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About Epikur

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  1. I don't care that much if and when I come to a higher level as long as I see results in real life. For testing myself I use some benchmarks. Today I did exceptionally well. There is one test with tiles. I never could make it more than 10. I already did 15 today. Also I did a number memory test. I reached consistenly 9 numbers before I could only 7. I did also mental calculation I did also much better. What helped a lot was I meditated 40 minutes or so before I did that stuff. That was very important. I guess I will do Dual N Back consistantly for years.
  2. I am still doing it. I am quite ok with dual 2 back with all options. It took quite a while. I guess my IQ is in the 90s or so. Still the gains are there it helps quite a lot. I feel I operate on a higher level than before. Check this guy out his IQ is 100 after doing dual n back but it benefitted him also alot. He gave an interesting insight. He thinks that this training helps to move on from failure because in dual b back you have no time to linger on your failure you have to move on. This he says helps in your dialy life too.
  3. When I have time I will watch this vid. Alot of things are in the dark.
  4. Ana softened on Trump that is the point of the vid after years of hitlerising him.
  5. USA is a republic not a democracy. Taat is is why many people support Trump. It is their only chance to get democracy.
  6. I think this stuff is not for normal people. Most people want some fake meaning for their life something like religion or something else that sounds good. Schopenhauer would say people are motivated by the will to live. This, one could assume comes from the animal self. The spiritual self can not be motivated by the animal self. That is why Schopenhauer says only few people can create a meaning through art and science. So it might be dangerous to teach normal people non dual stuff that may weaken their animal will and they are left with nothing.
  7. You mean let's cherry pick history. You either dominate or get dominated that was the history of the world. Who wants to gamble and be peace loving?
  8. The games I mentioned are I think memory tests a bit like an IQ test. That is why I think the package of these tests are called 'The human benchmark' though I could be wrong about it. I will check wiki about. So basically these tests would measure how good the Dual N Back training worked. The human benchmark does not have professional recognition but it seems the most popular one. Has a big reddit. Btw I was always interested in the memory techniques like the memory palace but it is too boring and exhausting for me but I will try it but first I want to try the dominiv system that seems to give faster results though it needs a lot of traing too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominic_system
  9. Even we would say officially there is NO proof that it raises IQ it would still be very good to have better memory. Carl did you test yourself with the human benchmark? There are some online but you can also get apps. Some influencers did the test some were extremely good, I try to do dual n back and human benchmark every 3 days or so. I do quad n back at the moment and it gets better. Btw with human benchmark I only mean the chimp test and the grid memory test. With human benchmark it seems I slowly get better. Ok on thinking about it I should do the third one too the remembering number test. When I first made the tests I was in the lowest 3 percent. That sounds pretty low. I might post some results later.