
My Insights After 10 Awakenings: Awaken Now!

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14 minutes ago, kinesin said:

I disagree, Leo, I think you actually don't understand it very well at all.  Yet again you're mistaking your own views for the 'truth'.  If you're to ever proceed beyond this stage, you're going to have to let go of these preconceptions at some point.  Your actions continually contradict the things you claim to understand.

Its very radical and twisted.  Imagine this...imagine you were lucid in a dream and you were speaking with the other dream characters.  First off, being lucid, you first need to "trick: yourself into buying into the dream to even continue speaking with others.  Once you have done that and are now at a level of consciousness where there are others- you then go about telling them they are in a dream right now and they can awaken from the dream! Of course in the back of your mind you are conscious that you are just playing a game with yourself.  So how do you think the dream characters are going to react to you telling them its a dream?  Ironically you would be entertaining yourself when they react negatively because you as Consciousness are rendering the entire dream.  Therefore even the other characters' reactions are projections of Mind.   So there ya go :)

Oh by the way..don't take any of this as a belief - it can be discovered directly :)




Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 minute ago, Shin said:

So literally, there is only one bubble of consciousness, and every supposed sentient beings (so you or Leo) are just a figment of my imagination appearing as if you had it (I include Shin in that ofc).

Yes, but recognize that this is NO DIFFERENT than if 'you or Leo' were not just figments of imagination. 

'seeming [a certain way]' and 'being [a certain way]' are the same thing. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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6 minutes ago, Shin said:

So literally, there is only one bubble of consciousness, and every supposed sentient beings (so you or Leo) are just a figment of my imagination appearing as if you had it (I include Shin in that ofc).

You got it. Your bubble of consciousness is all there is. This (your) bubble of consciousness has been ON for eternity — it once (and still does) held the lives of Jesus, Michael Jackson, Hitler, etc. 

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7 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

You got it. Your bubble of consciousness is all there is. This (your) bubble of consciousness has been ON for eternity — it once (and still does) held the lives of Jesus, Michael Jackson, Hitler, etc. 

And "yours" right ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Every religion told you there is one God. Yet you still think there are many of them and that you somehow aren't THE ONE.

You can lead a mule to water but you can't make him drink.

You have no problem at all accepting that everyone in your dreams is just your own mental construction, yet in the dream of life suddenly it cannot be! Oh noes! And yet every guru worth his salt has told you life is a dream. Yet you still cling.

YOU invented OTHER! Silly.

The only thing you will ever find in this work is yourself.

Just as i am looking at a screen and keyboard now, there are many objects. if there are many objects why wouldn't there be many subjects, even if all imaginary. You are saying all subjects are imaginary except 'the one'. What bullshit.

One God means oneness, not solipsism. you equating the two is completely ungrounded.

Ill tell you exactly what I have a problem with.

I know everyone in my dream is imaginary, and also in life. yet you tell me it is my "own" construction, like there is a seperate self in this context of discussion. Like you want the disfunctional psychological self suffering of the ego, to co-opt this story of imagination. You want the ego to think it is imagining all things, instead of having the ego realize it's own non existence, to then realize Consciousness, God and imagination. This is proven by your use of language, using very personal language and imagery which speaks to the ego. Even in the imagined world, no matter imagined by whom or what, It would be extremely deluded for any creature to say it is the only one present, and that all 'others' are just imaginary. the very notion, that I am sitting here with an experience, is actually untrue, even for myself assuming I am the endless solipsistic subject. Who are you to say, that you have an actual experience? You just assume you have. And you take this assumption to the ultimate conclusion of God and Solipsism. Any criticism of your theories you shut down as mental masturbation and not doing the work.

This is honestly so fucking sneaky by you. I am imagining my own body, my own mind, I am imagining other bodies, other minds. So this "I" is just infinite and formless and does not have anything to do with solipsism. This I cannot be inside this body or ''mind" since it is being imagined by the real self. So what is your problem? 

Also, there is the question of your benevolence. You say this work is not about belief but this is fundamentally impossible in the way you have constructed it.

Basically when you, Leo, look into your camera, talking about how "you" are the only one, solipsistically so, and not holistically,

you are forcing people into either 1 of 3 options.

option 1: you are malevolent, and do not believe your own solipsism talk. This means you are actively trying to harm and torment your audience.

option 2: You are benevolent, yet completely insane and detached from reality. You take the non-falsifiable aspect of solipsism to its ultimate conclusion simply because you mentally can, and actually believe it to be true.

option 3: You are benevolent and sane and are just saying the truth.

People would never accept option 1, even though it literally might be true, supported by the fact that you talk to your audience about solipsism in a psychological thriller type of way, always saying "It's twisted as fuck" etc. Saying that the only thing holding together the illusion of life is your fear and denial of solipsism and death. YOU ARE LITERALLY THE ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD SAYING THIS. THERE ARE NO OTHER SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS WHO SAY THIS SHIT!!! (Like traditions all over the world have done with "God is Love") WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!  LEO COULD ALSO TALK ABOUT IMAGINATION AND IDEALSIM IN AN INSPIRING AND LOVING WAY BUT HE DOES NOT! WHY IS THIS!?

People also do not want to accept option 2, because you are so smart in other areas of life. So you force them to either deny a very smart person as malevolent or completely deluded, or to completely accept your shit. Hello Cult!

I know everyone in my dream is imaginary, and also in life. Believe me I really have seen that there can be no reality but hallucination. but The way I see this is with complete equality, as a literal infinite dream universe. It caused me to realize the people in my sleeping dream are actually real! The human that I am is also a dream character. Yet you purposefully, nihilistically turn this around to make the people in life not real, instead of extending life to the dream characters. You want your audience to suffer and have anxiety about themselves, not trusting themselves. You have people believing they are scheming themselves endlessly with illusion of literally infinite power. How do you think that affects their self-love and self-confidence if you are constantly telling them not to trust themselves. You have done so much damage.


YOU invented OTHER! Silly.

This is the most twisted thing to say. It implies the very existence of YOU and OTHER even though they are literally words on a screen, to create this psychological thriller effect to ruin peoples lives. There is no original you imagining others, at least not in the "One Personal POV"/Solipsism way you say. That is purely imaginary.


Edited by One Day

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If it seems to me that you are conscious, then this is no different (from my perspective, the only one I have) than 'you being conscious'. 

If it seems to you that I am conscious, then this is no different (from your perspective, the only one you have) than 'me being conscious'. 

Seeming a certain way, and being a certain way are the same thing.  

Reality IS Imaginary... but whatever is Imagined, is as Real as it's ever going to get.

Consider.. is Reality 'really' Imaginary... or does it just seem that way? 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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3 hours ago, justfortoday said:

You got it. Your bubble of consciousness is all there is. This (your) bubble of consciousness has been ON for eternity — it once (and still does) held the lives of Jesus, Michael Jackson, Hitler, etc. 

How can a "bubble of conscioussness" even exist? Why do you assume such a bubble to exist, when it clearly does not? I thougt the only thing that exists are appearances, which according to y'alls logic would exists within the bubble. but the bubble itself does not have an appearance, so why assume it exists?

Also, if this is the truth, seems very simple. So simple that I thought of it years ago as a possibility of reality, years before discovering Leo's work. Seems a bit to easy to think off for a 15 year old weed smoker sitting on a bench to think off, if it is the ultimate truth of all things and creatures nature.

Edited by One Day

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12 minutes ago, One Day said:

Just as i am looking at a screen and keyboard now, there are many objects. if there are many objects why wouldn't there be many subjects, even if all imaginary. You are saying all subjects are imaginary except 'the one'. What bullshit.

One God means oneness, not solipsism. you equating the two is completely ungrounded.

Ill fucking tell you exactly what I have a problem with.

I know everyone in my dream is imaginary, and also in life. yet you tell me it is my "own" construction, like there is a seperate self in this context of discussion. Like you want the disfunctional psychological self suffering of the ego, to co-opt this story of imagination. You want the ego to think it is imagining all things, instead of having the ego realize it's own non existence, to then realize Consciousness, God and imagination. This is proven by your use of language, using very personal language and imagery which speaks to the ego. Even in the imagined world, no matter imagined by whom or what, It would be extremely deluded for any creature to say it is the only one present, and that all 'others' are just imaginary. the very notion, that I am sitting here with an experience, is actually untrue, even for myself assuming I am the endless solipsistic subject. Who are you to say, that you have an actual experience? You just assume you have. And you take this assumption to the ultimate conclusion of God and Solipsism. Any criticism of your theories you shut down as mental masturbation and not doing the work.

This is honestly so fucking sneaky by you. I am imagining my own body, my own mind, I am imagining other bodies, other minds. So this "I" is just infinite and formless and does not have anything to do with solipsism. This I cannot be inside this body or ''mind" since it is being imagined by the real self. So what is your problem? 

Also, there is the question of your benevolence. You say this work is not about belief but this is fundamentally impossible in the way you have constructed it.

Basically when you, Leo, look into your camera, talking about how "you" are the only one, solipsistically so, and not holistically,

you are forcing people into either 1 of 3 options.

option 1: you are malevolent, and do not believe your own solipsism talk. This means you are actively trying to harm and torment your audience.

option 2: You are benevolent, yet completely insane and detached from reality. You take the non-falsifiable aspect of solipsism to its ultimate conclusion simply because you mentally can, and actually believe it to be true.

option 3: You are benevolent and sane and are just saying the truth.

People would never accept option 1, even though it literally might be true, supported by the fact that you talk to your audience about solipsism in a psychological thriller type of way, always saying "It's twisted as fuck" etc. Saying that the only thing holding together the illusion of life is your fear and denial of solipsism and death. YOU ARE LITERALLY THE ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD SAYING THIS. THERE ARE NO OTHER SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS WHO SAY THIS SHIT!!! (Like traditions all over the world have done with "God is Love") WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!  LEO COULD ALSO TALK ABOUT IMAGINATION AND IDEALSIM IN AN INSPIRING AND LOVING WAY BUT HE DOES NOT, MAYBE EVEN DELIBIRATELY TO HURT YOU!!!

People also do not want to accept option 2, because you are so smart in other areas of life. So you force them to either deny a very smart person as malevolent or completely deluded, or to completely accept your shit. Hello Cult!

I know everyone in my dream is imaginary, and also in life. The way I see this is with complete equality, as a literal infinite dream universe. It caused me to realize the people in my sleeping dream are actually real! Yet you purposefully, nihilistically turn this around to make the people in life not real, instead of extending life to the dream characters. You want your audience to suffer and have anxiety about themselves, not trusting themselves. You have people believing they are scheming themselves endlessly with illusion of literally infinite power. How do you think that affects their self-love and self-confidence if you are constantly telling them not to trust themselves. You have done so much damage and you should be stopped by any means necessary.

This is the most twisted thing to say. It implies the very existence of YOU and OTHER even though they are literally words on a screen, to create this psychological thriller effect to ruin peoples lives. There is no original you imagining others. 


I think you are misunderstanding these teachings.  The teachings is that self and other is a duality that can collapse.  Both self and other are imaginary.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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5 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

I think you are misunderstanding these teachings.  The teachings is that self and other is a duality that can collapse.  Both self and other are imaginary.

" The teachings is that self and other is a duality that can collapse."

This i agree with. This is not what Leo teaches. He writes and teaches like the ego is real and imagines all of reality.

"YOU invented OTHER! Silly."

word choice is almost never unintentional.

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31 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Its very radical and twisted.  Imagine this...imagine you were lucid in a dream and you were speaking with the other dream characters.  First off, being lucid, you first need to "trick: yourself into buying into the dream to even continue speaking with others.  Once you have done that and are now at a level of consciousness where there are others- you then go about telling them they are in a dream right now and they can awaken from the dream! Of course in the back of your mind you are conscious that you are just playing a game with yourself.  So how do you think the dream characters are going to react to you telling them its a dream?  Ironically you would be entertaining yourself when they react negatively because you as Consciousness are rendering the entire dream.  Therefore even the other characters' reactions are projections of Mind.   So there ya go :)

Oh by the way..don't take any of this as a belief - it can be discovered directly :)

I'm past that already.  I went through the dream phase around 6 years ago and have long since reintegrated it.  Don't fall into a trap of believing that just because I disagree that the dream realization is the end state means I don't understand it or am rejecting it.  If you believe that, all you're doing is blocking yourself off from deeper insights.

Everything is a dream, sure.  But what do you find yourself doing, once you attain a constant state of detached mindfulness?  You 'sit back' and watch reality play out.  You watch yourself go places, you watch yourself saying things, you watch your hands typing on the keyboard, you watch your eyes scan over the words.  In short you live the dream as if it were reality, because it is reality.  Truly, it's the only reality which exists.  What's the value in continually stating the obvious and telling people that everything is imaginary?  That kind of behaviour is expected from a person who is new to the idea and still finds it shocking and exciting.

The solipsist "no you don't get it, everything is just imaginary!" position is an inherently contradictory one because though it can be seen to be constantly treating the dream as if it were real, it denies that it's doing such a thing.  Every day I see people in this very forum telling me that everything is just part of the dream, and they get angry when I disagree, and very rarely do they seem to be able to accept that if I'm a dream character who happens to disagree, then what difference does that make to anything?

Let go of the dream hypothesis, and learn to reclaim reality within the dream.

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@justfortoday  The simple usage of logic in your words, to point to the deeper inexplicable Truth behind them, is amazing. Your words and attitude ooze authenticity, which helps the reader to dive deeper.

Great post, thanks for sharing!

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@justfortoday Nice work! Thank you for sharing ?

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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54 minutes ago, kinesin said:


The solipsist "no you don't get it, everything is just imaginary!" position is an inherently contradictory one because though it can be seen to be constantly treating the dream as if it were real, it denies that it's doing such a thing. 



Well said..It sounds like you are quite advanced... however here I think all that is being pointed out with this statement above  is that the nature of reality is not physical, but rather physicality is couched within Mind.   In my view it is not contradicting that the dream IS reality or denying that.    Could it be possible that the use of the dream analogy is triggering you in some way?    


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 hour ago, kinesin said:

I'm past that already.  I went through the dream phase around 6 years ago and have long since reintegrated it.  Don't fall into a trap of believing that just because I disagree that the dream realization is the end state means I don't understand it or am rejecting it.  If you believe that, all you're doing is blocking yourself off from deeper insights.

Everything is a dream, sure.  But what do you find yourself doing, once you attain a constant state of detached mindfulness?  You 'sit back' and watch reality play out.  You watch yourself go places, you watch yourself saying things, you watch your hands typing on the keyboard, you watch your eyes scan over the words.  In short you live the dream as if it were reality, because it is reality.  Truly, it's the only reality which exists.  What's the value in continually stating the obvious and telling people that everything is imaginary?  That kind of behaviour is expected from a person who is new to the idea and still finds it shocking and exciting.

The solipsist "no you don't get it, everything is just imaginary!" position is an inherently contradictory one because though it can be seen to be constantly treating the dream as if it were real, it denies that it's doing such a thing.  Every day I see people in this very forum telling me that everything is just part of the dream, and they get angry when I disagree, and very rarely do they seem to be able to accept that if I'm a dream character who happens to disagree, then what difference does that make to anything?

Let go of the dream hypothesis, and learn to reclaim reality within the dream.

when i communicate i fully realize there is only me in the dream so i am doing so for one primary reason namely articulating my ideas to cement them into my own consciousness as it were and for one secondary reason namely that of love

i seriously want love to flow my way in existence and there is only one way to ensure that happens

by sharing my unique beautiful precious insights with the listener at large for example at forums i happen to frequent

i am a person of love and i share all i have or i am a person of fear and i better wait til i am a more perfect incarnation

Edited by gettoefl

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@Inliytened1  It's the reduction of everything to dream which I take issue with, because to say such a thing only misleads people.  I'm not saying that everything cannot accurately be reduced to a dream - it can, but without simultaneously accepting it as real only half of the truth is being expressed.

I've seen people in this forum rejecting the reality of illusions for no other reason than they've been told that that's what they should do.  They've been told that the end state of awakening has them permanently aware that everything is just part of the dream, and when they dip back into viewing it as real, they chastise themselves as if they've temporarily forgotten 'the teaching'.  This is a problem.

(if someone could respond to this telling me that the 'problem' is actually just part of the dream that'd be great, thanks)

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1 hour ago, One Day said:

" The teachings is that self and other is a duality that can collapse."

This i agree with. This is not what Leo teaches. He writes and teaches like the ego is real and imagines all of reality.

"YOU invented OTHER! Silly."

word choice is almost never unintentional.

The you he's talking about is not One Day or Shin or Leo.

It's misleading because you can't even talk about a you when you're in God mod, there is literally nothing there to take ownership of anything, but we kinda have to use words you know.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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7 minutes ago, kinesin said:

@Inliytened1  It's the reduction of everything to dream which I take issue with, because to say such a thing only misleads people.  I'm not saying that everything cannot accurately be reduced to a dream - it can, but without simultaneously accepting it as real only half of the truth is being expressed.

I've seen people in this forum rejecting the reality of illusions for no other reason than they've been told that that's what they should do.  They've been told that the end state of awakening has them permanently aware that everything is just part of the dream, and when they dip back into viewing it as real, they chastise themselves as if they've temporarily forgotten 'the teaching'.  This is a problem.

(if someone could respond to this telling me that the 'problem' is actually just part of the dream that'd be great, thanks)

insights should not be seen as shoulds

but i would agree with you that you might take care not to deluge the listener with floods of output as that is not being sensitive to where they are at, love is a delicate balancing act between what people can handle and where they are at

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5 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

This is good. Blackhawk approved.


Shouldn't I just replay this same POV after death?

You will, some day live this moment again, but you won't have any memories of having lived it.

Except for Déjà vu.

Déjà vu is simply a nudge towards realizing that you have lived the moment an infinite amount of times.

There is no escaping consciousness, you are immortal.

The reason consciousness (you) are tricking yourself into believing you're a human body, and the reason you will keep reincarnating with your memory wiped each time is because eternity is unbearable.

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Would not recommend to anyone who values their life to follow solipsistic notions like the ones in this thread. You can get insane things happen and they will only happen to you.

You will be ready for looneyville if you are not careful and radically openminded etc. Many would go insane after meeting the Devil and many other crazy things that happened to me due to the solipsistic notion. 

Might be truth, but is it a truth you want? Maybe there is more wisdom in the saying "Ignorance is bliss"

I have anothet quote for you: knowing is love's biggest enemy. 

I would also direct you towards the apple of knowledge in the garden of eden to further support this. 


Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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1 minute ago, Dodo said:

Would not recommend to anyone who values their life to follow solipsistic notions like the ones in this thread. You can get insane things happen and they will only happen to you.

You will be ready for looneyville if you are not careful and radically openminded etc. Many would go insane after meeting the Devil and many other crazy things that happened to me due to the solipsistic notion. 

Might be truth, but is it a truth you want? Maybe there is more wisdom in the saying "Ignorance is bliss"

I have anothet quote for you: knowing is love's biggest enemy. 

I would also direct you towards the apple of knowledge in the garden of eden to further support this. 


Dude. Solipsism IS JUST A BELIEF.

There is only you, but all others are real POVs (of your own mind) with their own internal monologues. Their thoughts are your thoughts having thoughts about their thoughts.

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