
Contributing To The Chimp-game By Writing Novels

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Hello everyone,

I have been trying to find my passion and my life purpose and intend to buy the Life Purpose course next year but I have a question that has been on my mind about this for quite some time. 

I love writing stories and I could imagine to become a professional writer of novels one day but I am not sure if I could keep up my motivation after watching "30 ways society fucks you in the ass", for several times. Leo makes it very clear that novels are part of the chimp-game. I agree on this point, after all they are very entertaining. Of course, I know that he said all the "chimpery" isn't necessarily "bad" but I am going into the other direction in my life. I want an actualized life, I want to figure out truth and grow and understand myself. 

So here is the question: Do you think I can go the actualized path while supporting a low-conscious cause such as the book industry? 

Or maybe more general: Can one be passionate about his Life Purpose that is part of the chimp-game (writing, acting, making music etc.) while actualizing? Or must the Life Purpose be aligned with high-consciousnes values? Or do you have any idea how to combine both somehow? 

I would be very grateful for a little help here. Oh and if there is a thread already that discusses this topic then just please help me find it. 



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You could write novels that convey self-actualization/enlightenment concepts. So rather than contributing to low-conscious topics like the media currently does, you try conveying higher-consciousness topics or stories. Increasing awareness. There must be a way to work it in there. It would inadvertently educate the population about self-actualization without them even knowing it. Just as popular culture currents reduces consciousness without people being aware of its effects. Just a thought.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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Writing is "low-conscious"?

You are labelling thing in terms of degrees of "consciousness" as if you would be somehow improved by doing them. This is more arbitrary abstraction of the ego. Same with you labelling of "chimp-game" (What does this even mean? Why would you base your life around what a chimp does not do?)

Do you love to write? Does writing bring you joy? If so, shut up and do it.. Or don't, it's all good either way.

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@Silvester There are a lot of novels that have a real high-consciousness theme in it. A real message. Novels that make people think and question the current situation. Not necessarily getting them to enlightenment, but at least to the next level in life. Consider The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, "1984" and "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, The adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Fahrenheit 451, etc. etc.

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@Silvester I've been reading Murakami for years, after starting meditation, I realized how he touches on solitude, meditation, self-inquiry/ meaninglessness of senses / nonduality  in nearly every book he wrote. It's like he was instilling these subconsciously! But before realizing that I really enjoyed his novels too. So novels can both entertain you and help you break the boundaries, and achieve a higher state of consciousness. So if you like writing, don't stop! What you go through will find its way into your work for sure!


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It's not that fiction is bad. It's just that most modern novels are complete nonsense and low vibration. 

Storytelling is an innate part of the human psyche. You can definitely leverage that to convey self-actualization and consciousness. 
The archetypal Hero's Journey of Joseph Campbell is an illustration of universal unconscious thinking patterns of humanity. Myths are borderline fiction. 

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All of the above responses are valid...

...But I want to add something here.

Focus on growing yourself. A lot. People who have grown themselves would immediately recognize fear, and would immediately do some deep introspection to figure out what's going on here. Why are you scared ?

This concept of dealing with your inner demons is something I've been really focused on recently. And it's brought some HUGE rewards.

Most of your personal development should be this.

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11 hours ago, Silvester said:

Leo makes it very clear that novels are part of the chimp-game. I agree on this point, after all they are very entertaining.

I don't agree with this. I love reading, and i've read some novels that are just mindblowing. Reading develops your imagination, and a well developed imagination is priceless.

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Honestly, I would write a novel focused on the themes of self-actualization and authenticity and the quarter life crisis and overcoming the crisis. There are infinite possibilities in fiction and fiction is how we discover ourselves! Without storytelling and stories, than we don't have outlets to cope with life. We abandon our childhood imagination as teens and our imagination and creativity rots away until there's nothing left! I want to create a life purpose focused on how storytelling, creativity, and imagination are a path to freedom! I'm working on a writing portfolio for fiction but I want to focus on experimenting with storytelling and discovering the essence of storytelling. Why do stories last? What are the qualities of the best stories? What is the purpose of stories? Why does our inherent imagination and creativity die? 

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On August 10, 2016 at 3:34 AM, Silvester said:

Hello everyone,

I have been trying to find my passion and my life purpose and intend to buy the Life Purpose course next year but I have a question that has been on my mind about this for quite some time. 

I love writing stories and I could imagine to become a professional writer of novels one day but I am not sure if I could keep up my motivation after watching "30 ways society fucks you in the ass", for several times. Leo makes it very clear that novels are part of the chimp-game. I agree on this point, after all they are very entertaining. Of course, I know that he said all the "chimpery" isn't necessarily "bad" but I am going into the other direction in my life. I want an actualized life, I want to figure out truth and grow and understand myself. 

So here is the question: Do you think I can go the actualized path while supporting a low-conscious cause such as the book industry? 

Or maybe more general: Can one be passionate about his Life Purpose that is part of the chimp-game (writing, acting, making music etc.) while actualizing? Or must the Life Purpose be aligned with high-consciousnes values? Or do you have any idea how to combine both somehow? 

I would be very grateful for a little help here. Oh and if there is a thread already that discusses this topic then just please help me find it. 



If you want clarity, don't consult your mind, consult your emotions.

If it feels right to you to pursue novel-writing then pursue it. Don't worry about the "chimp-game". That's just an idea and will be a stumbling block to authenticity and fulfillment if taken too seriously. I have a feeling that you really love novel writing, just from reading your message. Remember "low consciousness" "chimp-game" and all these other things are just value judgements and labels that only exist within the mind. Meaning is highly subjective, so you could literally try to sort everything in your reality into blacks and whites like "high consciousness/low consciousness" "wise/unwise" "good/bad" etc. But all these labels are false. The reality of the matter is that nothing "means" anything until you make it mean that. 

So, let your emotions guide you. Also, watch out for judgments in general. So, if you find yourself judging people for being "low-consciousness" or engaging in "low-consciousness" behavior. Then you congratulate yourself for not engaging in these behaviors. Then, this type of judgement and reward system in your mind will tie your hands and keep you in a very narrow boundary. Because you'll get emotional rewards from a contraction of possibility and not an expansion of possibility, and life will become like walking through cement. I'm not sure if you're doing this, but I know that I have in the past. So, I figured I'd give you this caveat. 

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Thank you all very very much. You all have given me new ideas and thoughts to think about. I don't exactly know what I am going to do now but you have given me the motivation to search for a way and to really contemplate about writing again and what it means to me! 

I am really happy that this site exists and people like you help other people.

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On ‎10‎.‎8‎.‎2016 at 10:34 AM, Silvester said:

Hello everyone,

I have been trying to find my passion and my life purpose and intend to buy the Life Purpose course next year but I have a question that has been on my mind about this for quite some time. 

I love writing stories and I could imagine to become a professional writer of novels one day but I am not sure if I could keep up my motivation after watching "30 ways society fucks you in the ass", for several times. Leo makes it very clear that novels are part of the chimp-game. I agree on this point, after all they are very entertaining. Of course, I know that he said all the "chimpery" isn't necessarily "bad" but I am going into the other direction in my life. I want an actualized life, I want to figure out truth and grow and understand myself. 

So here is the question: Do you think I can go the actualized path while supporting a low-conscious cause such as the book industry? 

Or maybe more general: Can one be passionate about his Life Purpose that is part of the chimp-game (writing, acting, making music etc.) while actualizing? Or must the Life Purpose be aligned with high-consciousnes values? Or do you have any idea how to combine both somehow? 

I would be very grateful for a little help here. Oh and if there is a thread already that discusses this topic then just please help me find it. 



there are tons of novels that are high-consciousness and enlightening.


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7 hours ago, Richard Alpert said:

there are tons of novels that are high-consciousness and enlightening.


Do you have a few examples? 

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15 minutes ago, Silvester said:

Do you have a few examples? 

Aldous Huxley is an example of someone who was a remarkable writer and a mystic.

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3 hours ago, Silvester said:

Do you have a few examples? 

Yea, aldous huxley has good books. Island is my favorite of his.

Dostojevski, Tolstoi. Brother Karamazov is better than any self help book

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22 hours ago, Mat Pav said:

Aldous Huxley is an example of someone who was a remarkable writer and a mystic.


19 hours ago, Richard Alpert said:

Yea, aldous huxley has good books. Island is my favorite of his.

Dostojevski, Tolstoi. Brother Karamazov is better than any self help book

Thank you for your suggestions! I'll look into it.

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On 8/11/2016 at 4:10 AM, Emerald Wilkins said:

If you want clarity, don't consult your mind, consult your emotions.

If it feels right to you to pursue novel-writing then pursue it. Don't worry about the "chimp-game". That's just an idea and will be a stumbling block to authenticity and fulfillment if taken too seriously. I have a feeling that you really love novel writing, just from reading your message. Remember "low consciousness" "chimp-game" and all these other things are just value judgements and labels that only exist within the mind. Meaning is highly subjective, so you could literally try to sort everything in your reality into blacks and whites like "high consciousness/low consciousness" "wise/unwise" "good/bad" etc. But all these labels are false. The reality of the matter is that nothing "means" anything until you make it mean that. 

So, let your emotions guide you. Also, watch out for judgments in general. So, if you find yourself judging people for being "low-consciousness" or engaging in "low-consciousness" behavior. Then you congratulate yourself for not engaging in these behaviors. Then, this type of judgement and reward system in your mind will tie your hands and keep you in a very narrow boundary. Because you'll get emotional rewards from a contraction of possibility and not an expansion of possibility, and life will become like walking through cement. I'm not sure if you're doing this, but I know that I have in the past. So, I figured I'd give you this caveat. 

@Emerald Wilkins Thank you. Thank you so much. This brought tears to my eyes. This is an essential thing to heed. 

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43 minutes ago, Chew211 said:

@Emerald Wilkins Thank you. Thank you so much. This brought tears to my eyes. This is an essential thing to heed. 

You're welcome! :D

Enrollment now open for my Shadow Work Group Class! Limited spots available. 

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