
whats the new subsctance Leo is talking about?

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Leo keeps mentioning some new substance,  im wondering what could it be? any thoughts?

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It means absolutely nothing to your practice as no one knows it. This is 100% a distraction from real practice. Stop yourself next time. God is here. God is now. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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10 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

It means absolutely nothing to your practice as no one knows it. This is 100% a distraction from real practice. Stop yourself next time. God is here. God is now. 

From the absolute perspective, of course, it doesn't matter. But from relative one, it's just interesting ;)

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33 minutes ago, Daniel347 said:

From the absolute perspective, of course, it doesn't matter. But from relative one, it's just interesting ;)

Oh trust me, I’m on the edge of my seat for it too lol 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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4 hours ago, asifarahim said:

Its dpt i think

its not, DPT was mentioned a long time ago and now Leo says he found something new

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He keeps teasing bout it, not sure when he'll finally share something, also no any new vlog  for a long time.

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The real tease is the tease we play on ourselves, always looking for the next substance, the next trip, the next breakthrough, the next awakening. All of it peanuts when we realize that the mundane, natural, sober state is just as far out as the deepest psychedelic experience. Most won't have the discipline or vision to ever directly experience this... Oh well! There's always another lifetime. 

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And when you realize it's all just a game is when your "realization" is complete and you'll finally relax and flow with it and have fun while you are still around! ;)

Edited by m0hsen

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Leo makes claims like"i am the most conscious being to ever exist".well i am pretty sure there are other psychonauts who got a  better high and went to a higher stage than leo.ragardless we forum members tend to put leo on a pedastal and never question or challenge him

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3 minutes ago, asifarahim said:

Leo makes claims like"i am the most conscious being to ever exist".well i am pretty sure there are other psychonauts who got a  better high and went to a higher stage than leo.ragardless we forum members tend to put leo on a pedastal and never question or challenge him

Actually most people use this forum to challenge him here. 

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Enjoy your dick measuring contest. Life is perfect who gives a shit about "stages" "levels" "who is the most concious". 

It would be even more perfect with that hot witch. 

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@Zeroguy u r right.just pick a path that removes your suffering and dont give a fuck about comments from anyone like" oh my path is 100times better than ur path " or "if u r doing that thing u r wasting time"

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16 minutes ago, asifarahim said:

Leo makes claims like"i am the most conscious being to ever exist".well i am pretty sure there are other psychonauts who got a  better high and went to a higher stage than leo.ragardless we forum members tend to put leo on a pedastal and never question or challenge him

lol, he is def not, btw it's quit normal to feel this way and it's not you actually, it's your ego-mind and it's self-deceptions, which such claims is the consequences of not transcending your ego (to some good extend) before going for such intense experiences.

plus every time he says his new experience is even more infinite than previous ones, that means no matter how much he trips he will always remain in ignorance of possibilities even beyond his most infinite trips.

Edited by m0hsen

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1 hour ago, asifarahim said:

@Consilience is nirvikalpaka samadhi as good as dpt or 5meo

Right now is as good as 5meo when you know what you are. 

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1 hour ago, m0hsen said:

lol, he is def not, btw it's quit normal to feel this way and it's not you actually, it's your ego-mind and it's self-deceptions, which such claims is the consequences of not transcending your ego (to some good extend) before going for such intense experiences.

plus every time he says his new experience is even more infinite than previous ones, that means no matter how much he trips he will always remain in ignorance of possibilities even beyond his most infinite trips.

I have to agree that Leo is sounding more and more spiritually narcissistic.  His latest video just made me shake my head.  He is missing basic tenets of ego (e.g. giving someone $500 and not saying anything is NOT divine love, but rather cultivating the self-image of being a "good person" which will then project outwards as a reinforced part of your ego construct).  Between that and saying no one on the planet could possibly understand his enlightenments, I'm getting sick of it.  It doesn't matter if that is TRUE--the fact that he announces it loudly every 2 seconds is the problem, and indicative of a great deal of arrogance on his part.  Leo does not speak humbly or open-mindedly anymore.  He thinks everything he says is "from above."  He thinks everyone he encounters is beneath him in thinking or development.  This simply isn't the case.  I value his work a lot, but I wish he would take feedback like this to heart and take a hard look at his own ego, which seems to have escaped his notice.  You don't hear people like Adyashanti talking the way Leo does.  I don't hear compassion in his voice very often.  Open up the heart.

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18 minutes ago, Flyboy said:

I have to agree that Leo is sounding more and more spiritually narcissistic.  His latest video just made me shake my head.  He is missing basic tenets of ego (e.g. giving someone $500 and not saying anything is NOT divine love, but rather cultivating the self-image of being a "good person" which will then project outwards as a reinforced part of your ego construct).  Between that and saying no one on the planet could possibly understand his enlightenments, I'm getting sick of it.  It doesn't matter if that is TRUE--the fact that he announces it loudly every 2 seconds is the problem, and indicative of a great deal of arrogance on his part.  Leo does not speak humbly or open-mindedly anymore.  He thinks everything he says is "from above."  He thinks everyone he encounters is beneath him in thinking or development.  This simply isn't the case.  I value his work a lot, but I wish he would take feedback like this to heart and take a hard look at his own ego, which seems to have escaped his notice.  You don't hear people like Adyashanti talking the way Leo does.  I don't hear compassion in his voice very often.  Open up the heart.

I totally agree with what you said. I hope some day he go beyond his ego-mind, sober, to see all these corruptions and transcend it and go back to reside in his real home which is the heart rather than the mind.

Edited by m0hsen

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2 hours ago, asifarahim said:

Leo makes claims like"i am the most conscious being to ever exist".well i am pretty sure there are other psychonauts who got a  better high and went to a higher stage than leo.ragardless we forum members tend to put leo on a pedastal and never question or challenge him

Because most people just say "it's beyond words!" while people like Leo and Rupert Spira actually put in effort to explain it to people so they can benefit and understand.

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