
Awakened folks, how do you view yourselves?

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6 hours ago, CARDOZZO said:


I personally don't know if people really know what they are pursuing aka Truth.

Maybe they'll become sad that Truth, Enlightenment and Awakening will not get you laid or rich.


Only if that is your goal.... That is. 

My name is Whitney and I am from North Carolina. 

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9 hours ago, CARDOZZO said:


I personally don't know if people really know what they are pursuing aka Truth.

Maybe they'll become sad that Truth, Enlightenment and Awakening will not get you laid or rich.


>I personally don't know if people really know what they are pursuing aka Truth.

Wise points, both of them. Hope you don't mind if I comment on your message that was originally adressed to Yimpa ( :

People are pursuing happiness/bliss/no more suffering. In my opinion by definition. Different projects, same motivation. You always follow something that you think will make you whole and end suffering. Or rather ending the cycle of being discontent from time to time (dukha=unsatisfactoriness, at least not totally permanent satisfying).

>Maybe they'll become sad that Truth, Enlightenment and Awakening will not get you laid or rich.

I can assure you that the really staying in your True Nature (not the preliminary one with Nonduality already happening but separate self still quite alive, the Nonduality-Identity, the "enlightened" "Person" :P. That is already awesome bliss-wise, but still has phases of being still grasping and not being fully there) will bring you what you want bliss-wise.

For me, in the beginning it was like: Hey, you fooled yourself your whole life with every endeavour you thought would finally bring permanent bliss. Which at the end, it didn't. Not quite. But the strange thing was: It didn't end. The cycle of dis-satisfaction was broken. Just sitting there and doing nothing, watching a park, would completely suffice. A source of bliss within you, always accessible, just do the resting in your True Nature correctly. If you know how to contact & rest in it.

I am happily married (which brings a lot of bliss), and also really can't complain on the financial side. But being rich will definitely not make you happy alone, no chance. It doesn't harm for sure (at least if you are not stupid), but doesn't and can't suffice. How could some arisings happening within you make you happy, when you don't know what You are? That is not the way the game is designed. It couldn't even be designed that way. Everbody is guided back home. How can some rich folks be excluded from that, in permanent bliss from just being rich. ( :

Which is exactly what you can see happening: See all the celebrity-examples. Just doesn't suffice. Many even suicide, having tried all standard methods for bliss, and having had the privilege to try them all, and find them quite lacking: quite higher tendency for drugs & suicide than average. You need the True Thing 9_9 (capital T)

I know, some text lines & claims in a forum. But hey, its true. And even True. And you reading that, you already have That! You are already That! Never can not be That, never having not been That.   ( : :$

Maybe you just dont know what you really are, and how to access that. Maybe there are (1) clouds of mistaken identity, and (2) regular cycles of suffering/dis-satisfactoryness in the way. One day, this life or the next, "you" will find a way for the clouds to be seen through/blown away, and you will recognize that (1) and (2) have been the exactly same phenomenon and process happening within you, one causing the other, or rather: being the same process. Like in "couldn't be designed any different, but hey, what the heck of a magnificent ride". Then you will laugh at the greatest joke ever not told....

I wish you bon voyage on the journey back home. :)

Water by the River

Edited by Water by the River

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1 hour ago, Enlightement said:

That's a thorough explanation. 

Thank you. :)

I just write here for the joy of it, and also because I made a promise if the journey ever bears fruits, I will write exactly what I would have loved to read 15 years ago. And the funny thing is: It is nice to write about these things.

I wouldn't do it for Ego-grasping or validation. I try to avoid the bear thing, you know. Could potentially cause some duality and being angry on the arisings in my own little bubble. Done that extensively in the past for a long time, one way or the other :)

Hope nobody feels lectured too much :$

Bon voyage

Water by the River

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In a state of constant amazement, how can you view yourself?

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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15 hours ago, CARDOZZO said:


I personally don't know if people really know what they are pursuing aka Truth.

Maybe they'll become sad that Truth, Enlightenment and Awakening will not get you laid or rich.


What!? I'm out of here.


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Awakening is like having sex with the entire Universe. 

There, I said it. 

I AM transitioning

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@Mikesinfinity There are no Awaken folks, just Consciousness - God - The Self. You are it, stop playing games. You awaken from believing you were that person, you don't awaken to become an "Awaken person", do you get it? 

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23 hours ago, CARDOZZO said:


I personally don't know if people really know what they are pursuing aka Truth.

Maybe they'll become sad that Truth, Enlightenment and Awakening will not get you laid or rich.


Its all a big joke. The ego thinks that by reaching a spiritual state it would get all that it desires, only for it to realize that it needs to remove itself to get all it ever wanted. It can't be putted to words directly but the ego is part of the game, what kind of ego you have and all that you desire to get are almost in way programmed, through childhood and early teenages years. If you get what you desire or if you do not get it, the Truth is it will not fufill you, it will not complete you. The wisest thing is to get out of this game, but its up for each person to realize.

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26 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

The ego thinks that by reaching a spiritual state it would get all that it desires, only for it to realize that it needs to remove itself to get all it ever wanted.

Apparently the ego is imaginary. If that’s the case, then how do I remove myself?


I AM transitioning

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I Am Pure Intention.

I Am an Instrument of The Divine Will.

I Embody the Will of The Higher Self.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

Apparently the ego is imaginary. If that’s the case, then how do I remove myself?


You are not it. You are not the "ego" its your body-minds operating system. A tool for survival. You are God. You are Consciousness. You stop identifiying with it. But it is a deep and long process, and everyone is different. You need to let go of everything, there is no way you can fool God, every emotion, desire, trauma everything needs to come to the surface. 

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I didn’t mean it that way. You’re the one placing emphasis on the people/folks wording.

I feel like this is a recurring theme on this forum where meaning or a conclusion is being projected onto what I write or ask and then there is a response in relation to that conclusion. It’s like asking someone a question but it gets interpreted so far from my original intention that when I get the answer it’s like watching the other having a monologue with himself.

I don’t really care about how things are said. I mean, we’re using language here and I gotta direct my question somehow. What I’m asking about is how experience is related to and also about identity from what we call an awakened state, no matter ”who” seem to have it. Maybe you’re playing games yourself.

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3 minutes ago, Mikesinfinity said:


I didn’t mean it that way. You’re the one placing emphasis on the people/folks wording.

I feel like this is a recurring theme on this forum where meaning or a conclusion is being projected onto what I write or ask and then there is a response in relation to that conclusion. It’s like asking someone a question but it gets interpreted so far from my original intention that when I get the answer it’s like watching the other having a monologue with himself.

I don’t really care about how things are said. I mean, we’re using language here and I gotta direct my question somehow. What I’m asking about is how experience is related to and also about identity from what we call an awakened state, no matter ”who” seem to have it. Maybe you’re playing games yourself.

My bad, was too quick. Yeah off course you can discuss relativly how it feels like. 

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18 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

My bad, was too quick. Yeah off course you can discuss relativly how it feels like.

No worries. I understand the temptation to make fast assumptions to score some easy enlightenment points

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26 minutes ago, Mikesinfinity said:

What I’m asking about is how experience is related to and also about identity from what we call an awakened state, no matter ”who” seem to have it.

It's like sitting at the back of a massive theater, surrounded by silent presence, watching a movie that is flooded with light.

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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31 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

You are not it. You are not the "ego" its your body-minds operating system. A tool for survival. You are God. You are Consciousness. You stop identifiying with it. But it is a deep and long process, and everyone is different. You need to let go of everything, there is no way you can fool God, every emotion, desire, trauma everything needs to come to the surface. 

I suspect that it actually doesn’t matter if you are the ego or not. Even if you believed you were the ego, does it really help if you change your belief from “I am not the ego” to “I am God”? 

Furthermore, what is there to let go of and why does it matter whether or not someone fools God?

5 minutes ago, Mikesinfinity said:

No worries. I understand the temptation to make fast assumptions to score some easy enlightenment points

Seems like a paradox for someone to be scoring enlightenments points… you would think they would want to stay at 0 xD

I AM transitioning

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21 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

I suspect that it actually doesn’t matter if you are the ego or not. Even if you believed you were the ego, does it really help if you change your belief from “I am not the ego” to “I am God”? 

Furthermore, what is there to let go of and why does it matter whether or not someone fools God?

Its beyond belief. Thats the problem with langauge. You're still thinking and you are stuck at that level of consciousness. All my words are pointing backwards. Look back.

It matters because your human mind is always serving itself, and the Universe operates at Selflessness, and God is your entire field of Consciousness. It is You, but you are stuck at a certain level, partly because you're human, but mostly because you are probably stuck at the ego-consciousness level, and you can go much higher while still being in this human. Don't hold my words in too high regards I am just making assumptions about your level of consciousness.  

Edited by PeaceOut96

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29 minutes ago, Mikesinfinity said:

No worries. I understand the temptation to make fast assumptions to score some easy enlightenment points

Didn't do it because of that. Its just my way of expressing and cutting through bullshit, but like you said I did make the conclusion to fast. So no worries. 

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8 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

Its beyond belief. Thats the problem with langauge. You're still thinking and you are stuck at that level of consciousness. All my words are pointing backwards. Look back.

I may still be thinking, but to be fair you also didn’t answer my questions.

I AM transitioning

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11 minutes ago, PeaceOut96 said:

Don't hold my words in too high regards I am just making assumptions about your level of consciousness.  

At a certain point you stop caring about what level you’re at. Let me see… my chair is at level 0, and I’m at level 5.5?

Who cares!

I AM transitioning

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