
Has anyone else had obvious direct experience of a UFO?

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Several months ago my brother and I had a legitimate, as direct as your hand right now, experience of a “UFO”, for lack of a better term.

This experience I would not call a sighting per say, rather it was as if the craft was presenting itself to us, letting us know of its existence. 

It took place amid a period in which my brother was experiencing a state of rather ecstatic heightened consciousness (I’m guessing some degree of random kundalini activation of sorts), saying things such as “humanity is ascending”....”there is a global awakening taking place” ... all with a sense of urgency like it could happen any instant. He was also able to project energy at the time, which at one point, he directed at the base of my spine, resulting in me feeling popping or releasing sensations in that area.(similar to the feelings you get when removing energy blockages in chakra points)  
Anyway, one night during this period he was rambling on, in the usual manner of transcendence talk, when he asked me out of the blue, do you want to see a UFO? Due to the state he was in and the fact that my mind was rather 
Open to the idea of the existence of such a thing, I followed him outside with no hesitation and without any doubt that we would actually see one. Sure enough within 5 seconds of walking outside, I was a able to pinpoint the first phenomena of that night, which happened to be a something moving at a constant rate, that was the same size as the apparent size of stars in the night sky. (I now see this phenomena often). This immediately sparked my interest to remain outside to look for more phenomena. So my brother and i,  still in his heightened state, sat down in our backyard, under the night sky, and waited for something else to show up, almost as if we “knew” there would be something... 
It wasn’t long before we experienced something extremely obvious and intimate. In a moment I will never forget, the entire skyline lit up twice, in quick succession (I interpret this now as “warning flashes”) which was followed directly by the entrance of a craft into our perceptual fields. The craft flew over us at a height of no more than 40-50m, allowing us to visibly see the shape and structure of it, about 20-30m diameter, pure white lights spaced evenly around its circumference with a pitch black centre. The craft was also spinning and made an accompanying noise that corresponded to the frequency of the spins, sounding like it was “craving” through the atmosphere. All in all we were witness to this craft fly directly over us, for about 10 seconds, before it disappeared into the tree line in the near horizon.

This experience was meet by the both of us with a deep sense of cathartic elation and utter excitement as we were now baptised in the knowledge that something is out there, whatever it/they may be. Our worlds had become vastly bigger within a period of seconds. I always knew there was something to bob lazar...

My questions now:

 How does one interpret such a fringe experience, and be able to integrate it whatsoever into “regular life”?
What can I do with this experience? 
Is there anyone else with similar, glaringly obvious encounters..and How do you interpret them?

my biggest dilemma is, should I be actively seeking to have more encounters... or should I simply be passive and wait until a certain critical mass of open mindedness and fear free people has been reached, that would enable wide spread disclosure. 

I’m expecting someone to say, if your open minded enough anything is possible. Right. However, I’m open minded to dragons.. so why a UFO and not a dragon. I’m thinking it must be the result of mass imagination finally manifested in this reality or  what ever is in control of that craft is actually prior to our preconceived imaginable  possibilities, and is more fundamental to global awakening.  

I don’t know how to progress with such a revelation. 

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I believe, If you consider theory of relativity, gravity, time travel and dilation, and space and time, we are them ancestors. They are the human beings, who could access speed of light. According to theory when you reach at speed of light, you can realize that past, present and future are happening at the same time. Alien technology has definitely something to with anti gravity, which is the theory of tesla. They are coming from future but they are our grandchildren's. 

Additionally, they look like human beings. They are highly intelligent than us and communicate with the telepathy, which is possible even as a human being (me and my ex gr did it when we were on shrooms lol). Look at homo sapiens and us. 

Alan watts says that homo sapiens ate shrooms thats how they transformed themselves. And look at us, shrooms changed my life (I couldn’t expend my brain in a 10 life time as shrooms did in 1 month).

Additionally, i had a direct experience with your profile picture. Lol


Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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29 minutes ago, James123 said:

I believe, If you consider theory of relativity, gravity, time travel and dilation, and space and time, we are them ancestors. They are the human beings, who could access speed of light. According to theory when you reach at speed of light, you can realize that past, present and future are happening at the same time. Alien technology has definitely something to with anti gravity, which is the theory of tesla. They are coming from future but they are our grandchildren's.

Interesting theory, I've been thinking about this in the last time. But don't you think that there could be other lifeforms evolved on other planets who could be more advanced than us and are able to visit us? And if so, it is possible that they could be able to understand human emotions, or have the same perceptions on space time?

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@samedm9 Very interesting!

  • can you paint what you saw? 
  • Did it Look like a physical object or like a hallucination manifesting in Front of you? 
  • Why Did your brother know that there will show up an UFO? What is his explanation for this
  • Were you and your brother complete sober while this ufo came aroud? Your brother could manifest it for you to see
Edited by OBEler

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35 minutes ago, Member said:

But don't you think that there could be other lifeforms evolved on other planets who could be more advanced than us and are able to visit us?

Thats the reason why i am saying that they are us, who find access to speed of light, which makes it possible to go to other dimensions,  and to live in the same world as us but they are just coming from future. 

39 minutes ago, Member said:

And if so, it is possible that they could be able to understand human emotions, or have the same perceptions on space time?

If they are us, definitely they know %100 percent about emotions or theories. Because they are our advanced model. They are just analyzing us, how we do for homo sapiens. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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2 hours ago, samedm9 said:

How does one interpret such a fringe experience, and be able to integrate it whatsoever into “regular life”?

It can not be integrated into regular life because this is stating a duality and then asking how there isn’t a duality.

2 hours ago, samedm9 said:

What can I do with this experience? 

Anything you want, though you will know alignment and or discord in any case. 

2 hours ago, samedm9 said:

Is there anyone else with similar, glaringly obvious encounters..and How do you interpret them?

No there is not. The experience is you and is for you. Relish in it. It is a wonderfull gift. You can interpret however you like, but interpretation simultaneously reinforces the identity, and it was in the reduction of the beliefs in identity in which the experience was possible. 



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Holy cow.

My man, I don't mean to take the pee out of that amazing story... but I'll have whatever you guys were having that night. Heh!

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  • Veeery physical, as if a regular plane flying low over head.
  • My brother has since come out of this state.(I can only describe it is either spiritual psychosis, or something to do with kundalini activation). He had been in this state for a few weeks prior to the encounter, it was not a “one night” incident. Anyway having returned to regular consciousness, he does remember saying “do you want to see a UFO?”, But he has no idea how or why he suggested it at the time.
  • We were completely sober. Apart from the fact that he was in the middle of a prolonged period of ecstatic consciousness, which I believe has something to do with kundalini but I really have no idea.


closest approximation I could find, minus top part as we couldn’t see it

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Has your brother seen these sightings high up in the sky for a long time and has it subsided or still continue?

Did you see something other than the craft, like something happening in or around your body? 

I have an interconnectedness with one particular craft and race so I just feel when they are around, so I understand your brother when he said: "want to look at a UFO?" and he knew that it was there.  Although I do not get amazed by this any longer as it has become everyday life for me now and more and more people are having these experiences. 

It seemed a little dramatic or was it just how you reacted to it or did they do something that caused fear or did it feel amazing? 

If you can answer, in what country did this happen? 

“ In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. ”
― Shunryu Suzuki

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17 minutes ago, Zanoni said:

Has your brother seen these sightings high up in the sky for a long time and has it subsided or still continue?

this particular night I speak of was the first night either of us had seen any such phenomena before. In the days following the main sighting, him and I would go out every night to attempt to see, or as we felt, for them to show themselves. In these days we saw Many phenomena; extremely rapidly moving orbs that make impossible turns, arcs of light, groupings of 3 orbs that move together...and the most common one, which I still see nearly every single time I look at the sky at this point, objects that appear simply as moving stars, that move at a constant rate. I must say that I have not made a significant effort to look at the night sky In recent times, mostly due to the fact that it’s rather time consuming, and, i a have sort of resigned to a sense of satisfaction in the fact that I know I have already seen one. 

Did you see something other than the craft, like something happening in or around your body? 

Nothing of note.

It seemed a little dramatic or was it just how you reacted to it or did they do something that caused fear or did it feel amazing? 

Man, it was easily one of the most breathtakingly profound experiences in my life. I remember My brother and I just look at eachother and begin to laugh and smile in absolute joy as the craft was making off in to the near horizon.(keep in mind this thing was very close. Unlike your typical sighting report. What we saw was very intimate) We would never be the same. I remember feeling a deep sense of elation mixed with adrenaline in the moments after, no longer was I captive to speculation, theory And conjecture about UFOs..ect. 
I now KNOW there is something other worldly
right here within our realm and it is a very liberating feeling indeed.
I would imagine a similar feeling would incur if a child would happen to see Santa Claus fly off from the roof of their house, in full detail and  glory. Just utter awe.
And utterly humbling.

If you can answer, in what country did this happen? 



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@samedm9 Wow, sounds fantastic! I am glad this happened to you and your brother and that you are solidly aware of this phenomenon now. They can be great spiritual guides too, as they are able to do things beyond our comprehension.


Personally i think you have been contacted and guided telepathically by one of the advanced and benevolent E:T. species. It could be the SSP ( secret space program) people, but i doubt if they can produce any spiritual phenomenon to other beings . I think the impersonal divine self authorized and allowed it to happen to you. One reason is the awakening happening, as there are plenty cosmic energies hitting the planet. As with that, disclosure of our cosmic neighborhood will happen and humanity needs to be prepared for it. So they are showing up for those who are ready in order to prepare the collective consciousnesses. As we are all interconnected, your and your brother experience is added to the whole, and when enough contacts have happened and the threshold is overrun, then they will appear to us all. You or/and your brother could have a pre-birth agreement with them but are not aware of it, cause it would take years to remember. See if anything more happens in the future, anything unusual, as i do not think this would be the first and last time. It is just my opinion but still, be more vigilant in case.

Edit: sorry man, got overcreative, just skip rambling written above. 

In the saying "something moving at a constant rate, that was the same size as the apparent size of stars in the night sky. (I now see this phenomena often). "

Was it lit like a star and moved as slowly like a plane? It can be a plane, satellite or a  "ufo cruising around".

The only way i know it is from a E.T. is that it ignites itself and or blinks with its light in the sky and manifest white astral looking stripes around my body. These stripes mean by the mediums as "the angels are with you" and probably they are in a sense angels too. Did you see any ignition or blink? Have you seen more of it?

Logan Paul did have a experience that look precisely what i am trying to explain and have seen. Although i am not saying it is a E.T. but he had talked with Steven Greer on the CE5 topic before, so it could be ;).

(put down the volume, it is loud)




Did the craft look anything like this? (photo from a website of a  pleiadian contactee)



Edited by Zanoni

“ In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. ”
― Shunryu Suzuki

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"groupings of 3 orbs that move together...and the most common one, which I still see nearly every single time I look at the sky at this point, objects that appear simply as moving stars, that move at a constant rate." 

These are normal planes with a Light. Also 3 orbs that move together are 3 lights on a plane. No UFO here

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ugh. So dismissive mate.

you serve no purpose but to deepen your own disbelief.

Im not an absolute fool, that would simply mistake a plane for something astonishing. (Facepalm)

What I saw was..three orbs, that are grouped, but also moving about within the space of their grouping. There was no structure involved, simply three seperate orbs. They were also witnessed CLOSE by, approximately 50m, and happened to be dead silent... yeah a plane matey.
If it were a plane the “lights” would’ve been stationary upon a clear structure, not moving about. Would’ve also given off Noise... 

(i also forget to mention, perhaps something of importance in the case of having to explain myself to you. The three orbs vanished into thin air after travelling a short distance. Yet another typical occurrence that can be attributed to your “it’s a plane”.)

Check yourself. Don’t be a presumptuous wise guy.

clearly you missed entirely the mentioned, “more obvious” encounter, where I actually saw the structure of a typical saucer shaped craft. I didn’t simply “get a glimpse” or see something I’m not certain about but Think it could be something... this isn’t hopeful fantasy. 
Like I said, I saw this particular thing, Very intimately. 

Edited by samedm9

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In 2004 I was camping in the deserts of Eastern Washington with my GF. Clear skys, all the stars were out. We saw about six UFOs in the sky throughout the night. Erratic movements. Sometimes they would stay still for 10-15 minutes, then would shoot across they sky in a second. We spent all night watching them. The next day in the local paper there was a story about others seeing them too. 

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10 hours ago, Zanoni said:



Personally i think you have been contacted and guided telepathically...

this was my intuition all along, but I really have no idea. 
I theorise that the state my brother was in, ( like i said, what would appear to most as sudden “spiritual psychosis”, schizophrenic like behaviour) leading up to and a bit after the encounter, was tied to the actual witnessing of the craft. It would seem rather coincidental to suggest otherwise imo.

Did you see any ignition or blink? Have you seen more of it?

On one particular occasion, I did see one of these “moving stars” pulse light. 
I Often see several of them in sky at once. Typically just one though. 



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@samedm9 Had seen this blinking / astral stripe phenomenon more than I can remember, probably over 100 times. I think some beings have been scounting the earth or something, idk. 

Usually people are very skeptical in what they see but for you it seems that it did stick and positively changed you. I am happy for you both and wish others to have this firm realization. 

Edited by Zanoni

“ In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. ”
― Shunryu Suzuki

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Were you two high on psychedelics?

one day this will all be memories

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@samedm9 Ok sorry for this, but that constantly moving light sounds really like an Airplane with light.

I believe your report. It sound credible and therefore my worldview has changed. Genetic modification of human and animal races through aliens also sounds interesting. Also the question arises, what to do now with this information. Maybe there is a method to have contakt with them. The story with your brother  indicates that there was a communication between the ufo and him was going on.



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2 hours ago, OBEler said:

Maybe there is a method to have contakt with them.



Watch Dr. Steven Greer’s new documentary: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind.  It just came out in April and it will blow your mind.

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we we’re completely sober, In terms of being under the influence of a substance. 
Although as mentioned, my brother had been going through a weird and hard to explain period, of what I believe to be some degree of kundalini activation. But tbh I really don’t know what it he was truely going through, neither does he.

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