How old is too old to go out clubbing?

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I was catching up with some old friends and one of them started giving me shit for going to the club with my mates the other day as a celebration. Apparently 25 is too old to be going on nights out. I'm fairly certain that's nonsense but I'd like to hear your opinions.

How old is too old to go clubbing? 

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15 minutes ago, B3N said:

I was catching up with some old friends and one of them started giving me shit for going to the club with my mates the other day as a celebration. Apparently 25 is too old to be going on nights out. I'm fairly certain that's nonsense but I'd like to hear your opinions.

How old is too old to go clubbing? 

I was over it during college. I went once at age 22 and felt too old for the crowd there. 

It's generally teenagers. 

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Seems like the answer is 122 years and 164 days because, to my knowledge, no human being has ever lived longer than that ;).

I don't think there is an age limit. Maybe your preferences will change as you age tho.



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Depends on your city and the club you go to. Some are almost exclusively for university students, others are mostly 30 year olds.

Just do your research or ask around to see which is which, so you aren't the weird older guy at the student bar.

Generally if you're with a group and just stick with your group, as long as the bouncers are willing to let you in, then who gives a crap. I've never seen younger kids call out older people at clubs or try and start shit. Worst you'll get is a weird look from some drunk kid you'll never see again, and who won't remember you tomorrow anyway.

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How easily they got into your mind is the queastion here ?

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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As you get older you realize caring about age is the most irrational waste of energy ever. We are all going to age and die anyways. You really are only as young or old as you feel or choose to believe about yourself. Don't be like everyone else groupthinking, and missing out on life worrying about what you "can" or "can't" do because of a number on your birth certificate.

Just do what you wanna do.

Edited by Roy


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I would say clubbing is cool until you hit about 40. Then it starts getting a bit weird 

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12 hours ago, B3N said:

Apparently 25 is too old to be going on nights out.


I didn't even start going to clubs until 27.

Too old would be over 50.

Although I have a friend who's 51 and pulls 21 year olds from the club with no problem.

Edited by Leo Gura

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


I didn't even start going to clubs until 27.

Too old would be over 50.

Although I have a friend who's 51 and pulls 21 year olds from the club with no problem.

In Las Vegas things are a little different.

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Move to a place that gives you an advantage.

Location is key.

Edited by Leo Gura

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6 minutes ago, Cat_eyes said:

Depends on the city and the club.  Some clubs will be full of 18 year olds, so if you’re 25 you will feel old and if you’re 30 you’ll feel like a grandparent.  So depends on the clientele. 
IMO going to the club regularly when you’re past early to mid 30s becomes unattractive.  Every now and then is cool. But late nights soon catch up to you and it becomes exhausting.  There will of course be those regular clubbers who are like 40+ and out every night, whom everyone knows.  
Generally people get it out of their system between ages of 18-33. 
I grew tired of partying and late nights around 30. now that I’m 34 I hate going to clubs and prefer dinner, drinks in a cosy place or going to a movie, and I don’t like staying up late because my sleep is more important. 

It also depends how good or bad you age. Some guys already look old at age 30 and some are 30 and look like they are in their early 20'ies.

I'm early 30'ies and I don't get those weird looks but I also know my time is limited in the night club. I don't want to be that old weird dude hitting on pre-teen looking girls lol.

I have one friend who is late 30 and his vibe is a 100/100 and he can pull it off but you have to exude 0% neediness, have top tier game and just be there for the fun and not for tail. 

Edited by StarStruck

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On 10/21/2022 at 3:14 PM, B3N said:

Apparently 25 is too old to be going on nights out.

? ? 

I’m 28. Half of the people I meet when bar-hopping and clubbing are 25 and older. In a college town… And some are like 50.

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