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I chose to fight for my ego to love and accept my ego not change or manipulate my ego

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Ego is just good and fine and perfect the way it is.

Why seek to discard it? Let go of your desire to let go the ego.

The act of desire is ego.

Thought is the expression of desire.

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well of course the ego wants to survive. 


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@Peter124 You are the ego and neither is real.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Ego is a shorthand word for our survival instinct, relative to what we identify with.  

@Peter124: "to love and accept my ego not change or manipulate my ego
Well yes, of course do that if you feel it's right: and do it mindfully with awareness to really investigate the truth. For example, what does the phrase 'my ego' mean to you? Who is me who has your ego, or is that just a figure of speech with no meaning, is me the same thing as my ego or something else? 

Edited by silene

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23 hours ago, Peter124 said:

Ego is just good and fine and perfect the way it is.

Why seek to discard it? Let go of your desire to let go the ego.

The act of desire is ego.

Thought is the expression of desire.

Love yourself and accept yourself fully.  You are perfect just as you are in this present moment.  Notice that there are elements of the ego that may cause you suffering as it strives for something to attain "behind the scenes" stemmed from survival instinct.   As you grow, experience, and become more conscious, this suffering can in fact further elevate consciousness which will then level off your selfishness into honesty, Truth, and Love..   That is when awakening dawns.  Leading to a liberation from all suffering.




Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Being is love. Release every aspect of yourself you're holding back into Being as a loving surrender.

And indeed we are here to honour every damn nasty emotion that comes up. We salute it as the perfection that it is and stop lying to it by distancing from it (like owning the emotions, "my" emotions)

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