
Taking LSD & DMT for the first time at 16. Do I need a sitter?

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@Insightful27 Not yet!!!! And not because you are "too young" exactly but because your brain hasnt finished developing. You might just end up going backwards and making this path MORE difficult for you. There are tons of other great ways of increasing your consciousness.

IF you dont take our advice, i assume you will not, make sure you have a sitter! You have no fucking clue what you are getting into I PROMISE. Your sitter cant be a 16 year old homie that thinks it will be just a fun time either. Look into how to tripsit with the person you will have tripsitting you. I hope you make the right choice.?✌

Edited by Adodd

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@Insightful27 Whatever you choose to do, best of luck. I can only imagine how far you will get in life by taking this work seriously at this young of an age. Watch a variety of Leo's videos on different subjects as well as other teachers that you vibe with. Dont JUST watch but watch and pay close attention. Taking notes helps me. Read. Start meditating if you havent yet. It's NOT all going to be fun either. Sometimes you will have real struggles. It will all be worth it.

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I did my first LSD trip at 17, and another trip at 18, I'm now 20. Doing DMT at 16 is probably foolish, I haven't done it, your sense of self dissolving is much more frightening than you think it is - when learning about spirituality and doing some practices, you kind of think that you're going to be on board with any experience that comes your way, but psychedelics will show your truths that are harsh, and if you're not in the right frame of mind when doing them you will have trouble accepting them, you'll realise how comfortable you were before and how uncomfortable consciousness expansion can be. 

I have some old threads on here from trip reports when I was 17 and 18, and to be honest they will both talk about how helpful they were. The comedown on the last one I did was fairly frightening, and I probably wasn't ready for the dose I was taking. But my main insight was that I can't actualise until I love myself and care for myself, which I hadn't been doing. 

My main advice would be to not do it, you're probably not as mature as you think, but I bet any money you're on the right track. It's probably a little early for psychedelics, especially DMT. And I'd also urge you to really deeply explore foundational topics like health, finance, life purpose, business, emotional mastery - Leo talks about what you bring to the table being huge when doing psychedelics, so if you hold off until your early twenties, you can make sure you're a boss young adult which will make your trip awesome. 


If you're going to ignore everyone here and roll the dice:

test your substance, you can buy a testing kit from a smoke shop or order one online, we have them here in Australia at a herb shop called Happy Herbs. 

- take a small amount. 200uq was too much for me and I was a 6' male

- follow all the basic steps outlined in Leos videos on psychedelics and throughout the psychedelic community e.g. supportive and safe setting, be in a good mood, set aside at least a day for integration. 



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I’d wait on psychedelics. If you don’t, a trip sitter is ideal. If you trip alone, take 1g of shroom tea, ideally in nature like a cabin. But everything you’ve mentioned you’re looking for can be realized by writing what you want on a dreamboard and seeing that reality is unconditional and becomes it. This will heighten perception and feeling, weed out doubt, and bring passion up and out of you along with many insights and details for your life plans. 



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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

by writing what you want on a dreamboard

what kind of dreamboard would you recommend?


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2 hours ago, Mada_ said:

you're probably not as mature as you think

Yep right along with every 16yo ever.....

2 hours ago, Mada_ said:

If you're going to ignore everyone here

Like 4 people have said this exact same thing which is funny because there have been a good handful of people here who have told me to do it regardless. Believe it or not I have listened to the reason of some who have commented, my original plan was much more radical. I was going to self-inquire for hours every day while taking breakthrough amounts of DMT back to back, my goal being to kill my "self" or sense of self in order to discover the Truth about what I am. I understand now what a grave mistake that would have been and how I would've fucked everything up. 

2 hours ago, Mada_ said:

but psychedelics will show your truths that are harsh, and if you're not in the right frame of mind when doing them you will have trouble accepting them

What about doing micro dosing for productivity and creative reasons rather than expanding consciousness?

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23 minutes ago, Insightful27 said:

what kind of dreamboard would you recommend?

3x4 double sided on wheels with color markers. But more importantly take note there isn’t one. Then when there is one, notice now there is one. 



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5 hours ago, Insightful27 said:

my original plan was much more radical. I was going to self-inquire for hours every day while taking breakthrough amounts of DMT back to back, my goal being to kill my "self"

Brother, you really should wait with psychedelics. 

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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On 13/10/2021 at 1:20 PM, Insightful27 said:

What about doing micro dosing for productivity and creative reasons rather than expanding consciousness?

I did a bit of microdosing in high school. Didn't effect me much tbh. 

But yeah if you dose it properly it would most likely benefit you; brain scans show more plasticity in the brain. 

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People saying not to do it before this or that age do not understand how brain plasticity relates to psychedelic use. Your brain is more plastic at a young age. Plenty of cultures have been using psychedelics in younger demographics with no negative measurable differences that have been backed up. The idea that psychedelics must be used after 21, 25, etc. is a novel idea from mainly western cultures rather sparsely exposed to psychedelics themselves. 

Keep the doses very low especially as you are getting your feet wet. 

Go listen to this expert if you disagree. If you’re an expert in this area with solid data, feel free to bring up an argument against what he reveals. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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11 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

The idea that psychedelics must be used after 21, 25, etc. is a novel idea from mainly western cultures rather sparsely exposed to psychedelics themselves.

That's exactly why you should be hesitant about blowing away your ego at a young age. You're living in a culture that hasn't integrated psychedelic use at a young age. It's not just about neurons. It's about behavior.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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10 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

That's exactly why you should be hesitant about blowing away your ego at a young age. You're living in a culture that hasn't integrated psychedelic use at a young age.

Not a bad point, but I’d say if he’s feeling guided to do this it may be right for him. It’s definitely not a clear case of me saying “Go use psychedelics now!” Being hesitant to make that decision should be embraced. He’s got to really consider if this is right. If anything I came to this thread with a similar reaction to what most here have been saying. I only posted this line of thinking to add more holistic understanding. Blowing away of the ego also doesn’t typically occur at the lower doses I suggested trying if he feels inclined to work with these tools this early on. We really have no ability to project with any certainty if this will be a negative or positive outcome, so caution, research, and clear consideration is definitely encouraged for our friend here. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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On 10/2/2021 at 6:47 PM, Insightful27 said:

Do you think I could do it without a sitter or would that be reckless?

If you really decided, definitely get a sitter, and a sitter who done psychedelics. It will only benefit and will not hurt.

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22 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

If you really decided, definitely get a sitter, and a sitter who done psychedelics. It will only benefit and will not hurt.

I second this. Don’t try solo trips without a good amount of personal experience first. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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