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Optimized Life

Where is the personal data nuke option for this forum?

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I am having idea to completely wipe all my data off this forum & remove all comments and thread, I don't want to be here anymore and I am taking more privacy measures 

so where is this option? 

I am not satisfied with just having to "hide" all my thread and comments when it is still visible to mods and leo, thats still just a little weird. 

Why is there not complete data wipe. 



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If you are not a high profile person like Elon Musk. Just log off and everybody will forget about your posts. You are a dime in a dozen. 

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@StarStruck of course I am a random person and no one knows or cares. 

However ... it is just a principle of privacy and control of my data, I have a right and there should 100% be an option for this. 

Also data protection is imo important for everyone these days and btw how would you know I couldn't become a high profile individual within the next 3-5 years?

Also why are you posting my self reflection journal? this post is not specific to that journal or a specific post I couldn't care less, it is more just about removing all my identity and data efficiently on here because I fucking want to, it's my fucking data lool what is this place ... It should be a 1 click button that wipes your data just like an amazon one click. 


Edited by Optimized Life

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Welcome to the information age, what makes you think you own your data? Perhaps an individual company/service can be nice enough to give you control of it but all the services you use collect and store your data and you have no legal claim over it.

Good thing people are fighting against that but it'll get even bigger and it is what it is for now. 

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2 hours ago, LordFall said:

Welcome to the information age, what makes you think you own your data? Perhaps an individual company/service can be nice enough to give you control of it but all the services you use collect and store your data and you have no legal claim over it.

Because at least in Europe, you legally do under GDPR. Theoretically it applies to a EU citizen's data globally, even on websites and servers outside of the EU, although arguable about how much you could enforce it.

It's written in EU law that if any EU citizen asks to have their data erased from your databases, you have to do it without undue delay (1 month maximum.)

GDPR Article 17 - Right to erasure (right to be forgotten) -

What is GDPR - -- See some of the fines that companies like Amazon, Google, and Facebook have faced for not complying.

Edited by Yarco

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There is no such option by design.

What you post stays up.

If you want to close your account, PM me.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You could always scramble your details so noone could identify you then delete your account

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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In reality such an option is an impossibility. The simple logic is that almost anyone can screenshot whatever you post and then post that somewhere else online. 

How can you prevent that? There's simply no way.

So technically you can't prevent your data from being stolen once it's public. 

The only way to do this is if you shared stuff that is only visible to your friends who have been provided the links to view your data, example YouTube private videos/unpublished videos. 

So you have literally no privacy unless you are on a site like that. 

So Far Instagram and Facebook is best because they delete all your data. 

Your data is really your responsibility. Don't post super private content. 

Also the human memory factor. You might want to delete something but once someone has read it, they can pass on that information to others through gossip. 

So in reality, nothing is really 100% secured or bolted no matter what tools you employ to clean up your records, your data is still vulnerable once it's out there. This is the intrinsic nature of human information. Once it's out, it's out. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If you want to close your account, PM me.

@Leo Gura If you close your account, do all of your comments, posts, and private messages get deleted?

Don't wait for things to get better. Take proactive action.

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