Eren Eeager

How to be a healthy vegan?

44 posts in this topic

@neutralempty Not the first time a religious person claims people who disagree with him are pure evil. I care about human health, not about an ideology, my dear angel vegan.

Edited by Village

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@Village I completely understand you because I also used to demonize veganism and used to believe that animal stuff is absolutely necessary. I still believe that it's super easy to become deficient in many things as a vegan but these deficiencies can be managed.

There is a reason why almost all the sages and highly conscious people are vegans. It's not like Matt Kahn is falling for an ideology.

Try contemplating this on psychedelics. If you're right about eating meat then it'll be a pleasant experience although it probably won't. I'm not trying to convince you of anything by the way.

I shoot vids about health (

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@Village Nope. The only thing you should be concerned about is vitamin b12 difficency. 

I feel super light on vegan diet. Meat takes s lot of energy to digest and you tend to feel heavy when eating eat. I super satisfied vith vegsnism so far. Eating far less calories, feeling light and comfortable and not hungry all the time. 

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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