
Does Infinity mean (or equal) Everything?

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Is Infinity the same as Everything?

If reality (or "god" or "the true Self", or however you want to name it) is infinite, does that mean that literally everything exists?

its hard to communicate, but i try to explain further what i mean (but its still the same question)


If we accept infinity as the truth (in a sense of "reality is infinite) would that mean that literally everything is/happens? 


I try to make you understand what i mean with a mathematical example:


between 2 and 3, how many numbers are there? the answer is: an infinite amount of numbers. there is an infinite number of decimal places you could add, or periodical numbers like 1 divided by 3, and also pi which has an infinite amount of decimal places without a repeating pattern. so between 2 and 3 there is an infinite amount of numers, but none of them is 4, or 0.756 or 4079. so its infinite but not everthing (or every number in this case)


If you project this kind of thinking to "reality", the resulting question is: is reality infinite but still there are things that never are/happen (like only the infinity between 2 and 3 is/happens) or does literraly everything happen with no exception?


to make it easier rhetorically, lets call the between 2 and 3 thing "infinity" and the other thing which includes every number "everything"


let us make a thought experiment in which we say "everything" is the truth (instead of "only infinity"). 

the implications of this would mean huge fucking madness. because if everything is/happens, that means that there is literally everything. everything you can think of, everything you can not think of, anything between or beyond these two would be reality "somewhere". 

for example take "our reality". the one you experience right now, as a human on earth reading this post. if everything is true (opposed to "only infinity") it would mean that there is an infinite amount of AND every version of  "our reality(s)" that look 1:1 like the one you are living your life right now. but in one of them sience is right and when you die you've made it and there is nothing after. but also there is this reality that looks 1:1 the same, but sience is wrong and a bearded guy in the clouds will send you to heaven or hell. and remember, these are just two examples, there would literraly be everything between and beyond. even a "realitiy" that looks/feels 1:1 like the one we experience but after we die we will live a second life as spongebob. or as a sinful soul burning in hell eternally. or as something we cant imagine. or you could be in the one reality where death doesn't exist, or is an illusion. 


it would mean that there are "realities" 1:1 like ours, with the only difference that in one of them we are connectet to the source and its true but in the other, 1:1 same looking/feeling "reality" we feel the exact same connection to the source but its a lie. because fucking everything exists.

everything you could imagine and everything you can not imagine is "reality" somewhere. even nothing. just because our world is in a particular way, that would not mean that everything else is not happening


to put it in an other example: there are infinite (or there is every) universes/realitiies that look 1:1 like ours, but the only difference is: in some is what Leo teaches us true and in the others its false. but they look 1:1 the same, indistinguishable. how could you ever know anything?


it would also mean that every fantasyworld like idk, harry potter or lord of the rings, happens somewhere in an other reality, because everything means fucking everything. it doesent have to make sense. because if everithing exists, also the things not making sense exist. and also nothing would exist. all at the same time. and at different

you could even say Everything is ultimatively one, and one is everything. but "everything" would also mean that there is an "everything which isn't ultimatively one, and also one in which the question doesnt even make sense. you could say whatever you want or not want, somewhere it would be the reality.


to have one last attempt to put my question in to other words: if god has no limits and infinite potential, does he actually do everything (in the sense of "Everything" as we discussed before) or does he do an infinite amount of things but not "Everything"?


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Infinity refers to 'without end". And what can be without end by necessity has to be without beginning. No beginning and no end,beyond the boundary of time. Infinite potential would be a state of zero,where what can be, or what is possible has no limitations (i.e,limitlless potential to create anything and everything without end).

'God" doesn't do anything yet everything gets done,seemingly paradoxical but a truth of absolute reality (i.e. "God").
"Action, in in-action", "movement within stillness","something within nothing", "creation within the unborn-uncreated" etc.,etc.,


Edited by Guru Fat Bastard

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@Baludi "the implications of this would mean huge fucking madness." 

Sort of.. I mean.. the only reason you think 'this' (whatever is happening now) isn't 'huge fucking madness', is because you think it's not. It is.  What's up with peeing? That's madness. Have you seen worms? Madness!! What about relationships? Madness!! None of it really makes any sense. It might as well be Harry Potter, or Lord of the Rings.  If you had a different perspective, say an alien looking down on Earth who had never experienced anything remotely similar to what's occurring here.. THIS would seem like the 'alien' reality... THIS would appear to be 'huge fucking madness'. 

You tell yourself a convincing story, that all of this 'whatever it is' makes some kind of sense.. but c'mon man.. this shit (reality) is off the chains. 

Consider the notion that 'nothing' and 'everything' really are no different.. nothing can not be described, because it has no qualities.. no size, no shape, no color, no weight... in other words.. it's has no 'limits'.. Nothing, just like Everything, is 'formless' or 'limitless' or 'indescribable' or 'infinite'. 

'Nothing/Everything' only 'seems' or 'appears' like 'Something'.  Seeming, or Appearing, is the same as 'dreaming' or 'pretending'.

That's why people say 'life is just a dream'.. or Reality is Imaginary..   'Somethingness' is literally 'imagined into being' or 'Created'.  How, you might ask? 

Well, it seems that one of the infinite possibilities of 'Nothing/Everything' is 'pretending to be separate from itself' or 'dual rather than non-dual'.. or 'many things rather than one thing', by imposing 'imaginary limits' on itself.. these 'limits' take the form of 'duality'.  Up vs. Down. Light vs. Dark. Self vs. That which is not Self. (recognize that Up and Down only have meaning 'relative' to each other.. you can't have just Up, and not Down)  Duality is the 'mechanism' of Creation. It's literally how 'Nothing/Everything/Oneness' 'Seems Like' 'Something/Many Things'. 



Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@Baludi About your analogy with numbers, make them represent time intervals. Then we have an infinite number of moments and points in time to be aware of.

And if it's always now, where now is mathematically represented by a static, sizeless point, how does flux and perception exist? A point is sizeless, static, with no leeway for movement or variation. Yet it's always now, and we're here with this flux. Pretty magical and absurd 

Becoming more and more present, what lies there I wonder 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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What isn't everything? What isn't infinity? Whatever the answer is to those two questions must also equal each other.

All stories and explanations are false.

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Everything is nothing (no-thing). Only nothing can be everything because every-thing(object) comes out of,and is made of, that which is nothing (not a thing/object.) In reality,objects don't really exist. What you know as objects are only made up of the 5 sense perceptions. What you see(i.e. percieve) is seeing, not objects. What you hear(i.e. percieve) is not sound,but hearing,so on and so forth. You never actually come into contact with what is called an object (i.e., matter). Whenever you touch an object or thing,you don't percieve the object, but the way your hand,foot,body (which is sense perception), responds. We can never know an object,we can only ever know the way the senses or sense-body responds. This is why no one "see's(percieves) a "world" nor in the exact same way. All "objects",and this includes the physical body and subtle body or " inner world", are made only, of sense perception. And sense perception is made only of that subtle body called "mind", and "mind" absorbed into it's original source is pure formless consciousness/awareness ('God"). So,what is called everything ("mind","body",",world","universe","matter") is only pure formless consciousness/awareness ,which is nothing (i.e., not an object/no-thing).
"God" is your original,natural,pure,formless, infinite, being. Therefore every-thing that is ,and can be percieved, is within and made of you(not a thing/object),and you alone. No objects exist as they are believed to be.

This is the true import of "I",not an identifiied,illusory phantom ego (a non-existent object/thought). "I" is "God"/Pure Awareness.


Edited by Guru Fat Bastard

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Infinity is what you really are: an empty well of nothing, a horizon of possibilities where all possibilities are possible. they all happen? my mind says no, that's impossible, crazy, all must have a purpose.  but who knows. 

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possibilities are yes infinite, actualities are finite namely a countable set ... anything can happen but its probability is small

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On 18.3.2021 at 10:39 AM, Breakingthewall said:

Infinity is what you really are: an empty well of nothing, a horizon of possibilities where all possibilities are possible. they all happen? my mind says no, that's impossible, crazy, all must have a purpose.  but who knows. 

cool, you understood my question exactly. thank you very much for this response. your answer helps me alot. every thing is possible, but does everything actually be/happen? who knows :) i can live with that. at least for the moment.

also thanks to all of you for your inputs, there was some very good stuff and it helped increasing my perspective.

maybe some day i'm going to ask this question again when i figured out how to articulate it the right way, so that its more understandable what im talking about.

have a good time & thanks


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@Baludi thanks for the feedback! sure when I wrote it I saw it very clearly. Right now I only see confusion ... in the end no idea works, not even those that you have acquired through your own experience. only real-time experience works

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