
People who do not use the word "God" are full of shit!

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Hey guys & girls,

I just wanted to share my opinion here, I guess advanced people won't get any value out of this post because everything I'll write here will already be obvious for them.

I've met him often enough now. He is everywhere, within everything, the perfect infinite singularity that created this whole fucking existence that we are seemingly being a part of. She is within us, through us she gets to know herself in her full totality, the infinite mother, the never born and never dying child, the all powerful and allmighty father. The word "God" simply is the only word that could come to your mind once you see it. There is no better word for it. Of course, for God it doesn't matter weather or not you call it "God" or "Poopbag", but the word "God" is simply the best.

It is so obvious to me. Teachings that do not explicitly use the word "God" are missing something. They are missing the greatest, the most important, and the most obvious point - the most truthful, the most infinite, the most holy, the most divine fact:

God is God. (Simultaneously he is of course also everything else, namely conciousness, love, beauty, power, all that is, present moment, etc.)

Eckart Tolle, Rupert Spira, continue the list - they might have reached non-ordinary states of conciousness, but have they reached the highest? Have they seen the master, have they seen the divine, have they seen the infinite and holy puppeteer, have they recognized themselves as the creator, as absolute infinite perfection, as absolute unconditional infinite neverending metaphysical love? I doubt it.

Feel free to comment or critizise my opinion down there...

Have a nice day<3

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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9 minutes ago, Gregory1 said:

The word "God" simply is the only word that could come to your mind once you see it.

That might be true for you, that's about it. In another culture, you might have learned the signifier ullhabrrhathi and whenever you encounter the inifinite, THAT word comes to mind. It's arbitrary, it's just language.

10 minutes ago, Gregory1 said:

Eckart Tolle, Rupert Spira, continue the list - they might have reached non-ordinary states of conciousness, but have they reached the highest?

Don't get cocky. One of the best guided meditations I know:


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7 minutes ago, peanutspathtotruth said:


Well, as long as it is a synonyme for God, it's the same thing. Basically, call it whatever you want, but as long as you don't mean:

  • Infinite Love
  • Infinite Power
  • Infinite Beauty
  • Infinite Perfection
  • Infinite Completeness
  • Infinite Safety
  • Infinite Freedom
  • Absolute Truth
  • Absolute Infinity
  • Holy, divine, all powerfull Singularity

You have simply not reached it. And I doubt weather Rupert Spira really understands the true meaning of the word God. He almost never uses it, and when he does it doesn't seem to be the case that he really gets it in its full totality. (I might be wrong on this one)

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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Yeah… that Buddha guy wasn’t very awake. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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@Gregory1 I challenge you to attend five services at a Baptist church. Then come back and tell me about how special the word "God" is. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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6 minutes ago, Gregory1 said:

You have simply not reached it. 

Alright master :x

7 minutes ago, Gregory1 said:

And I doubt weather Rupert Spira really understands the true meaning of the word God. He almost never uses it, and when he does it doesn't seem to be the case that he really gets it in its full totality. (I might be wrong on this one)

Yes you are wrong. Do the meditation.

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1 minute ago, mandyjw said:

@Gregory1 I challenge you to attend five services at a Baptist church. Then come back and tell me about how special the word "God" is. 

never in my life been to a christian talk/mass/event etc. at a church

even though i'm from a traditionally christian country

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2 minutes ago, peanutspathtotruth said:

Yes you are wrong. Do the meditation.

I am doing it. Thanks for your meditation advises by the way. So far they've worked great for me!

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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6 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

@Gregory1 I challenge you to attend five services at a Baptist church. Then come back and tell me about how special the word "God" is. 

Isn't this kind of a stupid request? I mean come on, it's obvious that these stage blue people have no idea of the true meaning of the word God. I am not saying the word itself is special. I am saying, that what we mean by God, namely:

Infinite Love

Infinite Power

Infinite Beauty

Infinite Perfection

Infinite Completeness

Infinite Safety

Infinite Freedom

Absolute Truth

Absolute Infinity

Holy, divine, all powerfull Singularity

Is the only thing that could come to a human beings mind once he or she sees god. (at which point he or she obviously has completely trancsended his or her humanity and merged with totality).

Edited by Gregory1

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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1 minute ago, Gregory1 said:

I am doing it. Thanks for your meditation advises by the way. So far they've worked great for me!

Glad to hear ? In the end, direct experience and how we put that into loving action is all that counts :) 

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2 minutes ago, Gregory1 said:

Isn't this kind of a stupid request? I mean come on, it's obvious that these stage blue people have no idea of the true meaning of the word God. I am not saying the word itself is special. I am saying, that what we mean by God, namely:

Infinite Love

Infinite Power

Infinite Beauty

Infinite Perfection

Infinite Completeness

Infinite Safety

Infinite Freedom

Absolute Truth

Absolute Infinity

Holy, divine, all powerfull Singularity

Is the only thing that could come to a human beings mind once he or she sees god. (at which point he or she obviously has completely trancsended his or her humanity and merged with totality).

If that's what your saying, and it's just a word, then why on earth the skepticism of Rupert Spira's teachings? God is your creation.

Also by passing stuff off as "stage blue" people maintain a lot of the same belief structure of stage blue. Especially that of a hierarchy and levels of realization of those who "get it" and those who don't. This is hidden in the assumption that they are "above" stage blue. So. Fucking. Sneaky. Seriously, it might be good to go observe what it's really like. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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6 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

why on earth the skepticism of Rupert Spira's teachings?

Did you yourself realize God? Doesn't it match up just perfectly with the descriptions I've just given?

If you say yes, how could you not look at Rupert Spiras teachings and think to yourself; "Would someone who is permanently aware of this highest of all truths be speaking in such low and unclear language? How could he be speaking of something less than infinite love?"

Isn't it obvious, that he hasn't gone all the way? Perhaps you havent realized God yet. Or maybe I'm full of shit, who knows.

Edited by Gregory1

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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I would add Absolute Wakefulness, Infinite Consciousness and Infinite Being, since really everything arises from it at all times. 

An interesting note: in the Islamic tradition (in which I grew up), the divine has 99 holy names that really are just its inherent attributes. Now, of course, anyone that has been conscious of God enough would agree that it is beyond the grasp of any religion or ideology since it is everything already, and even every possibility unmanifested (which simply put is Infinity). But I personally find interesting to take a look at these names. Genuine insights from 1400 years ago:

Check out my project's new music video about climate change issues: Day Of Change - Earth Failure (Official music video)

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2 minutes ago, Gregory1 said:

Did you yourself realize God? Doesn't it match up just perfectly with the descriptions I've just given?

If you say yes, how could you not look at Rupert Spiras teachings and think to yourself; "Would someone who is permanently aware of this highest of all truths be speaking in such low and unclear language? How could he be speaking of something less than infinite love?"

Isn't it obvious, that he hasn't gone all the way? Perhaps you havent realized God yet. Or maybe I'm full of shit, who knows.

The problem and impossibility lies with "you yourself".

Permanent? As opposed to...? Is there a question of permanency? 

Highest of all truths? When God is supposedly the Maker of Highs and Lows you think he limits himself to the highs? The highest high imagined would always be a step down. All the way? Wouldn't the end of what has no beginning always be a shortcoming? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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14 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Also by passing stuff off as "stage blue" people maintain a lot of the same belief structure of stage blue. Especially that of a hierarchy and levels of realization of those who "get it" and those who don't. This is hidden in the assumption that they are "above" stage blue. So. Fucking. Sneaky. Seriously, it might be good to go observe what it's really like. 

Seriously you don't understand spiral dynamics. Humans develop. This is called evolution. Evolution goes in a certain direction. It is not random. It gets more inclusive, more understanding, more integrating, more loving, more clear, more truthful, more precise, more godlike. At the absolute level of course there is no above or below. But I am speaking in relative terms here. We are using language here. Stage blue is a concept. And yet it works and it applies. Within the concept of spiral dynamics, people at babtist churchs simply are stage blue. There is no doubt about that, there is no arrogance in that, it is not to downgrade these people, it is simply the case. If you're unfamiliar with the concept of SD maybe study it a bit.

If you completely deny using practical concepts such as SD for the purposes of understanding and communication, you better use your own logic on yourself. Take it all the way. It would mean to completely shut your mouth forever since all that could ever come out of it is concepts, logic, dualities and distinctions which ultimately could only create confusions and hirarchies. Your logic would also imply to stop thinking, forever. 

Edited by Gregory1

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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@Gregory1 Alright, I'll use it on myself.  I was thrilled to learn about Spiral Dynamics when Leo's videos came out on it. It finally allowed me to love those stage blue assholes I hated most of my life. Watched men (and women) turning God into some big projected archetypal Dick in the sky that allowed them to also be a dick, lord it over others and think they were good for doing it all my life. Then I realized I was above that. They were like children. Undeveloped. I could forgive them. 

And what was I doing then? The same thing I hated them for doing. 

Then I realized that was just myself. There wasn't a them. There wasn't a God that existed or didn't exist. There wasn't a me. 

There do appear to be some people who project God as some magical Dick in the sky. 

There's no development. No higher than, No bigger than. There just isn't. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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8 minutes ago, Gregory1 said:

Isn't it obvious, that he hasn't gone all the way? Perhaps you havent realized God yet. Or maybe I'm full of shit, who knows.

It's quite obvious many non-dual teachers didn't go all the way as you say. But I'm sure you know what "all the way" means. Consciousness is literally infinitely deep, you can go so far even material existence would cease, and you wouldn't be here to talk about it, nor would the universe be (this is going controversial). I would add I believe you can ony go so far without the help of psychedelics, so that would explain the situation.

Also, for having read Eckhart Tolle years ago, I think the guy is conscious of more than what he lets people know through books, seminars and interview. He doesn't call "it" God for example, maybe to appeal to more people.

Finally, you can find Soufi teachers that are conscious of God. Most of them did not recognize that they themselves are God thought, and that's just where they are. 

Check out my project's new music video about climate change issues: Day Of Change - Earth Failure (Official music video)

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@Gregory1 I agree with you about Rupert.

His guided meditations are awesome, and I think he's one of the best non-duality speakers in the popular spiritual circles.

But his teachings and methods are incomplete.

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