
The Yoga of Breatharianism

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Hey lovely people. This video offers a very powerful message for those into the (kriya) yoga practices, and feel they are heavily into spiritual ascension, seeking to up their game, and 

Reiki master Shana Dean and Elitom El-Amin BREATHARIAN discuss this holistic health message paramount in this reality. Please refrain from judgment or criticism debates, any questions are to be sincere and honest. Anyone who may feel a calling as I did to explore the experience of “eating very little or none at all”, learning the prana life (energy cultivation), the true potential of our bodies and how this may deepen the practice and appreciation of all experiences, give this talk a listen




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How much cal would you say you eat a day?

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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Nice to see that someone else here is interested in pranic living. I had an initiation a few years ago, I still eat because it's fun but I'm starting to want to eat less, I get so much energy when I don't eat. There seems to be two types of pranic-living teachers: Those whose teachings involve and rely on techniques, and those who help their students change so that they get nourishment without needing to do anything. I like the latter because it feels more free.

Do you think you will quit eating completely in the future?

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

How much cal would you say you eat a day?

I’ve never been a calorie counter, but dont eat much, very little solid food. Usually less than one average meal a day as far as calories go, I’d guess. 

2 hours ago, Seraphim said:

Nice to see that someone else here is interested in pranic living. I had an initiation a few years ago, I still eat because it's fun but I'm starting to want to eat less, I get so much energy when I don't eat. There seems to be two types of pranic-living teachers: Those whose teachings involve and rely on techniques, and those who help their students change so that they get nourishment without needing to do anything. I like the latter because it feels more free.

Do you think you will quit eating completely in the future?

That’s cool 

Perhaps, or maybe go through cycles depending on the circumstances. it’s a beautiful gift to tap into, really supports the spiritual journey and burning karma  

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@DrewNows  that looks awesome. I'd try it. 

Are there any health conditions that one should be concerned/ warned about before trying it 


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9 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

@Preety_India Thin person-ness

Hmm OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 




Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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take it as a (holistic) health message, to be utilized in the spiritual work and with where one wants to be, not an Identity

1 hour ago, Preety_India said:

Are there any health conditions that one should be concerned/ warned about before trying it 

Yes fasting can be dangerous for some and the path is not for everyone. I think it comes intuitively, and fear can play a big role. Some are turned away from initiations due to health risks but personally I never went through one. Work with the body, form healthy habits, and take up energy cultivation. There can be some detox phases which bring up a lot of fear and uncertainty but there’s a ton of processing to be done when releasing a lot of stored energy. I made the mistake multiple times to push the limits and it just created more work/hardship 

@Carl-Richard it is said everyone has a natural body weight that can be kept with or w/out the consumption of physical food. I’ve heard it takes time for the body to balance itself out. Mine seems to have after detoxing even though I do still eat 


Edited by DrewNows

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@DrewNows Is this type of natural bodyweight conducive to heavy physical labour?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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8 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

@DrewNows Is this type of natural bodyweight conducive to heavy physical labour?

Idk the limits, but it takes practice and over time the body learns how to adjust. I’ve found it to vary and naturally conducive to the steady flow type 


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@Preety_India I like to think I lift a lot of weights - call it non-functional physical labor. Atleast that used to be true before the lockdown... :D

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard  any physical labor is good for your muscles, especially your arms and thighs. 



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@Preety_India I found four big sacks of wood in the shed that I somehow manage to use for doing deadlifts. Just ram a curtain pole through the middle and voila; who needs a gym membership? :)

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard  that's very creative of you. In fact most people who apply for a gym membership forget that they applied and rarely ever turn up, once in a blue moon, to sweat out at the gym, money down the drain. So good you did that. 

It's a great way of energizing your body in nature during this lockdown 



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Awesome share man, not something I feel called to do right now, but I'm sure many will benefit hopefully. 

But, yeah, it takes serious research if anyone does actually want to do this. It can be dangerous.

Also, don't expect to be doing any serious exercise or manual labor at all, hence why I would never do it long term, maybe a week-long water fast.

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

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Interesting post. Perhaps someone can provide a reviewed source or some evidence beyond an anecdote that a person can actually live healthily without food? 

For example a scientific study or a record of observation of someone who, say, didn't eat anything for a few years. 

Divest from the conceptual. Experience the actual.

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@Dutch guy @Dutch guy hmm. 

I don't understand your language. 

I only understand English, no other language. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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