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Gifted Children

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I just listened to this little angel, and my mind was completely blown away. Heart exploded with love. What a beautiful, divine gift he has.

Very moving.

(You probably won't understand the language...just feel) ;

What are your thoughts on this and other "child prodigies" ? Do you think they're born with a higher spiritual connection ? Could they be tapping into something divine and godly while performing? Are they somehow "special" or "more advanced" souls? Or even "old" souls, perhaps?

Do you maybe think it's biology? DNA? Or do you think there's nothing that special about these kids at all?


How do you think this ability or gift affects them and their growth? Both personally and spiritually? 


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There are no "gifted children" because all children are gifted. Some are paying more mind to their thoughts, emotions and sensations (egoic-mind) more than to the natural gift that is our awareness that is available to every single being. 

Those who are aware of awareness will be able to be one with the gifts, while those who are aware of ego will be separated from the gifts, simply because you believe you are separated, then it appears like you are separated. Once you become aware of awareness itself, separation disappears, and you are aware and one with all of the natural gifts that awareness naturally knows, spontaneously.

Actually there is no "gifted child", it is the child itself that is the gift. 

Edited by IAmTheHolySpirit

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It's the sum total of everything that's ever happened since the Big Bang, so to speak. The karma of the whole Universe playing itself out.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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In my experience the beauty comes from connecting with truth. I record myself singing on my own tracks sometimes and there is sort of a point you can hit where the beauty flows unfiltered and effortlessly. It's all energy, so when ego gets out of the picture, there is just pure expression. 

Pure expression without resistance gets more natural with repetition. It seems as if some are born and meant to be a symbol of truth in this area of expression, while others are meant to be it in other areas. 

12 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

How do you think this ability or gift affects them and their growth? Both personally and spiritually? 

I think it is a gift. It will be sort of a lifeline, connecting you with being and feeling. An outlet for pure expression and love.

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It's the truth of beauty. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@ivankiss she broke it with heat. That is the weak point of fork/spoon.

 You have been gifted the Golden Kappa~! 


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Here is the english translation to that little angel singing❤:

Why aren't you here, why aren't you here?

When the fresh wild flowers are

Sprinkled with pearls by the silent moon,

My chest soars with need,


Why aren't you here, why aren't you here?

When the dreams pull me into serenity,

And my soul prepares for peace,

My heart hears a sneaky voice,


Why aren't you here, why aren't you here?


Edited by StudentOfLeove

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Good karma and tendencies from past lives.

Then right environment+training in present birth.


''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Jesus his voice certainly carries lifetimes and lifetimes of stories and emotions.

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Yup. My mind was so blown away by this kids performance that as soon as it arranged itself back together it needed some kind of an explanation for the experience xD Who cares why this kid is so amazing. Not knowing the reason or cause is what makes it even more magical.

Still; nothing wrong with entertaining a thought or two, here and there. Thanks everyone for your input and also for the translation of the lyrics. Beautiful song, indeed.

Here's another jaw-dropping example;

Yup. God is definitely winking at us.

Edited by ivankiss

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