
Dalai Lama apologizes after video asking child to 'suck' his tongue sparks outcry

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31 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

People evaluating the video should first ask themselves how much of their interpretations are actually projection from their own impure minds.  Especially, if you have any emotional charge.  And if you are not familiar with the culture and have not interviewed the child.   You should also become familiar with the McMartin preschool trial.  This was a huge case in the 1980s where day care sitters where charged with sexual abuse.  It created a massive hysteria in America resulting in bizarre allegations, and the trial which lasted several years ultimately resulted in no convictions.  But many now believe they were innocent.  America is a toxic culture with regards to sexuality.  The really dangerous tongues are the ones that wag. 


Maybe the Dalai Lama should have sought consent before making intimate advances.

"Would you like to kiss my mouth?"

"Would you like to suck on my tongue?"

Instead he leveraged his authority over a powerless child without asking (or caring) about the kid's opinion, or the kid's guardians/parents opinions.

He could have asked the parents, "Will it be okay if I make a sexually suggestive joke on-camera with your son? I want to ask him to suck my tongue and then see if he will comply and really do it, or not."


Edited by Jwayne

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8 minutes ago, Jwayne said:

Maybe the Dalai Lama should have sought consent before making intimate advances.

"Would you like to kiss my mouth?"

"Would you like to suck on my tongue?"

Would you really feel comfortable asking a kid that in public? That would be just as if not even more bizarre than what happened between the Dalai Lama and the kid

“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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6 minutes ago, lostingenosmaze said:

Would you really feel comfortable asking a kid that in public? That would be just as if not even more bizarre than what happened between the Dalai Lama and the kid

Exactly my point. Children cannot give consent because they are minors.

Is it worse to ask a minor for a mouth kiss and 'suck my tongue', or to just do it?

They're both reprehensible, are they not?

Suppose you ask. The kid may say no.

I would prefer a predator asks so the kid has an extra opportunity to defend themselves.

So its safer for a predator to not seek permission and rather ask for forgiveness later.

Exactly as the Dalai Lama has done.

Edited by Jwayne

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Interpretations (will be built over the week)

1. The boy stood up and asked like 3 times if he could Hug the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama was surprised but said yes once it was translated to him. The room is full of a bunch of people. The boy goes up and hugs the Lama. They hug and kiss. The room laughs and claps. It's all rather platonic but loving. Like a parent kissing their child they share moment of platonic affection. The Dali Lama was playing the room, trying to get people to laugh, smile and feel the love. The boy was smiling. The Buddha wanted to say "Eat my tongue" jokingly but said "suck my tongue' through poor translation. They touched heads and stuck their tongues out at each-other. both their chins tucked into their necks, foreheads forward. This is filmed during a live event a month ago.

3 months later someone re-uploads the clip with no context and it gets spread around the world as an outrage. 

Edited by Thought Art

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There's no doubt the tongue thing made the kid uncomfortable. But i think making him a bit uncomfortable was the whole point of the joke in the first place. He just wasn't aware how badly the joke will be interpreted in the west. What really matters is that after every teasing play that dalai lama makes he again shows only love and compassion and respect for the child. 

Edited by Salvijus

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14 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

There's no doubt the tongue thing made the kid uncomfortable. But i think making him a bit uncomfortable was the whole point of the joke in the first place. And u can see after every teasing play that dalai lama makes he again shows only love and compassion and respect for the child. 

I have to add that many predators (i.e. pedophiles) are also 'compassionate', 'respectful' and 'loving' towards their victims. Some are violent offenders, no doubt.

But many are simply seeking intimacy (albeit in the wrong place). They get that intimacy by grooming children via building trust and through compliance testing, such as keeping secrets.

The victim may not even recognize their own trauma and suffering until many years later. At the time of the abuse they may report feeling normal, or even positive.

So that the Dalai Lama was non-violent does not mean he wasn't being abusive. Children cannot give consent.

Does every adult have the right to mouth kiss other people's children and ask 'and suck my tongue'?

Do exiled Heads of State and religious authorities have greater privileges over children's bodies than others?

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@Jwayne the difference between a predetor and dalai lama is that one is doing it out of lust and uncontrollable hornyness. Another is doing it out of playfulness and genuine compassion. He kept the feelings and wellbeing of a child very important to him. Showing him respect and inclusiveness after every teasing act. In fact he descided to tease a kid only when he sensed he could take the joke in the first place. Whereas a predetor would simply use force to satisfy his desires with no regards to how another one is feeling.

And on top of it dalai lama is not showing any arousal energy behind his actions, for him it's all just a joke. Whereas a predetor would get all horny and hot. With dripping saliva in his mouth

Edited by Salvijus

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10 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

@Jwayne the difference between a predetor and dalai lama is that one is doing it out of lust and uncontrollable hornyness. Another is doing it out of playfulness and genuine compassion. He kept the feelings and wellbeing of a child very important to him after every teasing act. Showing him respect and inclusiveness. Whereas a predetor would simply use force to satisfy his desires with no regards to how another one is feeling.

Some predators seek the consent of children. And when the child agrees to the act, then will they procede together. The predator feels morally satisfied that the child has agreed to participate. And so they don't feel they have done anything wrong, even if the victim later recounts their pain.

You may also have consent under coercion, such as being on-camera in-front of a large audience seated before a godly figure whom you are taught can do nothing wrong. The entire situation leads you to believe whatever they do must be right and my feelings must be wrong. It would take Herculean courage for a kid to reject the advances of a holy man in such a situation.

The predator has many ways of framing it, but they all serve to justify the enjoyment of the adult over the helpless minor.

Edited by Jwayne

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@Jwayne you're not reading anything i wrote. There's a difference between doing something out of lust and doing something out of playfulness. 

One is very manipulative to satisfy your own desires with no regards to how other one is feeling. Another is pure compassion and love where another person's wellbeing is taken fully important.

Edited by Salvijus

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1 minute ago, Salvijus said:

@Jwayne you're not reading anything i wrote. There's a difference between doing something out of lust and doing something out of playfulness. 

One is very manipulative to satisfy your own desires with no regards to how other one is feeling. Another is pure compassion and love.

Yes, theoretically.

But we are discussing an actual moment recorded on video.

Are you omniscient?

Can you see inside other people's minds?

So what's the point of you saying whether someone is acting out of 'lust' or 'playfulness'?

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1 minute ago, Jwayne said:

Yes, theoretically.

But we are discussing an actual moment recorded on video.

Are you omniscient?

Can you see inside other people's minds?

So what's the point of you saying whether someone is acting out of 'lust' or 'playfulness'?

Okey that's the fair point. I can only share what i see. Each person will interpret and see the situation according to their own conditioning and what not.

"We don't see the world as it is, we see the world as we are"

I personally don't sense any hornyness hot arousal energy in him. But i do sense tremendous love oozing out of him. Now that's very subjective. There's nothing i can say to prove that to others. So i guess we reached a dead end of the conversation ?

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7 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

I personally don't sense any hornyness hot arousal energy in him. But i do sense tremendous love oozing out of him. Now that's very subjective. There's nothing i can say to prove that to others. So i guess we reached a dead end of the conversation ?

I want you to be careful, because you may have kids one day. Or be responsible for children in some capacity.

A predator may be a very pious and compassionate person. They may be loving and friendly towards the kid without any obvious signs.

But, if you were to follow them around, you would see the things I mentioned: compliance testing, trust-building, keeping secrets, increased physical contact, and so on.

My point is that the Dalai Lama exhibited increased intimate contact (e.g. mouth kissing) and some degree of compliance testing in this 50-second clip. And not with an adult woman (or man), which would be a normal part of the mating ritual. But with a young boy.

That's an abnormal red flag you should pay attention to in your real life.

You may want to dismiss it because he is recognized to be a very spiritual person. But please, be skeptical, in your own life, for the sake of potential victims. Don't be naive about how, unfortunately, common child abuse is.

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12 minutes ago, Jwayne said:

A predator may be a very pious and compassionate person. They may be loving and friendly towards the kid without any obvious signs.

But, if you were to follow them around, you would see the things I mentioned: compliance testing, trust-building, keeping secrets, increased physical contact, and so on.

It's easy to smell a predetor out. It's very manipulative and full of fake compassion and kindness and they are driven by lust all the time. 

Genuine love and compassion has a dramaticly different taste and feeling to it.

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19 minutes ago, Jwayne said:

My point is that the Dalai Lama exhibited increased intimate contact (e.g. mouth kissing) and some degree of compliance testing in this 50-second clip. And not with an adult woman (or man), which would be a normal part of the mating ritual. But with a young boy.

The point is u can do all those things as harmless playful act of love as well. U have to look beyond the surface and feel the energy of the whole thing. But the results of what we feel will vary from person to person depending on how clean our perseption is. Someone is wearing blue glasses and says dalai lama is blue another one is wearing red glasses and says dalai lama is red. Both are honest about what they see. But only the one who has no ego can see the reality as it really is. Arguing whether the reality is blue or red is pointless. Better just keep purifying your perception.

Edited by Salvijus

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20 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

It's easy to smell a predetor out. It's very manipulative and full of fake compassion and kindness and they are driven by lust all the time. 

Genuine love and compassion has a dramaticly different taste and feeling to it.

 You can be calm and a predator who does meditation. Easy to fool guys like you.

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6 minutes ago, Epikur said:

 You can be calm and a predator who does meditation. Easy to fool guys like you.

It's impossible to cause suffering to others and be at peace. It's the law of god

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1 hour ago, Salvijus said:

It's easy to smell a predetor out. It's very manipulative and full of fake compassion and kindness and they are driven by lust all the time. 

Genuine love and compassion has a dramaticly different taste and feeling to it.

It's easy? That's victim blaming.

As if it were the fault of the abused for not detecting a predator.

If it were easy then there wouldn't be scandal after scandal all over the world.

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39 minutes ago, Jwayne said:

It's easy? That's victim blaming.

As if it were the fault of the abused for not detecting a predator.

If it were easy then there wouldn't be scandal after scandal all over the world.

Im not blaming anyone. Im saying there's a big difference between what uncontrolable lust is doing and what genuine compassion does even if the actions seem to be similar on the surface. This is like the 10th time im repeating myself but you're refusing to acknowledge this simple truth.

Edited by Salvijus

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11 minutes ago, Highlander said:

bro hes literally kissing a little boy and asking him to suck his tounge if that doesnt sound strsnge to you then eesh you got some issues

As if there's only one possible interpretation to this. I already showed how it can be interpreted as an harmless act. Refusal to acknowledge it is the only thing that is the problem here.

Edited by Salvijus

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7 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Im not blaming anyone. Im saying there's a big difference between what uncontrolable lust is doing and what genuine compassion does even if the actions seem to be similar on the surface. This is like the 10th time im repeating myself.

The implication is that Salvijus (you) possesses a unique ability to detect 'genuine compassion' and that victims everywhere were abused because they couldn't differentiate 'genuine compassion' from 'lust'.

Otherwise, what's your point?

What you call 'compassion' millions of others consider to be abusive.

So maybe keep that 'compassion' away from other peoples' children.

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