad or all women abroad are good, I never even said any woman is good or bad, I am just talking about the tendency of traits. I don’t want a woman who is a submissive robot and I don’t want a woman who is only with me because she’s dependent on me, I’ve never had such a relationship and am in no way looking for it. This is what I mean, women will non stop talk about men being low quality etc. and how and where to bag better men, yet when a guy does something to improve his situation you call him a misogynist living a fantasy, as though he should just accept bad behavior and have low standards otherwise he doesn’t respect women

I was talking in general. This is the mentality of the conversation of these type of men: women in their country are generalized as the ultimate bad (unattractive, too masculine, too independent, canny, materialistic, too this too that) vs women in other countries (usually poor) are generalized as the ultimate good (which by their perception: more attractive, do what the man wants in sex, not very independent, put the men as the center of their lives, submissive). There is no in between.

Usually it comes with toxic, misogynist, entitled view of women.

And no, no one should accept bad beavior, but it's very likely that men receive rejection and disrespectful behavior from women in their home countries because they view and treat women in disrespectful manner themselves. They assume that women in more poor countries would tolerate their shit more and that's usually the case because those women financially dependent on them. But when the money is over, or when those women gain a bit more power, the level of tolerance is dramatically decreasing.




Edited by Lila9


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3 hours ago, Lila9 said:

I was talking in general. This is the mentality of the conversation of these type of men: women in their country are generalized as the ultimate bad (unattractive, too masculine, too independent, canny, materialistic, too this too that) vs women in other countries (usually poor) are generalized as the ultimate good (which by their perception: more attractive, do what the man wants in sex, not very independent, put the men as the center of their lives, submissive). There is no in between.

Usually it comes with toxic, misogynist, entitled view of women.

And no, no one should accept bad beavior, but it's very likely that men receive rejection and disrespectful behavior from women in their home countries because they view and treat women in disrespectful manner themselves. They assume that women in more poor countries would tolerate their shit more and that's usually the case because those women financially dependent on them. But when the money is over, or when those women gain a bit more power, the level of tolerance is dramatically decreasing.

Do you not see the irony in complaining those men paint women with a broad brush and demonize them, when you are doing exactly that to men who go abroad or say they have problems dating? They are all or almost all toxic and entitled and just want women with no “power” otherwise they get rejected etc.? 

I already mentioned this to you in another thread, but you again assume that a man’s success with women is correlated with how good of a person he is/ how well he treats women. In some cases that’s true, being a worse person or treating women poorly makes you lose them or get rejected. But not always, in my experience in some ways I actually have to be more of a dick to attract women in the west, they respond more to signifiers of status and cocky, arrogant, or avoidant behavior. Some of the women who disrespect3d me the most were the women I treated the “best”, and they thought my giving nature with them meant they could use me or walk all over me. Just because a man says he gets rejected or struggles with women does not mean you can automatically assume he’s just toxic and misogynistic and if he was nicer he’d succeed.

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23 minutes ago, Raze said:

Do you not see the irony in complaining those men paint women with a broad brush and demonize them, when you are doing exactly that to men who go abroad or say they have problems dating? They are all or almost all toxic and entitled and just want women with no “power” otherwise they get rejected etc.? 

I already mentioned this to you in another thread, but you again assume that a man’s success with women is correlated with how good of a person he is/ how well he treats women. In some cases that’s true, being a worse person or treating women poorly makes you lose them or get rejected. But not always, in my experience in some ways I actually have to be more of a dick to attract wo

32 minutes ago, Raze said:

Some of the women who disrespect3d me the most were the women I treated the “best”, and they thought my giving nature with them meant they could use me or walk all over me.


I didn't generalize and demonized all the men in where I live, this is the difference.

There are more reasons for men not being successful with women rather than simply misogynist view of women like trauma, psychological issues, lack of social skills and empathy which are important in building close relationships. Usually it's combination of a few reasons.

Getting married will not solve those issues, no matter with whom, such problems cannot be bypassed.


37 minutes ago, Raze said:

But not always, in my experience in some ways I actually have to be more of a dick to attract women in the west, they respond more to signifiers of status and cocky, arrogant, or avoidant behavior. Some of the women who disrespect3d me the most were the women I treated the “best”, and they thought my giving nature with them meant they could use me or walk all over me. 

You can't put people on the pedestal and expect them to treat you like an equal.

And if your arrogant and cocky behavior is working on women, why still alone?




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4 hours ago, Lila9 said:

I didn't generalize and demonized all the men in where I live, this is the difference.

There are more reasons for men not being successful with women rather than simply misogynist view of women like trauma, psychological issues, lack of social skills and empathy which are important in building close relationships. Usually it's combination of a few reasons.

Getting married will not solve those issues, no matter with whom, such problems cannot be bypassed.

You are generalizing any man who struggled with dating and demonize any man who goes abroad to date. It’s still a generalization. 

And this is not bypassing anything, it’s solving various problems. Other issues that cause men to struggle are they don’t fit the expected standards of what women in their area want (some of which are impossible or unhealthy and shouldn’t be met) , and there is a lack of quality women around them. Changing locations is not bypassing this, it is solving it. 
This is based on the assumption every guy who goes abroad cannot get results in their home country, not true, I get results just fine, but I get better results elsewhere, why would I ignore this and just accept a worse situation based on some notion of it’s supposed to be that way?

4 hours ago, Lila9 said:

You can't put people on the pedestal and expect them to treat you like an equal.

And if your arrogant and cocky behavior is working on women, why still alone?

At the moment I’m dating casually and haven’t met someone I want something long term with. 

The fact that it works at all is the problem and a major reason why I wanted to leave. 

Edited by Raze

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19 hours ago, Lila9 said:

I provided you with the most practical information. 

Just saying 'abuse' and 'exploitation' doesn't count. Those words don't mean anything by themselves, you have to clarify their meaning in a practical context. 

19 hours ago, Lila9 said:

No you don't. You can't prove it.

The proof is that you're using strongly negative buzz-words willy-nilly to get attention. 

19 hours ago, Lila9 said:

It's your highly subjective assumptions and interpretations of my opinions that I don't agree with. Only I can validate if your interpretations match my opinions or not.

Are you just going to say 'you're wrong' or are you actually going to give an explanation as to why I'm wrong? 

19 hours ago, Lila9 said:

It's propagandist logic.

I know, any notion that men have value and that men aren't trash is 'propaganda'. Got it. 

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9 hours ago, Cat_eyes said:

I’m wondering, how do you think the men in these other countries will feel about foreigners coming and taking their women?

It's fine for me. Let him give it a shot.

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19 hours ago, MarkKol said:

We should go to New York City or Toronto! The thrill of flying overseas is pulling at me day by day.

Come! Stop thinking about it.. It's beautiful out here in Toronto this summer. Let me know if you end up coming

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All the hot girls come to the west. Why would you move to a shit hole country just for some advantageous situation in terms of dating. Life is much more than dating. These are usually guys with no game and trying to use their power position to get some. 

Edited by StarStruck

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On 2023-06-26 at 3:54 PM, Raze said:

This is thinking ahead though. Having relationships and raising kids in western countries is way riskier. Far higher rates of cheating, divorces, and much more likely the child grows up with depression or anxiety.

Read about the stories of mixed-race children growing up in East Asia, or South East Asia. I do not know as much about other places to comment directly. We are always "othered". We will never effortlessly fit in fully no matter what, even in metropolitan centres.  Some people say that mixed-race looks are idolized because of the good number of celebs there are mixed race (aka. Eurasian). It's actually more complicated than that.

First of all, even if you're the "right" kind of mixed-race, East Asia is still pretty racist by most people's standards here, if not because these cultures are much more monolithic.

If you feel like you have no place in the place you grew up as a disenfranchised man, how do you think mixed-race East Asian children feel, being singled out for existing everywhere they go, all the time? I'm not saying that every experience is always negative, but the worst-case scenario is being bullied mercilessly in school, harassed in public, and discriminated against at the institutional level in all sorts of ways. God forbid you are black or darker-skinned and have children there. The very least you can do is to know what your future children will likely be up against, unless attitudes somehow change extremely quickly. They probably will not.

To my understanding, there is some stigma and even pushback in Asian countries where there is a significant sexpat industry. Children thought to be of these unions are looked down upon (I am thinking of Thailand in particular).  Perhaps it's not entirely dissimilar to me getting asked as a kid if my mother was a mail-order bride just because she was Asian. Please consider what this might do to a child's psyche.

"Good othering", or well-intentioned othering: it feels like you are kind of like an exotic circus animal. Or like an alien dropped you on Earth. You exist to be a public spectacle. If this is not clear, growing up with this is a VERY different experience than being some white person (since that does tend to be the favoured ethnicity, see: East-Asian continental brand racism) in East Asia, where you feel like your differences might be an asset. You are secure enough in your own formative racial identity, so there is no issue for you personally there.

I mean, I spent 2 months of every year growing up in Hong Kong, a city that was a British Colony for over 150 years. It's probably the most Westernized East Asian city I've ever been to. And I STILL got treated like I never really belonged there. And I have East Asian relatives and family friends, grew up with the culture, learned a decent amount of the language, etc. etc. etc.

At least when it comes to being well-adjusted about the race thing, arguably any multicultural metropolitan city in the West is better, but especially places like Hawaii/ the West Coast, IMO.


Edited by eos_nyxia

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@Sugarcoat  I’m a native Swedish guy, yet I’ve never seriously dated a Swedish girlxD

Typically date French, Austrian,  Greek or Italian girls.

Edited by Spiral

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20 minutes ago, Spiral said:

@Sugarcoat  I’m a native Swedish guy, yet I’ve never seriously dated a Swedish girlxD

Typically date French, Austrian,  Greek or Italian girls.

Not to be creepy but sometimes I’ll look at these groups of Swedish girls when I’m out in town and it’s just so fascinating to me they live in a completely different world than me almost I’ve never been able to navigate their social atmosphere. Back in school I naturally befriended foreigners and maybe one or two semi socially awkward swedes ?

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