
anybody met an angel or demon?

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if you have met an angel on one of your 'trips', please post what it looked like and what you felt.

the same goes for demons.

authentic experience prefered.

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Take into account, that the angel may come to visit or help you taking any form, including human.

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On 24/04/2021 at 11:19 AM, ilja said:

if you have met an angel on one of your 'trips', please post what it looked like and what you felt.

the same goes for demons.

authentic experience prefered.

I was once sungazing and decided to close my eyes and direct full attention to looking at the light that was still impressed on my sight (even with closed eyes) and I was staring at one point of light. After looking at it for a while, it started vibrating and all of a sudden, an tiny angel popped out and flew up (my eyes still closed). It was an awesome experience. I haven't seen demons but Ive had a small experience with an Ouroboros but its a long story that I am still confused about. Ouroboroses are confusing. 

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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Yes, quite a few times. One of them sticks out, in that it was before I really got into consciousness work, and it had a different characteristic than the rest: I experienced a being with a tail that I was merging with, and it felt like a personification in serpent or dragon form of my nervous system -- this is the last moment I remember being a materialist, mainly because I also felt the reality, whether hallucinated or whatever, that this was all in the mind of God, and there's nothing other than that -- the vantage point I was looking from was shared with absolutely everything and I felt infinitely connected to every other being who ever has or will exist. Another time I was going to sleep at night and a female looking white colored being flew into me as if possessing me. And once I was on so much LSD I could barely see the room I was in, and on the other side of the room was a large neutral being who took out a spirit-bow looking thing, and shot me in the eye, and the arrow pierced my whole visual system, slowed time down to almost a dead halt, and started reverberating energy throughout my body for what felt like days. And of course hundreds upon hundreds of other psychedelic, dream, etc encounters. I've done astral projection many, many times as well but rarely see other beings when I do this.

Edited by The0Self

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@The0Self   hm thanks for sharing, but how does this fit into these 2 groups?

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43 minutes ago, ilja said:

@The0Self   hm thanks for sharing, but how does this fit into these 2 groups?

99% of people would have recognized the bow-wielding being to be an angel. In my experience-journey, I've come to recognize all higher-beings as falling into one of two groups: angels and demons. Basically our future / further-along selves. So I was actually just directly answering your question.

I could go on, but there are too many to count and I don't remember them all vividly. I've encountered demons of very high spiritual development that were essentially like gods. Angels too. This might not be correct but it is my understanding of them that they very likely have the potential to be looking through your very eyes (and mine) right at this second, because the way they got to be so spiritually advanced (it seems) was from merging with other like-minded beings via shared ego death, and they can make whatever subset of their complex their individual focus, and an awake portion of each human's mind might be a subset of one or more of these complexes. An alternative theory I have is even one individual has an infinite number of beings that comprise it, as there's no limit to how many ways you can subdivide the mind, but these would not be angels or demons, rather simply individuals. Gaia could very well be a type of angel though, and I seem to have had direct contact with it -- not face to face, but kind of like contact was made through the emptiness facing backwards where there is nothing but the imaginary POV and boundlessness.

The whole time I was writing that... I had one particular type of demon/angel encounter in mind... One that I'm struggling to put into words, but it's one of the most profound types of experiences/explorations I've had -- and I've had so many of them. I guess I could describe it as: getting caught in the middle of (or abruptly being made privy to) an infinite cosmic war wherein there are infinite beings, some "evil" and some "good," each group polarized into existence to allow the other to exist. The evil ones get power by getting you to "lose your shit" (run outside naked while tripping, in a situation that would lead to arrest, or whatever) and the good ones get power by giving you love and wisdom, and protecting you from the evil ones' more sinister advances (but not preventing ALL of their influence). So, when I heard of The Law of One just a few months ago and started reading some of it... DUDE... I was like OH MY GOD! WHAT...??? Its basic premise had already been confirmed to me! So yeah I now absolutely consider Channeling to be not only real, but having actually produced a volume that I can read and trust quite effortlessly.

Edited by The0Self

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Does feeling my own halo count? 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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An angel is seeing his own Soul in a form that is acceptable to that person: for Christians it can be an angel.  If the Soul were presented with its true appearance, the appearance of the golden sphere, many would be frightened or would consider themselves victims of alien attacks.  

Demons have the appearance of giant snakes, they are extremely aggressive and evil.

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On 4/27/2021 at 0:53 AM, SoonHei said:

i met an angel once, & then i married her :)

Then why you left her alone in this world and killed yourself after the 6 days of this post?  :-(


"And exactly after the 6 days of this post, that Amazing & Loving Person "SoonHei" Jumped from the Bridge in Toronto Canada, committed suicide and gave his life and died at the night of 3rd May 2021" :-(

And he took this step, just to prove his own self that he is right about his understanding of life, death & God.  

He was my best & only friend. :-(

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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Everyday, it's called normies.

Very dangerous, they even do genocides once in a while.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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