
Humans don't Love, only God can

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I was meditating and it was clear that I had a big hole of lack of love. Then I listened to a supreme voice that said 'you are infinitely super mega intensely Loved, for ever in all sense in all directions'.

That felt good, that felt more than good. Go get that from any of your petty materialistic schemes that you have designed to fill that empty void. 

See a human can never give that to you. Human can tell you hundred things or do certain things for you but it will always be in exchange of something. Conditional. Limited. A facade of Love. 

It can't be find anywhere else than within God, Omnisciencie, Consciousness, or whatever you want to call it. It can't be matched with any materialistic thing no matter how shiny it is, it can´t be faked, it can't be replicated. The sooner humanity accept and start to turn inward the better.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Indeed. All of my experiences of life support what I already knew deep down. Its all a game of pretense and manipulation. There is no unconditional love between any body. And its all good, its part of how this game was designed. But while at the ego level, infinite love seems like pure inperfection, unfairness, "evil" and just a disguting game. The irony is that it is your own ego which puts a veil over the Truth. There is no other way this could be possible if you were not God.

Edited by PeaceOut96

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5 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

See a human can never give that to you. Human can tell you hundred things or do certain things for you but it will always be in exchange of something. Conditional. Limited. A facade of Love. 

:x:x:x:xMy life feels so good because people are all looking beautiful.♥️ They have their unique Styles and Aesthetic. Just like each one VERY UNIQUE DESIGNED CARTOON CHARACTER I SAW!!!!!!!!! Their identity is distinguished by each of their rainbow colours looking hair for me. This is my source of joy in this world.

No need for them to do things for you but just you are perceiving them.

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:x:x:x♥️?????But I do sometimes feel a little lonely when they are not around my side with me, care for me or exchange interactions with me. But it is different joy / pursuit when you appreciate their beauty and temperament. One is like I'm giving outward, one is I yearn for outside to give to me.

Edited by ZGROPIUS

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What is "unconditional"? What is "love"?

"Unconditional" = without condition 

"Love" = ?

Let's work out the absolute definition of love and from there we can determine if only God can love unconditionally. Though, if you are God, and all others are God, then both you and other can love unconditionally. We can replace the word "love" with the word "blah" in this case. Since we all have a unique concept of love. We need to understand that the true love is not one that is determinable or one that can be decided upon. The true love is there before the idea of it is birthed in mind. It could be argued that true love is actually Beingness, or existence.. or consciousness (consciousness being the substratum of everything in existence).



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true human love exists. if you want it, all you have to do is give it. To what extent can you give selfless and total love? if you give it, you will perceive who can give it to you, and you will eliminate all the cheap interressed shit that you cling to as if they were a source of love

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love is seeing you are in fact me 

from then on treating you accordingly

what i need is what you need

so i share my nuggets on a forum

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God is love, so when I experience love, it is me being in tune with God, mmm. 


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