
Lack of bias is pure evil. Infinity is pure evil

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You don't understand GOD. Stop saying nonsense that you get to intellectualizing from Leo´s video. 

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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On 06/04/2023 at 10:44 AM, Holykael said:

Being accepting of everything means being accepting of the most disgusting and horrible scenarios you can possibly think of. This is why to me god is pure evil and not goodness at all. There will be a reality where I am just a rape ragdoll being used and abused by everyone in the world. There is a reality where everyone is evil and just hurts you and tortures you, specifically you. Like everyone is stacked against you and they torture you every single day and force you to do things like eating shit. This is infinity. This is the tip of the iceberg of the disturbing scenarios that are possible, there is an infinity of them and some are too disgusting to even mention.

The lack of common sense by god is what makes god pure evil, why doesn't god reject these scenarios, why embrace this. God cannot be goodness if it allows all scenarios to happen. Lack of bias is the same as being evil. Having a bias for things that are good for you, now that's perfection. Lack of bias is imperfect, god is an absolute fool.

Being Hitler is nothing, being Hitler is a paradise compared to what is possible.

It's understandable that you may have these thoughts and feelings given the vast and often unpredictable nature of the universe. However, it's important to remember that the concept of God and religious beliefs are subjective and vary greatly among individuals and cultures. While some may view God as all-accepting and others may view God as having a specific set of morals and values, it's ultimately up to each person to decide what they believe.

It's also important to consider that humans have free will and are capable of making choices that can lead to positive or negative outcomes. While it may be difficult to accept that some individuals may choose to do harm to others, it's important to focus on promoting positive actions and values in our own lives and communities.

 it's important to seek help if you are struggling with thoughts or feelings of hopelessness or despair. There are resources available to support individuals who are experiencing emotional distress. I myself have spent time in the psych 

Edited by Dodo


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I’ve lived in hell for two decades without realizing there’s a light, yet I am still here.

I’ve now discovered the light, and I’m courageous enough to climb out of the hell I’ve found myself in. 

Soon I’ll be flying free. 

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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10 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

everything is a game of evolution. reality goes deeper into itself and for that it needs those unpleasant things that are the lack of love, suffering, hopelessness and evil. we are soldiers and we are here to give it our all, whoever doesn't do it is stupid, he will sink into shit no matter how much he tries to deceive himself

Who gives a fuck? Honestly. I don't care about being a soldier or giving it my all, I didn't ask for it... I didn't ask to undergo the trials and tribulations of reality. I won't ever sink into shit either as I'm always more than ready to pull the trigger if things start to get too unbearable. I legitimately don't feel any fear at the prospect of taking my own life, not anymore. It's literally genius if you're able to override the initial fear of ending yourself xD No need to suffer mindlessly for decades just cause. One's experience is worthless outside the ego-POV anyway, if you're not enjoying it you should be free to opt out of it instead of playing mind games with yourself to convince you that it is indeed worth living so you can keep dragging yourself. I stand by this.

Just take a look at how you're spinning stories about being a soldier and giving it your all to justify your pain whilst also projecting it onto others. I don't, I feel and see all things as raw as they get, no matter how bad or hard to accept. You'd rather suffer for the rest of your life as long as people can remember you for being "strong and courageous" or whatever even if you're not actually being or feeling that. Your entire life is designed around avoiding embarrassment or leaving a corrupted image of how you'd like to be seen. You don't want to LOOK like the little guy, but you'd rather BE the little guy as long as nobody else knows. See, I don't share that problem either. My problems genuinely go so far beyond fear and trauma that the prospect of putting a bullet in my head and dying instantly feels extremely loving and liberating in comparison. I've already gone to 2 different psychologists/therapists with over 15 years of experience and neither was able to help me, one even legitimately said she'd never seen a case like mine, and the other just ended it on "seems like your problems are too profound". Not to mention none were able to tell me anything that I didn't already know or had tried. I am simply unable to fool myself into feeling love or masking my true feelings with positivity about this existence if it's not the case. I cannot be delusional. And it is what it is, but I'm done with the stories in the realm of "reality is moving towards love", "you're always given what you can handle", and "it's so you can learn a lesson". Yeah, like there aren't millions of low-conscious, fully ignorant and advantageous people getting their limbs cut with a machete and their skin peeled by the rival gang who didn't learn a thing in relation to love in this life. What about them? Lol. 

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It is not a matter of playing mind games or fooling yourself with nonsense about love. Anything you tell yourself is nothing more than a placebo. the game is much more difficult and much more challenging than all that. you have to truly transcend the human and all its human things. this is extremely difficult, it is not a easy game and no one can do it for you. your suffering is what gives you the measure of where you have to go, where to deepen, where to understand. You have to be a genius or you lose the game. most people don't even start it so if you've started it better get to the end. For me its meditation 1 hour eery day, zero alcohol, zero toxic relationships, zero entertainment, zero meaningless activities, body in perfect condition, psychedelics every week, constant intention to understand and deepen, cross the surface, understand, undo the enigma. I find it a very interesting challenge and i ve nothing better to do.



Edited by Breakingthewall

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49 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I find it a very interesting challenge and i ve nothing better to do.

Do you feel pleasure or fulfillment from this work? 

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As God you are much ‘bigger’ and ‘older’ and more powerful than you think. 

All that happens in the universe is Good

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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3 hours ago, Israfil said:

Do you feel pleasure or fulfillment from this work? 

Yes a lot. And about the normal life. but I always have a fighting approach and it sounds very negative. I guess life has steered me in that direction

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Y’all should see some of the weird shit I’ve seen DALL·E 2 (AI art) spit out. 

Definitely not something a sane human would create. Does it make it pure evil?

(note: it’s rare for DALL·E 2 to spit out disturbing stuff, and even when it does, you can report it to improve its training). 

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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On 2023-04-06 at 10:44 AM, Holykael said:

Being accepting of everything means being accepting of the most disgusting and horrible scenarios you can possibly think of. This is why to me god is pure evil and not goodness at all. There will be a reality where I am just a rape ragdoll being used and abused by everyone in the world. There is a reality where everyone is evil and just hurts you and tortures you, specifically you. Like everyone is stacked against you and they torture you every single day and force you to do things like eating shit. This is infinity. This is the tip of the iceberg of the disturbing scenarios that are possible, there is an infinity of them and some are too disgusting to even mention.

The lack of common sense by god is what makes god pure evil, why doesn't god reject these scenarios, why embrace this. God cannot be goodness if it allows all scenarios to happen. Lack of bias is the same as being evil. Having a bias for things that are good for you, now that's perfection. Lack of bias is imperfect, god is an absolute fool.

Being Hitler is nothing, being Hitler is a paradise compared to what is possible.

   Technically you're correct, as biases and ideologies indoctrinated into our minds is the major source of our SURVIVAL as human beings living in societies. We have to believe in our viewpoints as our worldview being correct for oue survival. Anything antithetical to this is definitionally EVIL, DISTURBING AND DEVILRY!

   Until you experience awakening, anything to wipeout out biases is EVIL. 

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3 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

but I always have a fighting approach and it sounds very negative.

I didn't feel negativity at all. My question was genuine curiosity.

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