
how do you become more creative?

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I find myself moderately creative but how can I boost my creativity and gain access to different ideas and insights that will help me create something profound. I ultimately wanna become a writer but how do I get  creativity to flow through me in every part of my life not just in my work.

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Creativity is you, what is flowing, being you and this world. Creativity is more unblocked than culminated. Do you know what you want to write about? Dive into the experiencing of it, capture insights. This expands frame of reference for utilization of this creativity and results in already having the material for the writing. For creativity to flow through you in every facet of your life, inspect the you enough, and it is found there is only the flow of creativity. 



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Creativity comes from practicing outside your comfort zone. The key is to do something called deliberate practice.

Work on weakness, Get frequent feedback, Study deeply the best in your field, Break things into smaller components, Intens distraction-free focus, Work towards a specific goal, Use direct practice. A teacher that can guide you can be helpful. Be patient. Getting really good at something sometimes takes a whole life-time dedicated to it to achieve greatness. 

Consistency over a really long period of time is probably better than hard work in a short period of time because eventual being consistent over a long time means you have added more concentrated hours in the long run instead of burning out from long hours in a short period.

Edited by BjarkeT

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You have to read tons and tons of books. You see some gurus...they have read over 500 books or even 1000 books and they become incredibly strong in their subject matter. Since their foundations is super strong, they can easily link different topics together or create something new out of the blue. Hence creativity ensued.

Don't just read short articles or summaries because those are too short for the concepts to be internalized in you. You have to read the stories and examples yourself.

Edited by hyruga

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On 8/16/2020 at 1:56 PM, iceprincess said:

I find myself moderately creative but how can I boost my creativity and gain access to different ideas and insights that will help me create something profound. I ultimately wanna become a writer but how do I get  creativity to flow through me in every part of my life not just in my work.

If nothing else works, start smoking cannabis.

Or quit smoking cannabis in case you already smoke it. 

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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