
Is there an easier way?

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I dont know how much longer I can do this, I just want to be god infinitely loving himself already, can I just commit suicide or something and become god.

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1 minute ago, Meta-Man said:

1) You don’t want it to stop. You as God want to imagine this

2) You can realize there’s actually nothing to stop because reality is Nothing and nothing is happening

@Meta-Man why the fuck would I want to imagine this life, seriously, what the actual fuck, it's so fucked up. Nobody would ever want to live this life.

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2 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

Haha, why? Because you can. You are unlimited. You love shitty scenarios as much as lovely ones. It’s all relative dreamstuff, don’t worry

@Meta-Man I just wish I was able to leave this life, even just temporarily, and go on some adventures, ya know. Maybe I can on psychedelics, but I never really had any grand adventures on em yet, and this life is starting to get old tbh.

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3 minutes ago, WhatAWondefulWorld said:

@Meta-Man why the fuck would I want to imagine this life, seriously, what the actual fuck, it's so fucked up. Nobody would ever want to live this life.

Because fucked up things help us to evolve. If there are no challenges, then you would be stuck at the same level forever. So enjoy the ride / if you need a break, try to go inside (start clearing your mind, chill down, meditate etc).

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@WhatAWondefulWorld I can relate to this! I sometimes feel pretty damn overwhelmed by all of this self-actualization stuff. I just remember how much work I have to do and I think to myself... why? Why shouldn't I just end it all right here? Why shouldn't I just press the reset button on life? Wouldn't that be much quicker?

A lot of people would offer some shitty advise at this point. They would tell you things like "Oh man think about your family bro!" or "Life will be much better you just have to keep going!". But this won't help. I know from experience. I can't give you any tips really. I sometimes go and look for answers on google. I see if anybody has an answer that satisfies my mind. But I never found any. The only thing that I can do is to mediate. I meditate and calm myself down. I then get some paper and a pen and I write down an questions like "Why shouldn't I kill myself?". I then try to answer this question as if a friend had asked me this question. I try to use my wisdom in order to gain clarity. Sometimes when we get caught up in our feelings we get detached from our logical minds. Sometimes we do the opposite and we get caught up in our logic. But both these options won't do. Try to find the middle. Try to talk to your emotional self. Imagine all of your depression as a person. Just a pure manifestation of your depression. Then try to answer this persons questions with all your love and wisdom! This will obviously not fix you, but it will help you find some clarity.

Edited by DefinitelyNotARobot

beep boop

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56 minutes ago, WhatAWondefulWorld said:

I dont know how much longer I can do this, I just want to be god infinitely loving himself already, can I just commit suicide or something and become god.

? No man your life is worth it ? You "just" gotta love yourself. That's why you are seeking God.

If you ever need to talk you can PM dude. 

Complete Liberation is the decision of the Creator to cut all kind of identification, including with the creation itself. With no entanglement of any kind towards anything, it can truly enjoy it and even dissolve completely if that is the wish. May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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1 hour ago, WhatAWondefulWorld said:

I dont know how much longer I can do this, I just want to be god infinitely loving himself already, can I just commit suicide or something and become god.

Imagine that you are your own guardian angel taking care of this body/shell. If you give up life, you give up on you. Your duty is to protect your body and fight no matter what. I always think about this when I'm having a hard time or feel weak and it does wonders... maybe it will help you too.


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@WhatAWondefulWorld It is a wonderful world. Full of wonder. I wonder why would anyone want to leave this world. 

Don't romanticize God. Don't imagine that God-realization will give you permanent bliss in which you can bathe for all eternity. 

The infinite perfect God lacks finitude. God is currently the envy of your current finite state. God wished to be born through you so that He could experience your finite life. Embrace your life and attempt to see the beauty of it. In your embrace, you will eventually find His.

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@WhatAWondefulWorld Liberation is not about this life ending, you could say one element of its potential is seeing that the already shitty life your convinced is shitty, is and never was how you were believing it to be.  You see it could be said that the beliefs systems that you don't see you are believing is what your experiencing, your not actually experiencing a shitty life, its just the beliefs and wrapped up reactions that create shitty, is whats playing itself out.

Now what good does me telling you this do for you in this shitty belief, perhaps not much, but perhaps its opened up a potential that may start a possible seeing into life differently.  But right, who am I, why should you believe me, how do I know, what are my qualifications?  Well, are you fed up enough to try something new?  Have you anything to lose?

So again, I'd say a good practical place to start, is REALLY let in the possibility that life is not shitty and you were mistaken.  Its unlikely that until you see and accept this possibility you will continue to be convinced by your current and constant assumption life is shitty and needs to be left to be happy.


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Self-Love is the short-cut, and all of this is counter-intuitive. We tend to think we can brut-force self-actualization, but it doesn't work like that. We must surrender all of that.

 Our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions manifest our reality. If you - 

3 hours ago, WhatAWondefulWorld said:

want to be god infinitely loving himself already

Then, Love all of it, and then create a vision for your life that you can Love. And then Love every step that God will lead you to manifest that reality. Asking this question on this forum is one of those steps. And we are God trying to help and guide you back to yourself. And we love you.

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Sounds like you just want to end the pain and discomfort of daily life

Stop wanting and start being

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